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lspiderlDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 8:19 PM | Message # 76
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lol cheesey however if your pro agiasnt all pros a game will often run hella long as well

a game is best when its full of reversals and fun

but someone who himself says his games never get to darks has no room participating in ANY discussions about late game strats and therefore is simply trolling which is agiasnt forum rules

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 8:36 PM | Message # 77
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I don't enjoy clan games because 1 team will always go some sort of rush build. The others wing it and I appreciate that it tells me they just wanna have fun.

Oh and a question, Did I troll? or was that to a different audience??

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
stoogeDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 11:26 PM | Message # 78
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Hahahaha anything u say that doesnt agree with spider is "trolling"...n every1's seen my game I don't need to justify it...but on the other hand I can bet that no1's gonna say ur a pro for running a game for hours, that's meant to finish in 30mins. N I never ask any1 for pool even if I'm mauling (ask arctty n few others)...i usually try ending the game myself or help with allies. Instead of wasting so much time banning n trolling on forum, which btw u need to sit on to type too(if ur backs giving problem u shouldn't b on forum either), try improving ur skills...n try proving it in game...n I'm glad some of the guys(cheesy, arctty, master) I think r ultra pro getting on this discussion. Also I luv how he tries to steer the discussion away when he is proven wrong...(u can't make 30k+ from 1 altar use specially in a pro stop bullshitin pls) Ps: master pls dont close the thread...I wanna see how he will prove me wrong by trolling on forum instead of proving himself in game... I'm typing from my awesome iphone4

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 11:52 PM
lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 1:37 AM | Message # 79
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no you yourself said your games never go that long therefore you have no ACCUAL information on teh topic and are simply posting to create an argument which is by DEFINITION trolling

YOU are the one that outed yourself for having no relevent information to the topic at hand not me

therefore your participation in this thread is no longer valid so take it elsewhere

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stoogeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:15 AM | Message # 80
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lol no pro niether pub would let the game drag for longer than they have to...and i never said anything about none of my game lasting for less than 30 mins and btw if its not ssd most ppl cant get darks...and no i've never played nor have i seen or heard any1's game lasting for 9 ppl to get dark bases thats just plain stupid it only means 1 thing the person who was leading didnt know how to finish the game...enough talking prove it in game obviously u try to come across as a well enough player and all them beta testing and yrs of playing mustve tought u something atleast...

again like i said before anything that doesnt agree with u, becomes trolling and the person gets sent for a "vacation" do what u want dude ur the forum idiot who cant prove shit in game but talks so much trash on forum and if doesnt get some1 agreeing with him bans the person/s

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
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lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:12 AM | Message # 81
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wow agian you prove you have no clue what your talking about you make this wil claim that i jstu ban people willy nilly yet teh only people ive EVER banned were rocks ( repeatedly posting hate fulled threads full of rascist remarks and endless streams of foul launguage after being wrned dozens of times and moderated by ever mod ont eh board about a dozen times)

SHK0905 ( most of the same stuff as rocks but also threatining the lives of staff members)

and master got 2 temp bans for lesser versions of the above offenses
THATS IT there the only ones BANNED on the forums period and none of those bans had ANYTHING to do with people disagreeing with me so grow up

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
stoogeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:34 AM | Message # 82
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Quote (stooge)
lol no pro niether pub would let the game drag for longer than they have to...and i never said anything about none of my game lasting for less than 30 mins and btw if its not ssd most ppl cant get darks...and no i've never played nor have i seen or heard any1's game lasting for 9 ppl to get dark bases thats just plain stupid it only means 1 thing the person who was leading didnt know how to finish the game...enough talking prove it in game obviously u try to come across as a well enough player and all them beta testing and yrs of playing mustve tought u something atleast...

keep trying to steer away from the discussion cuz u've run out of bs, n cant pull anymore out of ur ass...the discussion still remains as above...

btw the ppl u mentioned were the only ones that disagreed with u till now...
n i saw so did every1 else what shk0905 had was just a thread like any other and he was demanding apology for some1 posting his ips. and he was saying something along the lines of if u dont take proper actions i'd have to take legal action against u...and u closed the thread and started bs'ing again that he was threaten staff's lifes...

and funny its coming from u telling me to grow ur 32 fukn yrs old grow the fuk up and get out once in awhile instead of sitting on ur pc and trolling abt shit u donnu...i mean if u knew what u were talking abt wouldve been different story but the fact that u just talk out of ur ass is really fukn annoying...and it must be fukn embarassing for u to keep getting knocked down on the stupid/idiotic fukn nubass claims of making 30k+ on 1 altar use, ending a game in 30 mins is noob apparently according to u...just cuz u dont have the fukn skills to end a game like the rest of us, dont fukn go trolling and getting ur face put in fukn shit for being a forum idiot...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:37 AM
lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:12 PM | Message # 83
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he accualy posted dozens of topics full of insults and rascist remarks that were repeatedly deleted by the mods and every mod and MULTIPLE users were all begging that he be banned and I wasnt even a part of the discusion other than tryin to mediate it so agian you speak on things you dont know about

from this point on im simply going to ignore your further posts on this as all your doing is trying to pick a fight

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:23 PM | Message # 84
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Quote (lspiderl)
from this point on im simply going to ignore your further posts on this as all your doing is trying to pick a fight

Spider this is where you are lost... you think you are all about taking the high road and you don't feed into any of this bullshit but it is the complete opposite. That is my entire beef with you. you have already posted SIXTEEN TIMES on this thread, probably more than anyone else on here. I am beginning to think you have a possibly undiagnosed mental condition and I feel bad for calling you out at this point.

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:52 PM | Message # 85
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acrtty its called walking away froma fight its somethign adults do when they realize its reached a point where no accord can be reached

it started with a debate on methods and turned into an attack on me that i tried to clear up with reason and now its simply devolved into pointless fighting so im walking away soo you right it IS a mental condition its the mental condition of being an adult and walking away from a fight

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 1:00 PM | Message # 86
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Quote (lspiderl)
now its simply devolved into pointless fighting

thats what I wrote like hours ago, would be ok if you guys actually found the conclusion and understanding but.. ooo this one and the other thread shall be called the epic ones.

and I find this funny because of the fact that both of you minus rep'd spider almost at the same time, tell me that isn't because of the hate tongue
chill out, he's clearly not trying to fight with you two, after all he's managing the site for nothing with good intentions, better than having nobody as this kind of person.
peace for the better tomorrow.

sorry for o/t anyways, I won't even read any of it anymore.

Message edited by Antyone - Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 1:08 PM
lolbladeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 6:37 PM | Message # 87
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lol this is not flame wars
calmm down and i thought this was supposed to be about WARD OF the gODS rly. if u wanna fight go fight somewhere else

sig in construction
stoogeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 6:38 PM | Message # 88
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lol walking away from a fight???who's fighting and if that was the way u thought u wouldve walked away from it ages ago n not come up here with ur baseless claims abt the game u know fuk all about,
im still waiting for u to produce facts on the claims u've made about CHF, but instead of doing that u've been trying steer the discussion away every post u've posted...

the only reason ur walking away now is cuz u know ur wrong and u've been humiliated enough even for ur own standards.
the reason no1 else is getting into this is cuz they dont wanna make u feel any worse than u already do...
and as far as lingo problem with the forum goes like i said before ppl that suck up to u for fuk know what reason cuz ur no for for nothing but the forum troller, they can say whatever the fuk they want and it doesnt get moderated, (points to antyone's avatar)...

so im out of this bullshit let me know if u can come up with the facts on ur claims of making 30k+ ahahahha, and dont ever call people nubs when u cant play for i said before just cuz u donnu how to finish a game winthin 30 mins doesnt mean the rest of donnu either...
PS: i couldnt give a flying fuk abt the rep business the only reason i did it so he'd stop fukn talking crap out of his ass and grow the fuk up and try improving his game instead of being a dikface on forum.

PPSS: i saw shk0905's threads they werent racist, they werent half as bad as the standup jokes threads with all them racist jokes about black people and maxicans and shit....yet bop240 had a beef with him and started fightin with him on WC3 not here and when he joined this site he simply wanted ur staff to apologise for the fact that u let some1(cant remember who did) post his ips and didnt delete it. so simply he became a threat.

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 6:43 PM
lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 0:48 AM | Message # 89
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accualy stooge I was the one that deleted his ip

I was the one that had a LOOONNNG talk witht he person that posted it

I was the one that TRIED to mediate teh situation and instead he unleashed on me with a rascist tirade and threatened me and bond and bop and a few others

he made dozens of posts and me and other mods spent like 20 min deleting his barrage of posts
so NO you didnt READ all of his posts because all of hte horiffic rascist and threatening posts were DELETED as fast as they were posted

your like a kid that see's the ice poking up out of the water and goes oh that little iceburg is tiny and nothing anyone can tell me will change my mind because i can SEE its tiny

and the whole time under the water theres a MOUNTAIN of ice you dont see, you CANT see, and if anyone told you about it you'd tell them there crazy

you have a tiny PIECE of the bigger picture and ASSUME you know everything thats happened and EVERYTHING thats going on
but you never see what has been deleted , what has transpired in pm and other formats and whats happened in the staff boards

oh yeah STAFF BOARDS that you cant see since your not STAFF so you dont know the long discusions that took place before ANYONE got banned you just point and go OH
look spider jsut does what HE wants and banned people and look none of there post were banworthy

you just DONT get it man and whats worse is your too cought up in yourself to even try to understand the bigger picture

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
stoogeDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 1:14 AM | Message # 90
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Once again I don't give a rats ass what u do in ur staff board...all I know is if u can't take the insults n dickin Arnd on the net than don't come on cuz nets 1 place no1 should b takin shit seriously...
N i luv how u steer the conversation to the tinniest bit of discussion n try to totally ignore the facts n real discussion ( this whole thing started about ward of god to altar n darks n u making 30k+ from 1 altar use n making about 72k+ in a game where u managemto defend ur base against darksx2 n getting 2 altars, 2 nukes, darks, 2 tower of terrors...ect)...n when I counter that bs claim of urs now u got nothing to say or can't prove shit so every sigle post of urs is trying to steer the conversation in a different direction...but ur so into ur own world that u can't see shit...time to get over urself n u might make something of urself in real life

Added (2011-02-09, 7:11 Am)

Quote (lspiderl)
as as for hte incident in question one person had orcs the other both had human i had dryaadds and had a decent number of them i made a wall several thick had them hold position and popped ward and with teh stream of money i got from them wave attttacking me was able to get more wards and get darks and eventualy get alter and unlike most idiots i see with alter i know how to properly use it to wipe out everything on the map without ever placing it in danger

money from alterin gave me cash for 2 tots then next time i altered i was able to get 2 of the big nuke towers and significantly upgrade range and damage on my dark dryaads after that it was only a matter of time before i killed one of them after that it was a snowball effect before it was game over for them

but to keep talking to u is like keep talking to a brick wall...
also i give up dude like i said before prove me wrong with evidence and i'll quit wc3...but to keep this conversation alive is taking me down to ur level...i luv that quote "arguing with an idiot is useless cuz they will bring u down to their level and than beat u with experiance...and thats how i feel right now so if u believe in ur bs claims with no facts and prove than be happy dude but u fail to convince any1 else...i've already gone down closer to ur lvl and i dont wish to go any get to ur level...have a good day buddy and dont worry be happy even if its a lie...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 1:22 AM
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