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Status Update - Page 4 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Status Update
Bio-AssAUltDate: Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:19 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
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Hello All,

As you're well aware the bots have been down for 2+ months again. Bond and I had lengthy discussions tonight resulting in the decision to start over again. (Neither one of us even know who owns the current bots so we have no other options.)

Additionally, LunaGhost (our hosting provider) notified bond 2 months ago that there was an irreversible error now caused by the bnet update effecting all Luna bots. Therefore, they intended on shutting down Luna. I am not sure if this did in fact happen, but none the less it just reinforces our decision to transfer the bots.

I am working with a new hosting provider to restore the bots ASAP. The bots will operate the same as always with the exception of a new type of stats page, BanCP, the usual redirect bots on each realm and no more ELO system. (sorry but we are not going through all that)

If you want something done and you want it done right... do it yourself.  sleep 

Will keep you all apprised.

Message edited by Bio-AssAUlt - Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:22 PM
Bio-AssAUltDate: Sunday, 24-Dec-2017, 7:02 AM | Message # 46
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
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Reputation: 603
Status: Offline
Yeah it’s been figured out, the problem is Fayven (original coder for ENT) has a personal relationship with us from before we let them take over WC3 when we had BlinkGaming and he has now retired. He also ran Luna, and apparently no one was found competent enough for him to turn the reigns over to which is why he shut it down when all the issues hit with WC3 mass banning accounts and keys, he had clearly had enough at that point. I’m back in contact with my ex-partner at BlinkGaming and we’re discussing options now although he has stepped out of this game as well. He still has all of our working CD-Keys, bot builds, ELO system coding, etc. Bond has a server to put it on so now I’m just working on gathering all necessary coding and waiting for Bond to get back to me about any other repositories he needs that I haven’t given him access to thus far.
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 24-Dec-2017, 7:59 AM | Message # 47
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
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I kinda knew it, I was suprised that you and dollar could find an agreement. People don't understand that you can't deal with bans without real admins and a forum like this. I guess that money thinking is even worse than dick thinking

OttoJDate: Friday, 29-Dec-2017, 6:53 PM | Message # 48
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 201
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Status: Offline
this will be interesting. I don't mind you trying again Bio, but what dollar has now is better than nothing. I will stay tuned and see.

OttoJ, The Old Man
I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
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