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Admin Abuser: RivaL.ShowtimE - Page 3 - Forum

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Admin Abuser: RivaL.ShowtimE
AllstarJonesDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 5:38 PM | Message # 31
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Lol jokes haha LOT what about me one of the oldest active players, but Uhmm how about we chill out I don't see anything wrong here, but I'm gonna take rivals side here, cuz I was placed in this spot and it's everyone against him, just settle down and go ban the map hackers, there's a lot of em

Added (18-Oct-2015, 5:38 PM)
I also ask for you "Mods" to stop if u guys wish to prove a point talk to them in private, it's your jobs your suppose to be more mature about and not chirp back take criticism in a good way and make shit happen so just drop the subject, there's racist shit here and I'm not reading the full thing because I know you guys are just Rambling on and everyone of us commenting here made a mistake get over it,

Often imitated Never Duplicated
lotrrotkDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 5:59 PM | Message # 32
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Quote AllstarJones ()
it's your jobs your suppose to be more mature about and not chirp back take criticism
Game mods not forum mods
Besides you didn't even read all of our posts  happy
Quote AllstarJones ()
Lol jokes haha LOT what about me one of the oldest active players
Yes how could I forget you  sleep

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 8:34 PM | Message # 33
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Quote AllstarJones ()
Lol jokes haha LOT what about me one of the oldest active players
I think he means "oldest active players" as players who existed pretty much since the version 1s.
I don't recall you being there during that time. That said, could be cause of short term memory cause this game has been going on forever and my memory is a bit failing at times.
I have been in CHF since around version 1.9 (maybe 1.8). I might have been playing much earlier but then again, I don't think I actually decided to look for CHF games (I did not know about adding bots until 3.4ish) until then.
Cheesy has been in CHF since around version 1.7 if not earlier.
I think that's what Lotrrotk is referring to when he says oldest active players since very few players have been playing since the pre-historic CHF. Back in those days when cosmic fall ultimate was considered the best spell in game and SSD was actually loved by everyone since people thought the regular footmen frenzy level pazing was too slow.

That said,
Quote AllstarJones ()
but I'm gonna take rivals side here, cuz I was placed in this spot and it's everyone against him
Yea. Because of this, I'm currently overlooking the fact that Rival has been falsely accusing me as a racist.
I remember back in those days when my attitude in chf forum was pretty immature.
That said, I do believe this guy should be better served having lost his admin powers temporarily since he did indeed abuse it (and now reported in two different posts overall)

Anyhow, sup AllStarJones. Long time no see on forums :3

CouDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 4:03 AM | Message # 34
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Guys chill out please. You guys always go on a witch hunt when there's a new admin on board, especially if its donation. His goal isn't to abuse or cheat his way to the top but rather enjoy most of what he can in chf. I can't imagine him muting rosa out of no-where as I know what Rosa's like and starts instigations. I havent read the full story as im finding out what's happening anyway from his side of the story first then I'll piece on here what's going on.

Of course he's going to sound upset since you guys are going gank squad on him. So just lay off him until I know what's happening.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 4:20 AM | Message # 35
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Cheesy has been in CHF since around version 1.7 if not earlier.
Sorry I saw my name. It's like an incantation to summon me. What's going on?

1) there's screenshots
2) why mute? (didn't see a reason explaining)
3) don't swap just because your friends have autistic typing speed/clicking speed. You only swap when both sides of the party approve.

Added (19-Oct-2015, 4:20 AM)
Plus you've been given alot of chances and you're just kind of f'in up at every turn. It means something gotta change xD.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Dan-Date: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 4:36 AM | Message # 36
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pubs stop talk.. better go play 

Message edited by Dan- - Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 4:38 AM
AllstarJonesDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 5:29 AM | Message # 37
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I've been around since I was 9-10 I'm 19 on February 18th can do the math, but agreed with Dan for once, let's go on playing, if u got beef take it out in a game

Often imitated Never Duplicated
lotrrotkDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 5:48 AM | Message # 38
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
2) why mute? (didn't see a reason explaining)
Rosa trolled with him in a match before he got admin, he was just taking revenge
Rosa basically did 6v6 late and tk him so now that he has admin he hates rosa

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 9:01 AM | Message # 39
Robotic Ninja
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Quote lotrrotk ()
Rosa basically did 6v6 late and tk him so now that he has admin he hates rosa

That actually makes sense. No wonder he muted me and started raging the moment I logged in lobby.
Maybe that's why RivaL.ShowtimeE donated for admin. That 1 game of trolling must have hurt him greatly.
However, I served the ban appropriately and he did not. He un-banned himself when he mis-used his admin power. That is I believe a bit messed up.

Anyways, it still does not explain 1 thing:
Why did he do the exact same action when Adam_CZ joined after 2 months? As far as I know, Adam didn't even speak a word in lobby and yet got muted and was in a process of votekick. I don't really side with him in chf forums (though I do like him in battlenet ^^ ) but he did unjustly get a horrible first impression of chf months after his 'afk' from wc3.

Quote Cou ()
I can't imagine him muting rosa out of no-where as I know what Rosa's like and starts instigations.
For that lobby game, I was just muted the moment I logged in and was forced to leave game.
I guess Lotrrotk does make sense. I didn't know that 1 game in which I 6v6, tk-ed would be the game in which he was on (ehh, replay isn't even in so ^^)

But then again, 3 parts I want to ask:
1. Why did he do the same actions to Adam_CZ? Adam clearly wasn't even playing CHF Footies for quite some time.
2. Why did he unban himself right after an admin set a temporary ban to him for abusing admin? 
3. Why is he falsely accusing me as a racist after no evidences?

btw, considering the witch hunt in chf history has to do with players like bio-assault, adam_cz (in past), etc., I fail to see how witch hunting in chf forums is a bad thing. I mean... all the players that had witch hunting wasn't the best admins for sure :/

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 9:15 AM
FirNesSDate: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 12:00 PM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Quote angrylucasroger ()
Yes and this guy is 18 years old, what do you want from a teenager. lol

Because you think that being older makes your smarter? Bull ****.

devil_scorpio2003Date: Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 1:47 PM | Message # 41
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Quote lotrrotk ()Rosa basically did 6v6 late and tk him so now that he has admin he hates rosa

That actually makes sense. No wonder he muted me and started raging the moment I logged in lobby.
Maybe that's why RivaL.ShowtimeE donated for admin. That 1 game of trolling must have hurt him greatly.
However, I served the ban appropriately and he did not. He un-banned himself when he mis-used his admin power. That is I believe a bit messed up.

Anyways, it still does not explain 1 thing:
Why did he do the exact same action when Adam_CZ joined after 2 months? As far as I know, Adam didn't even speak a word in lobby and yet got muted and was in a process of votekick. I don't really side with him in chf forums (though I do like him in battlenet ^^ ) but he did unjustly get a horrible first impression of chf months after his 'afk' from wc3.

Quote Cou ()
I can't imagine him muting rosa out of no-where as I know what Rosa's like and starts instigations.
For that lobby game, I was just muted the moment I logged in and was forced to leave game.
I guess Lotrrotk does make sense. I didn't know that 1 game in which I 6v6, tk-ed would be the game in which he was on (ehh, replay isn't even in so ^^)

But then again, 3 parts I want to ask:
1. Why did he do the same actions to Adam_CZ? Adam clearly wasn't even playing CHF Footies for quite some time.
2. Why did he unban himself right after an admin set a temporary ban to him for abusing admin?
3. Why is he falsely accusing me as a racist after no evidences?

btw, considering the witch hunt in chf history has to do with players like bio-assault, adam_cz (in past), etc., I fail to see how witch hunting in chf forums is a bad thing. I mean... all the players that had witch hunting wasn't the best admins for sure :/

I don't dislike you for no reason.Stop lying about your racism, and I didn't apply for admin because of you loser.  I applied for admin long after, You can't 'hurt' me greatly little girl., especially not over a game. Go stuff your face with cookies and chocolate.

Message edited by devil_scorpio2003 - Monday, 19-Oct-2015, 1:49 PM
Bio-AssAUltDate: Tuesday, 20-Oct-2015, 10:50 AM | Message # 42
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Lol it never ends.

You guys are just the cutest little thing. ;)

Imy (excuse the completely off topic post) :D

IronShitDate: Tuesday, 20-Oct-2015, 10:19 PM | Message # 43
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remove him fast
FirNesSDate: Monday, 26-Oct-2015, 11:03 AM | Message # 44
Robotic Ninja
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I don't undestand. Cou, why are you defending this guy? Any influence from your friendship? 
I'm not saying this guy is the worst abuser we've ever known, but every single time I see him he just swaps people without asking them in order to stack his team. Every single game he swaps himself and the best players there are who he is friend with to team 1 and he doesn't ask people that were in it if they are unknowns. This is abuse. I'm not talking about the fight between rosa and him. I'm talking about facts.

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 01-Nov-2015, 2:23 PM | Message # 45
Robotic Ninja
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Rival.Showtime joined game CUSTOM HERO FOOTIES! #45 and he used autostart off and left lobby... game is blocked now maybe 20-30 minutes and there is already full lobby but game cant start............

Added (01-Nov-2015, 2:23 PM)
well it was like 10-15 minutes (not 30) but still abuse in my opinion

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