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ranking best player chf - Forum

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ranking best player chf
vexxopsDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 7:06 PM | Message # 1
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write 3, 2 and 1 point with your opinions about the best player on chf

my rank is this:

3 points to OSETINAS ( i never see best player than he, has 12981290 different skills and did a very very nice games without team )
2 points to OLLANTA ( i dont know so much this player, but i like a few games with him or vs him, he is so pro and never cry when he loses and play without stacks very good )
1 point to HUSTLE_XX ( he has bad conection like me and he is a very good player, always stacked but i think he is very good and did good some games alone too )

my team what i like:

DAN-, VENOM61 and OGES, i see a few games this team but i like so much the combo of 3

negative points:

-3 points to SPARK. ( he always talk shit when he lose, excuses, etc, and when he win in stacked team vs u alone, talk shit and shit, he fucked me a few times with 6v6 late when he was losing )
-2 points to gigasus91 ( same of spark. )
-1 point to niceveryfastxd ( if no stacked and play 1v1 always left the game in 5-10 min... )

uranos the big shit ever seen in this game haha

sry for my english...


Message edited by vexxops - Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 7:12 PM
FirNesSDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 7:34 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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currently QQing because I'm not top 3

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 7:42 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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My rank of top 3:

3 points to beginners who randomly post these stuffs
2 points to veteran-wanna-bes who constantly claim 'ME #1 KING OF KINGS!'
1 points to QQers 

I'm QQing too ;(

vexxopsDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 7:59 PM | Message # 4
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I think im not a beginner and this is a fun post, if u dont want write ur rank dont write at this post but dont write shit pls, accreate i know who u are, and u losed 2 times vs me and my team in 1 tour, then dont talk me beginner ok?

BajsHoranDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 8:26 PM | Message # 5
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I think this  is a good point. Havent been a ranking one in a while. And if it stir some drama its only good smile

Im Gonna make 2 lists. 1 all time and 1 last year. the last year one might not be on point cause i didnt play much.
 Here we go.

ALl time

1. Footy R3Born
2. Cou
3. sadly Roystom

this year.

1. 500-
2. dan-
3. venom.

Shoutout to soloplayers. Osetnias gondaik and me ( ecepxt i cant beat anyone no more ) etc. Love ur style...

I wont get any any minus to anyone in this trhead better to upvote.

Added (09-Jan-2017, 8:20 PM)
and 2 points to accreate... whos acutally really good when he tries once a year smile

Added (09-Jan-2017, 8:26 PM)
But ur - points i cant agree... Niceveryfast and venom was very bad 1-2 years ago they keep play and both are very strong players now. We talk  a lot of shit in gamer before... But surely they both rape me easy now... So respect to them.

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 9:19 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Hmm, I guess for my all time top 3:

1.) F00ty_R3Born. His name itself is 'footy'. This should be obvious. I knew him when he first started but boy did he get good REALLY fast.
Why he deserves rank 1? Out of all of CHF players I have ever encountered, this guy has the fastest instincts and the highest potential for multitasking. That's quite a feat you know. Not everyone has those skills.

2.9.) SOUNDWAVES. I'm sure there's a lot of QQ history between him/me/bikiniandpunani/nihob/67uo and xmonster/life/cheesy_gordia/cyray
Why he deserves rank 2? In his prime, his grouping with his units and movements were good. Of course over time (as he got more and more detached from 1v1 ladder, he started to rust out near the end but his prime is also worth mentioning)
For SOUNDWAVES, I must add in his early 'prime' days, he was really really good. Over time though, I would also put him in rank 3. So meh. A toss up there~

3.) QQers. But seriously, from here it's really hard to rank. Cyray at prime was just as good as Cou in prime. Some mexican (spanish speakers*) players were really good in their primes. I never seen Roystorm really play due to different time zones and the only times I did see him play with Yeferzon, he ended up losing with mass pool d arrow each time. Also, considering I beat him in FFA twice (smurfed) and his micro in fights were pretty bad, I don't have any positive experiences with his play.
There's also then J.ST4x in his prime. He pretty much carried 'tDt team' in its later years. Of course, there's then also Cheesy_Gordia who in prime was really good too. Then there's TheFallenOne who got famous mostly because of abusing broken strats (his micro and all was subpar but he was the reason why golems got nerfed so damn hard). There's also players like Principe. Meh. Oh ya, Lizz [Star]also had good micro but never really gave a crap about going imba builds so hard to rank that player also...
Oh, and don't forget me smile when I'm not lazy and Bajshoran and Firness and Shinkirou and the rest too. Seriously, meh.

Honestly, outside rank 1 (F00ty_r3b0rn), the rest in prime seems to be of similar levels.
That said, since I am an arrogant player:
The player that knew the game most in and out:
1. RosarioVampire2
I found way too many glitches in this game. Some of which I told Bond. Some of which Bond to this day knows but doesn't care.
Why wouldn't you want to know how to get infinite donation without cd. Infinite mindrape. Infinite force field. Giving level 6 auras to infernal level 3. Invulnerable towers. Hero and units out of the map. Hero floating on top of the map.  Dispelling the crap out of Bill K once he does his first ultimate. etc etc.
Many bugs have been found by me throughout chf history. Oh and ofc, the beautiful ability to have 4 spells... in chf and an ultimate :P
<and ofc, infinite heroes (credits to FallenOne who wasted his life finding this), and auto dc, and auto win :P>
2. Bond009
He created the game. I'm sure game wise, he knows most (unparalleled). Just that the game mechanics that is useful in-game, I know more.
3. Meh.
I don't think anyone ever really wasted hundreds of hours trying to find tiny holes in the game just for the sake of it. So meh.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 9:39 PM
BajsHoranDate: Monday, 09-Jan-2017, 11:14 PM | Message # 7
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Yeah noboy knows how to buy wizzar for billl.. Big secret smile But ur right.. Sounwaves desveres a slot.. He Was very stron and nice guy to smile

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
khan_meDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 2:18 AM | Message # 8
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1 point to HUSTLE_XX ( he has bad conection like me and he is a very good player, always stacked but i think he is very good and did good some games alone too )
lol hes not just good in team hes one of the best players he knows each and everything of chf he can play anything golems , micro , aoe , hk etc.. for me hes the best player and i really like venom61 and niceveryfastxd play also

I think I best player in the world ty np )()()()()()()()(

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FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 11:17 AM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Anyway what I have to say is that a lot of people estimated the skill of other players taking in consideration their popularity around the community. My point is that in my prime I did defeat TDT, FTL and all the best players quoted above, but no one ever considered me top 10 because at this time I had very few "influent" friends. I'm taking myself as an example but it's only to make you understand that it's a question of point of view. If you take TDT guys they were all very good at the game but none of them ever played solo nor showed any incredible skill, people talked about them because they kinda ruled together as they were used to play together like all the time (and they were still pretty good obviously, just never top 3 players to my mind, even Cyray who was the best of the team). Same for FTL guys. It's only a matter of point of view. But lemme tell you that some players you never suspected to be good might actually have been top 10 for a while without anyone being aware of it. I don't know if I am very clear lol

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 11:32 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Personally, I think I'm like top 3 material in my prime.
But meh. That would sound arrogant so I'm a QQ-er.

And all I have to say is, I have never met another CHF player who has reactions to that of F00ty_R3b0rn.
Rest, in prime, debatable.
Many good players were really good at certain points of their chf career.

Also, beating someone does not imply you are better. CHF has too many luck factors.
My consideration of 'better player' in CHF is:
1. Better multi-tasker
2. Better reaction player
3. Solid knowledge of the game itself
4. Lots of experience
Rest are trivial. Golemming? I did that fine after 0 games of practice. It's a complete joke compared to ladder micro.
'Micro'? CHF? Does not go together. Lol

In terms of best multi-tasker, I guess that would also be me. Unfortunately, some players get rather mad at me for touching their heroes. Not my fault I can see the whole map while also checking my hero T_T. I can't help it :/
In terms of best reaction player, that would go to F00ty_R3b0rn. I don't think I have ever seen a better reaction (in terms of instinct) than this guy. Probably because of his username to be honest.
In terms of most knowledge of the game, that would be me 'and I honestly don't care if I sound douchy cause I did find heck a lot of glitches and bugs in this game'
In terms of experience, I'm sure any solid player who played over 500+ chf games has it. So meh in this category

Anyways, what I'm trying to get here is this: I'm just bragging now :P

That said, I'm a good 'solo' chf player. I honestly dgaf about allies during game so that also goes to F00ty_R3b0rn.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 11:36 AM
Kaelth_Date: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 1:09 PM | Message # 11
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the bets remember : [-FTL-]Roystom - [-FTL-]Yeferson [-FTL-]Leandro

• leandryiuz •
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 1:20 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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There is not one "best CHF player" in my opinion. Of couse FTL Roystom, Cou, Soundwaves or F00ty R3b0rn are legendary players but there is so many players with same skills (or maybe better) who can beat them. I didnt see anyone mention player "SylleLeBelle_FR" but he was great golem player and he won 1v1 vs Cou or F00ty (micro vs micro). Ramiel and IronWoman are also great players and they beat Roystom but of course Roystom beat them many times too. Dan and DevilsRebel are great tech players who brought 5.4 style into CHF game. Vetealamierda is great hero killer and Gondiak or Osetinas are good solo aoe players etc. 

I will mention players who are best CHF players (by skills) and who can beat each other:

Roystom, JST4X, Cou, F00ty R3b0rn, Soundwaves, Ramiel, Venom, Dan, DevilsRebel, SylleLeBelle_FR, Yane, HustleXX, Vetealamierda, IronWoman

good players (but not pro) Osetinas, Gondiak, Firness, Shinkirou, Katriel, Kietrivers, Cyray,  Cheesy-Gordia, Frungy, Gigasus
FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 1:26 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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wait what is shinkirou doing on that list? dude he was nice but he sucked lol
anyway, once again, we're talking about point of views, before saying tops people don't really watch games of the people they name, they're only making their mind on a few games they've seen, which isn't really relevant

l3lackownageDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 1:53 PM | Message # 14
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the list is total BS. its just opinions like u said. still kindof interesting though
BajsHoranDate: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 4:54 PM | Message # 15
Group: Game Mod
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give is  ur list bo. spark bo fellow? lol

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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