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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

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4.1 Preview
ZiZi-____-ZiZiDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 8:08 AM | Message # 16
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biggrin For me, the most op:

first place:
rats too op for such a low price, it should fix.
increase the price by 30%, increase the length of waiting [silence]to 40%


resistance reduced by 80%

Reduce by 30% hp
it might be easier to dispell

Quote Adam_CZ ()
maybe make for ballance game Vengeance duration only 100 seconds?

I agree good idea

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Bears level 6

bears lvl 6
only reduce hp

CHF for life :) ^^

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 9:31 AM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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if you will "nerf" druids they will become useless spell.... you are waiting for them 180 seconds and they are duration only 20-30-40 seconds.... you really want them possible dispell with one fucking jammy priest 550 gold?

today i was playing Footmen Frenzy map... druids is here only 1200 hp but there is not Joza priest or Bob the Newt..... if you nerf druids remove then item "power of priest" and hard nerf newts too

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 9:35 AM
LuxuryDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 10:43 AM | Message # 18
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Message edited by Luxury - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 11:57 AM
CouDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 10:44 AM | Message # 19
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lmao yeah bond, leave bats alone. =P

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Random260Date: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 10:59 AM | Message # 20
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Guys guys what WE  ALL WANT is TO SEE IS ZIZ MASS SONG or one of my suggested song. Bond better add it or I will rage if he keeps his one. Also add the tip system I will rage if you said it was too hard since we would have helped you.

Uploaded with

Message edited by Random260 - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 11:01 AM
LuxuryDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 11:58 AM | Message # 21
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Quote Cou ()
lmao yeah bond, leave bats alone. =P

SOUNDWAVESDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 12:00 PM | Message # 22
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I have discussed about footy reborns document and left comments. Also shared idea. I've disagreed more than half but was good time. Here is the link that we've talked about. It might be interesting.

I've talked with footy reborn about his document and we found that our thoughts about balancing game is different. I've disagreed more than half but that doesn't mean who is wrong and who is right. Cause we all have different thoughts. Also a lot of people will disagree at my ideas and comments.
But I am pleased that there is someone(footy) who really care about balances for better game.
Hope it helps bond to make better game.

Rest in Peace Rookies
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 12:44 PM | Message # 23
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Quote MrDark_Devil ()
for Example O_o]-PrincipV was alt vs ZiZi and rubben and he lose easy .

O_o]-PrincipV : stop saying dont play alone,, i dont play with pros go watch my replays ..

footy: maybe 1v1 classic mode is better normal like classic map tft XD ..

lol ok give me a rubenn and Aguilerazo vs Zizi alone and he lost easy too noob wink
Just Bond Make 4.1 with -pool of and will balanced

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player

Message edited by O_o]-PrincipV - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 12:58 PM
SOUNDWAVESDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 12:58 PM | Message # 24
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Quote O_o]-PrincipV ()
Just Bond Make 4.1 with -pool of and will balanced

no pool untill 15min.
add rat reavel CD or inflation needed.
pet shouldn't leave base neither.
above 3 are important issue to make fair solo player against stacked.

Rest in Peace Rookies
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 1:19 PM | Message # 25
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no pool untill 15min.
add rat reavel CD or inflation needed.
pet shouldn't leave base neither.
above 3 are important issue to make fair solo player against stacked.

Agree smile

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
i-connectDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 1:46 PM | Message # 26
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I didn't look at preview, but can I say change explosion? I don't get why cd is raised once you upgrade it making it beginning game so useless. I like level 1 explosion better then 3 because of cd. I would prefer just getting death and decay rather than explosion.
items: frostys- they are expensive as shit and blow. Using the gold can be so much useful on other stuff. Maulers blow unless there is feed, which is hard against pro killing feed and using turtles to capture avatar ect....
all items that is weaker from its individual parts need to be changed. Like ring a recipe for 1000 just adding true shot.... I get it lower space, but once it complete a recipe it should be better then its original parts with its cost. Another item- fist. 3 belt of str = fist. If in intense game and don't want to waste gold ill rather get 3 belt then fist. Items blow, people usually only get them if they want to fuck around or winning a lot, seriously. U would never see someone waste hella gold on recipe that buff the hero in intense game because it sucks, unless the player sucks, or they get fed being a mauler, which its gold in mauler can be used for something more useful. Tier 0 base dead

Added (07-Dec-2013, 1:46 PM)
And biggest bug that ruin game is peasant can steal people items and runes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many people won because of this glitch, I know I would lost so many game without like stealing runes before using penguins or ect.

Bond009Date: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 3:35 PM | Message # 27
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
I think it's the best way to nerf them a bit. With auras they are overpowered, even without auras. OFC lvl 6 should be like 2 or 3 times harder to dispel than lvl 5. This dispel should be only a HELP to kill them. Nerf armor gonna make them weak. And if you nerf damage they will be weak too in normal mode and still op in ssd (cause mass auras).

The thing about those bears is think more out side the box with it and take into account what will happen with 1 simple change such as removing spell immune on this unit.
you think auras make bears OP? lol imagine auras+beast scroll+bloodlust+dark flame+whatever else.. this thing would be almost worse than a tank token with all that.. and it doesnt have a huge cd or cost 950 gold.. you would be spending the whole game buying peasants and waste your rune to defend vs this. you wouldnt have much time to micro creep to dispel either before your base died.

Now yes u can say well they must get something to dispel it within 3-4 seconds or their base is already dead in a flash.. yeah.. taking spell immune from them could make them more OP.

Summons are meant to be good fighting units comparable to spells etc and be like a temp army, but they shouldnt be something that teched armies cant fight and kill.. if i buff the lvl6 bears armor/hp but remove spell immune then that puts more importance on heros killing it with spells or creeps dispelling it than it puts on a good army or defense right? not necessarily a good thing.
I think we need to find another way to nerf.. i think if that change was made its more bad than good.

no pool untill 15min.
add rat reavel CD or inflation needed.
pet shouldn't leave base neither.
above 3 are important issue to make fair solo player against stacked.

i understand the viewing behind this, but thats not the point of the game or how its designed really. i mean it truly is a team game after all and the better team should win. if i started to make it so 1 solo pro could easy rival a pro stacked team, then where is the balance in that? knowledge and skill should prevail always but to a limit.. u really only have 33% say whether u win or loss.

Think how dumb it would be if it was like that in ladder.. lol imagine if in ladder it was you vs 3 ppl on a team. the only time you could win is if those 3 ppl didnt know how to play wc3 lol right? or even in dota in that 5v5 how could 1 or 2 guys truly beat 5 as a team. even if those 2 guys were a little better if the team of 5 was stacked they should win. CHF is more balanced than ppl give it credit for.. its just the team playing that throws so many different factors into everything.

in a 3v3 game (t1 vs t3) if 1 person microed it all it would be quite balanced becuz there is 1 person and 1 person can only do so much. but 3 with different skill sets changes things up a lot. even in a 1v1 its pretty balanced, aside from prices of items/creeps arnt fully balanced around 1 persons income and only having 1 other team to feed/get gold from..
But you get my point im trying to make?

ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 5:02 PM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
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bears shouldnt be a threat to anyone who uses this forum at all. new players may see them as strong, but remember that a lot of these people have played previous versions of footies and almost all of them have the level 6 bear summon. This is evidence of its balance. newts can net it, and just get range units and they'll tear it up. yes, u can upgrade def(which most ppl on here were'nt aware of or even do) and it will be able to last 1 second more against lvl 10-15 attack dryads, but it doesnt really do much damage to them due to phase. it has absolutely no effect on tier 5, except as a distraction while u aoe blast the units.

Quote Bond009 ()
no pool untill 15min.
add rat reavel CD or inflation needed.
pet shouldn't leave base neither.
above 3 are important issue to make fair solo player against stacked.

i understand the viewing behind this, but thats not the point of the game or how its designed really. i mean it truly is a team game after all and the better team should win

bond, 15 minutes is quite ridiculous and i can see people instead taking advantage of test afk. What i suggest is a no gold transfer for 5 minutes of the game(3 minutes of combat). when an ally leaves, instead of giving gold provide people with an item instead ranging from bone chimes to multiple potions. these, in theory, should enable them to be able to withstand the mass.

i-connect, explosion cd is raised because it does more damage at higher levels. 2 lvl 3 explosions basically take out penguins. it's damage is percentage based, not a set amount. death and decay MAY be better than explosion, but it is channel, so u can be silenced or stunned while explosion is instant damage.

adam, the druids in the regular footies are still op. the only reason it isnt so bad is because every hero has set skills. so u cant really use the spell like that. also, one of ur boyfriends should be showing you how to kill newts so u can stop complaining about them. it wouldnt bother me if he broke them into 2 types(like i sggested in the other thread) 1 for net and 1 dispel.
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 7:57 PM | Message # 29
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Quote Bond009 ()
in dota in that 5v5 how could 1 or 2 guys truly beat 5 as a team. even if those 2 guys were a little better if the team of 5 was stacked they should win. CHF is more balanced than ppl give it credit for.. its just the team playing that throws so many different factors into everything.

smile in dota if there was "pool on" Its unbalanced that we could give gold a stronger hero and win even if all the allies Left the game , will win 1 vs 5 ( I played dota many years ) , I think CHF is like DOTA when a player ( or two allies) give gold only a third player and he up base more easy because he have gold a lot and win .but with pool off its a more hard game well.. bond are good suggestions besides Improved Evasion skill and add a Little magic Reduction lol tongue tongue

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
SOUNDWAVESDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 8:05 PM | Message # 30
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Quote Bond009 ()
i understand the viewing behind this, but thats not the point of the game or how its designed really. i mean it truly is a team game after all and the better team should win. if i started to make it so 1 solo pro could easy rival a pro stacked team, then where is the balance in that? knowledge and skill should prevail always but to a limit.. u really only have 33% say whether u win or loss. Think how dumb it would be if it was like that in ladder.. lol imagine if in ladder it was you vs 3 ppl on a team. the only time you could win is if those 3 ppl didnt know how to play wc3 lol right? or even in dota in that 5v5 how could 1 or 2 guys truly beat 5 as a team. even if those 2 guys were a little better if the team of 5 was stacked they should win. CHF is more balanced than ppl give it credit for.. its just the team playing that throws so many different factors into everything. in a 3v3 game (t1 vs t3) if 1 person microed it all it would be quite balanced becuz there is 1 person and 1 person can only do so much. but 3 with different skill sets changes things up a lot. even in a 1v1 its pretty balanced, aside from prices of items/creeps arnt fully balanced around 1 persons income and only having 1 other team to feed/get gold from.. But you get my point im trying to make?
I understand what you are trying to make but I think you didn't understand the viewing behind this. Cause your examples are improper.
Early mass pooling can make near side team like lv3 in 5 min and they end up like lv6~7. If they rush to lv3 team it's game over. How do you call this game?
About pet... pet can make whole teams skill show in enemy base. Stacked team alreay have their own advantages such as communicatings and strategies.
This pet is just handicap system for a player who have team that doesn't share.
About rat... it's too cheap compare to their effectivness. No CD reveal just helps stacked team's Hunting. It's nothing to do with team play.

to sum up above is like this.
Stacked team with early mass pool. crash 1 team in a 5min like lv3, rush and parasite base with pet. And then they ends up like lv11~13 while other team is still lv6~7. And then they seek for victim with no cd reveal. And then hunt. Game Ends like 11~12min.
Is that your meaning of team play and your point that you are trying to keep?

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 8:06 PM
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