Bond, make the wind walk item upgradeable. Its a real pain in the ass when im using a long-term ult and the 15 second wind walk wears off all of a sudden. Make the upgrades slightly lower than the next level. "It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan "Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
Give treats a tad less hp, bit annoying with ars , such a high damage, hp, and attackspeed, yea just make it less hp by a bit
Some ppl nvr heard about Dispell.......
agree with nerfing hp, by the time u r done dispelling with a jamie, they can summon again
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Quote (Legal_life) Also, for explosion , instead of it doing 75% of base hp , it should just do75% of current hp, no more pot of focus killing penguins, 1.5k + ult killing a 14k item is just bs.
475 gold wizzard takes out a 9.5k ward and NO ONE EVER GETS EXPLOSION (Why Explosion when MR/Death and Decay does same effect
i ALWAYS get explosion, regarding the wizard, tahts y u get 2 wards, u better micro manage properly the base xp, idk about this lol, it would make it suck :(, but i have to agree EXCEPT on creeps though
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Quote (Legal_life) Buff lava spawns they suck, give them magic damage with a small span or incentergrate, even tho this would rape mass, they are still a weak unit ,
On all summons, from level 4, they begin to get useful. On the other hand, lava spawn JUST GETS WEAKER every level. I believe level 6 should have SPELL IMMUNITY with Critical Strike
NO immunity as they clone themselves after a certain amount of hits, crit strike sounds ok though
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Quote (Legal_life) Make a mode that is like sd, u get a hero and u get 6 Spells, u have to pick three, after u get 3 ults and u have to pick one, this mode would be pretty interesting
i tohught no1 got explosion? and he meant as in u go to a tavern and have 6 random skills, u choose 3, then go to ulti and same, like an -ars
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Quote (Legal_life) Wolfs need a slight buff now that treats and beetles have auras, maybe a dmg increase or maybe a small aura
I LAUGH AT THIS COMMENT. Do you know how good wolves are? Never heard that level 4 wolves can kill ANY HERO THAT IS LOCKED? the freaking critical damage results hero death in 4 seconds.
wolves are fine as is, maybe a little nerfing if anything at all, they have chaos damage and are spell immune, u can take out an arcane with lvl 6 wolves EASY
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Quote (ÜberGeek) New mode: set level cap to 30 and players can pick 1 more spell and 1 more ulti (4 spells and 2 ultis in total).
4 spells means that u can HK with ONLY aoe or AOE + Bolt for 100%. No need of coil now.
agreed, would need to make the map much larger then, this is kinda dumb though
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Another spell that needs buff is Holy Light. IT SHOULD BE DOING MORE DAMAGE THAN COIL SINCE ITS ONLY AGAINST UNDEAD. Level 6 should be 1.5k dmg to undead.
why? if u do this, u better make coil stronger too... infact, hoyl light is already OP since u can heal most creeps with it, u cant heal creeps with coil. u could also make it to where holy light heals elf and human heros and death coil orc and undead heros only(the damages reversed ofcourse)
Quote (ProGlitcher)
Blank Golems should have more cleave.
they have upgradeable att AND def, with chaos damage.... thats too much, glad the bloodlsut was removed though
Quote (ProGlitcher)
People with stats should NOT be given with 25 gold. Picking MEDIVH is GOOD enough. U want fair mass? Remove the PRO ALWAYS GET MORE GOLD FOR WARD BEFORE MASS and no POOL until AFTER 10 minutes.
agreed, if u want to make it "fair" make starting gold only 100 regardless. the heros available according to wins are OP already, fking captain bond and udnead bond, IMO, are op as hell...
maybe 50% spell resist but lower armor by 2-3? chaos on blanks doesnt meant anything because cleave is chaos damage and ignores all armor.
Quote (ic3dt3a)
an arcane with lvl 6 wolves EASY
with 1-2 level 6 auras and chims this is true. dont forget its only 50 chaos damage with no aoe and crit doesnt apply on buildings otherwise ppl wud just take crit dark flame trueshot/command to give them an op amount of dmg with crit to the point where they can pretty much 3 hit a base. but in general wolves are only useful for hk when heroes are under lvl 10. i also think they should have normal attack and be used more for hk then for building killing because thats not really possible.
on another note to bond: lower overall stock time on tank to be 3 min after mass and not like 15 min into the game. its gay that no one uses tanks because the stock time and restock is impossible. awhile back i tried a full tank build(shock ts lust ff) and it didnt work because it took so freaking long to stock the tank. I am the Footmen Frenzy 5.4 legend sbeckham11. If you don't believe it, challenge me to a game with a full team on my other account, Mejikano
agree. the chims should phoenix shouldnt coz they die too fast, bats shouldnt dragons shouldnt owls shouldnt hawks shouldnt basically just chims shoul. I am the Footmen Frenzy 5.4 legend sbeckham11. If you don't believe it, challenge me to a game with a full team on my other account, Mejikano
agree. the chims should phoenix shouldnt coz they die too fast, bats shouldnt dragons shouldnt owls shouldnt hawks shouldnt basically just chims shoul.
have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like
i dont understand this part at all. rephrase please I am the Footmen Frenzy 5.4 legend sbeckham11. If you don't believe it, challenge me to a game with a full team on my other account, Mejikano
why? if u do this, u better make coil stronger too... infact, hoyl light is already OP since u can heal most creeps with it, u cant heal creeps with coil. u could also make it to where holy light heals elf and human heros and death coil orc and undead heros only(the damages reversed ofcourse)
AND GUESS WHAT? COIL ALREADY DOES MORE DMG THAN HOLY LIGHT... are u freaking dumb? holy light to heal units?? WHO THE FK USES HOLY LIGHT TO HEAL FOOTIES? I WOULD RATHER PUT THEM ON CANNON on the other hand, coil can heal BANSHEES and OTHER USEFUL RACES for MICRO and KILL any HEROS in baseically 1.5 shots.
I love noobs these days that still play and have no clue of the game
i dont understand this part at all. rephrase please I am the Footmen Frenzy 5.4 legend sbeckham11. If you don't believe it, challenge me to a game with a full team on my other account, Mejikano
DREAM ON WHAT A NOOB HAVE U PLAYED FOOTIES WHEN IT FIRST BEGAN??? HA? now go shut up about ur PRO sh3t I bet u dont even know the version when color green has free 2k. WHY? cause u all noobs cant do crap
FOOTIES 5.4 is ALL about LUCKY HEROS, and MASS POOL and NO DESYNCS If ur so good, try playing a game with 3 paladin vs Lich, Mountain King, and Edge YA THOUGHT SO, NOW DELETE THAT QUOTE Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
not hard. its basically a 2v3 because lich is undead and pally has holy light and aura + divine and the only stun is on mk so u cant stun to stop divine. they would mass pool and tech because there are only 2 aoes. PWNT. And I can no longer prove that i am a footies legend as clan imba pretty much got disbanded and the bot got shut off. I am the Footmen Frenzy 5.4 legend sbeckham11. If you don't believe it, challenge me to a game with a full team on my other account, Mejikano
Quote (ic3dt3a) why? if u do this, u better make coil stronger too... infact, hoyl light is already OP since u can heal most creeps with it, u cant heal creeps with coil. u could also make it to where holy light heals elf and human heros and death coil orc and undead heros only(the damages reversed ofcourse)
AND GUESS WHAT? COIL ALREADY DOES MORE DMG THAN HOLY LIGHT... are u freaking dumb? holy light to heal units?? WHO THE FK USES HOLY LIGHT TO HEAL FOOTIES? I WOULD RATHER PUT THEM ON CANNON on the other hand, coil can heal BANSHEES and OTHER USEFUL RACES for MICRO and KILL any HEROS in baseically 1.5 shots.
I love noobs these days that still play and have no clue of the game
u contradict urself so much, how is healing a banshee more useful than healing a granite golem? think b4 u post u stupid douche, u think u know the game soo damn well yet are retarded and dont know how to play even though u "quit"... coil heals angel of doom and undead heros, and when u get an all undead team u get death coil, ur a retard...