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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
Firness - Game moderator application
FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 9:52 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
WC3 Username (list any and all aliases):
Answer: FirNesS (Have 2 aliases but rarely use them, "L3L" and "PulsedStalker")

Realms Played On:
Answer: US East

Your real name:
Answer: Thibault Paris

Your age:
Answer: 17

Your date of birth:
Answer: 14/11/1997

Country you live in:
Answer: France

Please tell us more about you (in good detail):
Answer: Well, I'm a brown eyed and brown haired teenager leaving in Paris. I'm graduating next year, I have exams in June. I'm a social guy, I mean I'm not a geek or a nerd or anything, I'm more likely to hang out with friends rather than playing on my computer, though I do still find quite many time to play, especially during the week after school or on weekends. Dunno what to say either way. In real life I'm kinda crazy, I'd probably sound weird to you, but well, people say I'm funny. Otherwise I play basketball and I play the guitar, I'm singing as well, pretty well I would say for being honest. That's it for me. smile

What is your availability to be online:
Answer: I play almost everyday after school in the afternoon between 5-6 pm and 8 pm (I'm GMT +1), but well I don't always play wc3, I do also play LoL. Let's say that I'll play both half of the time. On weekends it's very changing, sometimes I'll play a lot, sometimes not at all, can't really tell you.

Relevant experience in a position like this:
Answer: I'm a fair person. In any case I'm doing my utmost to be objective, I'm not impulsive at all.

Any administration/moderation experience?
Answer: I've been admin on CHF for a very long time now, about 4-5 years, though I've been quite inactive (I did only play like 2,5 years of this time). I'm also a clan chieftain on an online game, so I do know what managing people is. In this game I did create my clan on my own, and basically I was alone, but we're now one of the heads clans, so I think I did pretty well. Apart from that, I did also help Assasin_West to moderate the old UCW forum and I was head admin on all his bots.

Do you have Teamspeak 3; have you ever used it?
Answer: Of course, I'm using it sometimes, especially for LoL tournaments.

What are your current CHF stats on all accounts:
Answer: CHF games:123CHF W/L:110/13 (89.43% CHF score:1612.34 (53)Playing time:57.92 hoursPlus some over games on my east account, but most of them are not mine on this realm for now, cause I got spoofed when I was inactive, and just got my account back.
CHF games:13CHF W/L:11/2 (84.62%

But well, I'm an old chf player, I did play over 20x times this amount of games lol.

Have you been a CHF Bot Admin previously? If so, how and when did you lose it?
Answer: Said it before, I was admin since bondbot was still hosting chf games, about 5 years ago, maybe even 6, at the time when I was playing with "GoD_FiRe.". After that I was admin the whole time, on any bot that was handled by HPMM. I did lose it once when I changed from GodFire to Firness, and then I did lose admin because of the purge.

Have you applied for this position before? If so, when? If denied, why?
Answer: Well, not really. Bond and Cou have kinda always trusted me, so that I had just to ask them on WC3 to make me admin. I don't think I've ever been reported for abusing of my admin. It did happen to me to swap a bit abusively, like to stack my team, but it was before elo existed and it was way too long ago, I was young. People didn't know it, but when I started playing chf I was 10-11 years old lol.

How can you benefit this community if given moderator status?
Answer: Maybe I wouldn't be the most involved admin, but as I said previously I would probably be the most fair. I commit to report here and to Cou/Random/Bio all the abusers I'd meet in game, from the flamer to the map hacker.

Your closing statement:
Answer: I'd just add that I don't care about elo anymore. I used to, when it was just released and when I was ranked first, but now as a proof I did move from West to East to play with my friends, though my elo was 10 times better on West. Now I'm just playing for fun, I don't care losing anymore. Ask anyone, in my last games, I was insulted by quite many players (pubs only) because I was beating them, and the only I said to them was something like "Why are you being so rude? Can't you just say Gg well played and admit your lose? You'll beat me an other day". Of course, it didn't really work, because these guys were somehow retarded, but still, I'm trying. I'd like this game to be more likely and convivial to play, it's way too filled of flame and drama.

Do you confirm that all information given in this application is 100% true and non-misleading?
Answer: Yes, I do. I just told the whole truth. I'd like to be admin to try to improve this community, and to help people ingame who wanna play with their friends, even if I have to play 1v3. But anyway it will also happen in the other way, I might sometimes be playing stacked against pubs, like I did yesterday. But whenever I'll see decent/pro players that I'll know, I'll try to make the most fair team I can, or at least to satisfy these guys.

That's it for me. Call me if you have any question.

Message edited by FirNesS - Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 9:53 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 10:07 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
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Personally I respect you andthink you would be a great one but like me and others ..
you aren't even active LOL

who I really nominate is
This guy will watch every replay out there in game
and scrutinize each one

And he matured too
#1 Adam_CZ
for the win xD

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 10:14 AM | Message # 3
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1639
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hey guys this human is good i support him smile

Added (06-Jan-2015, 10:14 AM)

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
#1 Adam_CZ for the win xD
me too make adam root :P

FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 10:37 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
you aren't even active LOL
I'm seriously planning to be active again. wink

Added (06-Jan-2015, 10:37 AM)
Thank you guys

serfeanberfanDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 4:15 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
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i think this boy is ok for admin
ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015, 6:50 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
Reputation: 2723
Status: Offline
Quote FirNesS ()
Answer: I'm a fair person. In any case I'm doing my utmost to be objective, I'm not impulsive at all.

naaah, example in b3p thread, he just backed him because he was also a french speaker and had no prior experience playing with or against b3p. attempting to seem mature/civil, yet belittles others, trash talking al_gi and roy, -rep members(really mature, may i add...)

if he stops being a dbag and accepts the internet for what it is, then perhaps. otherwise, i see many unnecessary bans to come.
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 0:24 AM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Quote ic3dt3a ()
naaah, example in b3p thread, he just backed him because he was also a french speaker and had no prior experience playing with or against b3p.
You did never really read my messages. I defended him because we had been talking for a long time and because he sweared to me that he was more or less innocent.

Quote ic3dt3a ()
trash talking al_gi
I did NEVER insult AL GI. Every time he did tell a personal attack, I answered to him politely. I don't even know what you're talking about. It's just like full bullshit.
Quote ic3dt3a ()
and roy
In the past he's always been the first one attacking me.

Quote ic3dt3a ()
-rep members(really mature, may i add...)
I -repped AL GI and MrBlack007 because they both did it to me first. Then yes I did -rep you, because you just deserved it.

Quote ic3dt3a ()
i see many unnecessary bans to come.
The whole time I was admin, I may have banned around 5 people, in 6 years. 

So now. What about if you stop saying bullshit and you accept the reality. You do hate me, we all know that, but it's not a reason to lie about me and to minus my chances of becoming admin again when you have no reason to. You say that I'm a douche but you've always been the one using personal attacks and insulting me, when I did never answer to you in a rude way (at least recently). Just gtfo, you are allowed to give your opinion but not to say full bullshit. This is the perfect example of someone being subjective all the time, and this is why I said that I was trying to be objective.

BajsHoranDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 1:15 AM | Message # 8
Group: Game Mod
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wow firness is 17 ?? i thought u where older cause u been here forever and just seems older the way u talk biggrin anyway . very nice english for a frenchie I learn only little french from remy  gallard  and this nice woman...

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
lotrrotkDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 3:34 AM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
Group: Game Mod
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I support this candidate because he is an old player who again has more experience and know how of chf than the new guy

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 6:12 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
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Quote BajsHoran ()
wow firness is 17 ?? i thought u where older cause u been here forever and just seems older the way u talk anyway . very nice english for a frenchie
Yeah ahah, I know that feeling. Let's say that it's been a year that I did really grow up mentally and that I've become way more mature. It's a bit weird, but my English is good thanks to chf actually, thanks to this forum, as I've always been trying my best to write correctly. smile

Quote lotrrotk ()
I support this candidate because he is an old player who again has more experience and know how of chf than the new guy
Thanks, appreciate this recognition

AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 7:33 AM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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Quote FirNesS ()
I -repped AL GI and MrBlack007 because they both did it to me first. Then yes I did -rep you, because you just deserved it.

You did first, but anyway idc

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 7:44 AM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Oh yeah you're right, my bad, I did -rep you first. But you deserved it so much that it doesn't really matter anyway!

Added (07-Jan-2015, 7:44 AM)
(when I said you were the first I really thought so, didn't mean to lie, just my bad)

ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 07-Jan-2015, 5:50 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
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Quote FirNesS ()
You did never really read my messages. I defended him because we had been talking for a long time and because he sweared to me that he was more or less innocent.

you immediately decided to step up for b3p because you are french; you completely ignored bio's side of the story.

Quote FirNesS ()
In the past he's always been the first one attacking me.

this is an example of you contradicting yourself, you would not accept people's stories of past experiences with b3p but then in turn use it yourself to shit talk roy.

Quote FirNesS ()
So now. What about if you stop saying bullshit and you accept the reality. You do hate me, we all know that, but it's not a reason to lie about me and to minus my chances of becoming admin again when you have no reason to. You say that I'm a douche but you've always been the one using personal attacks and insulting me, when I did never answer to you in a rude way (at least recently). Just gtfo, you are allowed to give your opinion but not to say full bullshit. This is the perfect example of someone being subjective all the time, and this is why I said that I was trying to be objective.

i despise people who attempt to belittle others after swapping sides/deciding to change the way their character comes across. just because you are typing in a proper format does not make you right, you use this in an attempts to argue with people and type paragraphs(which most people will decide not to read) for it is just ramblings that are unnecessary. you constantly refer to "personal attacks" and attempting to appear as a victim, it's annoying, stop being emo dude. . .
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 11:15 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Could you please ask this guy to stop posting here? I don't want any of his messages.

Added (11-Jan-2015, 11:15 AM)

13eastynlDate: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 11:34 AM | Message # 15
Group: Users
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i say +1 becous even when he was retired was still on forum
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