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Admin Abuser: RivaL.ShowtimE - Forum

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Admin Abuser: RivaL.ShowtimE
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 2:07 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Admin abuser username: RivaL.ShowtimE
What he does: Seems to mute me (and apparently even Adam_CZ) moment I join and then makes sure game doesn't start UNTIL I leave. Clearly, this is admin abuse
Proof: 1 picture because I'm too lazy
Why he muting: No idea. He just mutes. Who is this guy? I think he does not deserve adminship. Making game not start and muting players for fun is not a behavior an admin should be doing. Abusing power


Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 2:30 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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It was my first game on main account after almost 2 months and i really dont understand why this guy muted me and next game also votekicked me. I didnt say anything. I joined lobby and first !mute and after !votekick. I didnt say just 1 bad word and also my ping was good (no reason for votekick).

I left forum and deleted w3 two monts ago and i said i will come back maybe in 2016 but this week i have free and i was playing just few games for fun. But i see there nothing new. This Rival.Show.Time is abusing in same way like i did long time ago. He join lobby, then !cs and !alias everyone and swap strong players (without ask them) in team.

RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 2:47 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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Apparently this player abuses 24/7:

So... 3 month losing adminship? smile No forgiveness here sorry but this guy has had so many chances...

angrylucasrogerDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 3:17 PM | Message # 4
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don't worry about people who are deprived of mind, he is stupid. This guy will do whatever he wants, that he bought his admin. So I can tell that he is constantly live games when download breaks of the game. This behavior is unbecoming of admin. Yes and this guy is 18 years old, what do you want from a teenager. lol
Web-GhostDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 4:37 PM | Message # 5
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this is the 2nd time he did something like this 
although i have the admin title but i don't have access to the panel for admin removal  
so i will ban him

GondiakDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 5:30 PM | Message # 6
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Adam plz suicide o no play more in alt
devil_scorpio2003Date: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 6:08 PM | Message # 7
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Is this a joke? Seriously? I am gonna get banned for muting someone? and a joke votekick? and fyi I don't swap players I don't play with I only swap players that are my friends like Dan, Franco and suddenly this also abuse right. What a joke, people are so sensitive that I can get banned for muting. I didn't break anymore rules , I didn't give bot owner to anyone, no late 6v6, no unreasonable ban now I get banned for muting someone   LOL. What next I will be banned because I said something mean and someones feelings got hurt? is this logical to any of you? I am not apologizing for this, this is just beyond me.

Added (17-Oct-2015, 6:08 PM)
and rosario when have I ever made game not start until you leave? You have any evidence for your statement? I have aborted cunt down maybe once or twice to make minor adjustments . You and Adam have a nice PM talk to gang up on me because I told Adam to go complain? I dont even care anymore.

BajsHoranDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 6:16 PM | Message # 8
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U know there is not just your team playing the game so swapping and stacking every game pretty much ruins the fun the other 9 people and that makes u a shitty admin imo... get some balls and carry ur own ass. peace

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
devil_scorpio2003Date: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 6:36 PM | Message # 9
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Lmao I have played vs raydensary and his own stack, I have played vs Franco, I have played vs Dan and told my own teammates dont need to always stack him on our team otherwise game is no fun. When my friends are playing and they want to be on my team whats wrong with that? People find a way to stack anyway, all the top 25 players in the ranks made it there through some form or stack or 6v6, I am well aware there are other teams playing thanks. I never swapped someone away from a team they didn't want to be in and certianly never forced anyone on my team. Only once with Qc.Priink and he said not to swap him so I swapped him back. I have had other accounts before this one BajsHoran your not one to talk about stacking. Infact only admin I have seen who doesn't stack at all is probably Lottrok.

Added (17-Oct-2015, 6:35 PM)
1,  stopped late 6v6
2. no longer give owner to any player
3. Never banned anyone. edit- once for TKing
4. Never forced anyone on my team who didn't want to be on it.
5. Listen to requests of team changes by players who want to be on different teams.

And what do I get banned for? Muting someone LOL. It seems these guys never stop ranting about something or the other. I did a joke !votekick which I said I was joking about, which conveniently isn't in the screen shot (big suprise lol)

Added (17-Oct-2015, 6:36 PM)
1,  stopped late 6v6
2. no longer give owner to any player
3. Never banned anyone. edit- once for TKing
4. Never forced anyone on my team who didn't want to be on it.
5. Listen to requests of team changes by players who want to be on different teams.

And what do I get banned for? Muting someone LOL. It seems these guys never stop ranting about something or the other. I did a joke !votekick which I said I was joking about, which conveniently isn't in the screen shot (big suprise lol)

Message edited by devil_scorpio2003 - Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 6:58 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 10:13 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote angrylucasroger ()
Yes and this guy is 18 years old, what do you want from a teenager. lol
This does explain a lot... ;)

I mean.. Look at how much he is raging at me for having pictures as evidences of his admin abuse -.-

Dan-Date: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 11:06 PM | Message # 11
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RosarioVampireZ, what ur aka in game?
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015, 11:10 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Dan- ()
RosarioVampireZ, what ur aka in game?
Name: AccCreate

Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 2:36 AM | Message # 13
Head Administrator
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so that is 2 strikes right ? , Cou where are you?

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 9:13 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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RivaLShowTime: I have also screenshot were you joined full lobby (12 players) and you used !hold for your friend (username "TeamMe") who was not in lobby. Holding players in full lobby and waiting for them is admin abuse. It was also one of reasons why i lost my admin long time ago. Who remember this?
lotrrotkDate: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015, 9:53 AM | Message # 15
Zombie Pirate
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Quote devil_scorpio2003 ()
I have seen who doesn't stack at all is probably Lottrok.
My name isn't really that hard to spell Lord of the rings return of the king 
It isnt lord of the the reuturn of king
Lord of the rings return of king the

Added (18-Oct-2015, 9:53 AM)

Quote devil_scorpio2003 ()
Never banned anyone
That's actually really bad..........

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
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