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4.1 Preview
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Thursday, 05-Dec-2013, 2:05 PM | Message # 1
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Well I made this doc to help Bond.

If you have any another suggestions, comments or find some mistakes just tell me.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Dec-2013, 2:43 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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I was watching this document maybe 1 or 2 minutes and there is 99% bullshits... its waste of time read it and I hope Bond will not use these stupid ideas by "FQQty R3b0rn" because he is not very smart (F00ty have low IQ but i dont want insult him)

For example "Frost nova need nerf" is total bullshit... Nova is weakest AOE in game... look level 6 frost nova can not kill footies from tier 0 who have only 420 hp... other AOE kill footies very easy (forket, chain, shockwave, carrion... etc)

For example "Bears level 6 need dispel" is very stupid idea... the reason why people pick Bears is only because Bears level 6 is spell imunite - check all other Footmen Frenzy maps bears is spell imunite everywhere but they are wea if cou compare them with other summons like water elemental, lawa spawn or trents.

Druids need harf? Druids is ultimate spell and you need wait 180 seconds for them and they have very low duration (only 20, 30 and 40 seconds) just please compare druids duration with other ultimate spells duration - phoenix or chimera duration "forever" if enemy dont destroy egg, or avatar vengeance duration  180 seconds (vengeance duration = coldown is very OP ulti) etc etc etc... you can dispel druids easy if you have 2-4 newts
TicklemonsterDate: Thursday, 05-Dec-2013, 3:56 PM | Message # 3
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Hi f00ty, the first half of this is me annoying adam and waiting for him to rage so just skip like the first half and my main points are later on smile

Adam... please stop.. it hurts too much!
Quote Adam_CZ ()
"Frost nova need nerf" is total bullshit... Nova is weakest AOE in game...
Nova is not weakest, i would say nova is 2nd best aoe, its not just a damage aoe dude it slows anything, nova level 4 can hold of darks because of the movement and attack speed slow.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
"Bears level 6 need dispel" is very stupid idea..
You have a point here, im shocked you are actually learning a little about balance in this game.. bears should still be magic immune, however they are a op summon compared to any other. Also they need to have reduced armor and increased hp to make them more balanced.
Quote Adam_CZ ()
Druids need harf?
Not sure what harf means but i persume you are reffering to f00ty's suggestion of halfing their hp? And yes they do need their hp lowered.
Quote Adam_CZ ()
you can dispel druids easy if you have 2-4 newts
So... adam im going to explain something here.. To balance the game for 4.1, don't just look at all the current problems you may have with CHF and op things, you need to look at what bond will be changing for 4.1 ASWELL... newts are going to be nerfed to be weaker so its only naturaul to nerf druids aswell.. seeing as 2-4 newts can dispell druids now, then when they are nerfed it will take like 12.. and aint no body got time fo that..

Here is a quote for you adam, refer to it whenever you want to comment on balancing of the game
"To move forward in time, we must look back at what history has given us, what it has taught us, and only then can we change our ways to a better and brighter future".. I suggest writing this down somewhere so that maybe you dont always sound like an idiot?
P.S i dont like you. Just saying.

Added (05-Dec-2013, 3:54 PM)
I have one thing to add f00ty, please consider.
Earlier on in the creation of 4.1, Acccreate asked for a zepplin that was quite expensive that was tough and reasonbly fast, instead of nerfing BOF to kill zeps in one shot, how about making zeps stronger and also cost like 1000 each, with a long cool down and only 1 in stock, i was thinking around 3-5 min cooldown on zeps and this would also help with donation being too op? Just an idea, what do you think?

Added (05-Dec-2013, 3:56 PM)
NOOOOOOO... please don't remove animate dead and rejuvination.. I f$%^#%CKIN^$%&#&@ LOVE those two ultimates... please please please!!!! :OOOO


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"

Message edited by Ticklemonster - Thursday, 05-Dec-2013, 3:57 PM
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 05-Dec-2013, 6:02 PM | Message # 4
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I have discussed about footy reborns document and left comments.

Also shared idea. I've disagreed more than half but was good time.

Here is the link that we've talked about. It might be interesting.

Rest in Peace Rookies
MrDark_DevilDate: Friday, 06-Dec-2013, 9:30 AM | Message # 5
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
"Frost nova need nerf" is total bullshit... Nova is weakest AOE in game... look level 6 frost nova can not kill footies from tier 0 who have only 420 hp
I agree with Adam ,, 4.0 is cool .

maybe only + spells no need to change anything .. new heros new spells new items and make it blance so if 3v1 ,, we can survive many players say why i'm not playing alone stop playing with alt and i will play alone XD ..i make many alt but now i have only afp mrdark eurobattel_net ,, apf darkside ,, mrdark_devill000 garena and dem0n1c_Eye00 and it's not alts all nows that is me alt mean : play without anyone know that is you . 

I hope CHF 4.1a better balance   ,, for Example O_o]-PrincipV was alt vs ZiZi and rubben and he lose easy .

O_o]-PrincipV : stop saying dont play alone,, i dont play with pros go watch my replays ..

footy: maybe 1v1 classic mode is better normal like classic map tft XD ..

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
LuxuryDate: Friday, 06-Dec-2013, 10:05 AM | Message # 6
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Bond #1

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 06-Dec-2013, 11:59 AM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Bears = people pick bears only for one reason, because you cant dispell them at level 6.... F00ty and TickleMonster are both stupid players who want only ruin Custom Hero Footies. Check Footmen Frenzy 5.4 AR map (the most ballanced and best Footmen Frenzy map) you can not dispell bears there. Bears is not OP you can kill them with normal units or they die easy by arcane tower... i use bears only vs donation because bears have cleave attack and kill many units tier 2... but units tier 3 kill bears easy. if you will can dispell bears or you will lower HP this summon will be useless

Druids = its true one jammy priest dont have enough mana for dispell druids, but you can buy 2x jammies or buy item "power of priest" and Joza dispel druids very easy... its true you can use cyclone on joza priest but if you use cyclone you will lose hero kill (you need press "X" and click on joza = enemy hero will use teleport or divine etc....) if enemy have 3-4 newt they dispell druids very fast and best player can not cyclone too many newts + stunning hero (you cyclone one newt but another newt will dispell this cyclone)

druids is not OP - maybe they are strong but they have really VERY LOW duration (20-30-40 seconds???) compare duration other ultimate - avatar vengeance CD = Duration 180 seconds WHY? maybe make for ballance game Vengeance duration only 100 seconds?

if there is somebody who need hard nert is bob the newt = why FQQTY dont talk about newts in that document? cuz newt is like 10x more OP than bear level 6 (make possible transmute newt or make it "you can not buy more than 2 newts")

also need nerf shamans (transmute them at level 1) but FQQTy will say "if you will xmute shamans they will become useless" cause he abuse hero 450 codes and op build cold strike, nova, banish.... but if you will nerf druids or bears they will not become useless?
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Friday, 06-Dec-2013, 12:39 PM | Message # 8
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
druids is not OP - maybe they are strong but they have really VERY LOW duration (20-30-40 seconds???) compare duration other ultimate - avatar vengeance CD = Duration 180 seconds WHY? maybe make for ballance game Vengeance duration only 100 seconds?
Yeah i did a mistake there. Put new duration for druids = 180 sec, and CD 0,5 sec. + 200 dmg chaos attack ofc.

Bears are a op summon compared to any other. That's why i wanted them dispellable at lvl 6. I'm not especting something of easy to dispel. For example, Make them two times harder to dispel than lvl 13. Will just help to kill them. They are pretty op and uncounterable especially in sdd.
Quote Ticklemonster ()
Earlier on in the creation of 4.1, Acccreate asked for a zepplin that was quite expensive that was tough and reasonbly fast, instead of nerfing BOF to kill zeps in one shot, how about making zeps stronger and also cost like 1000 each, with a long cool down and only 1 in stock, i was thinking around 3-5 min cooldown on zeps and this would also help with donation being too op? Just an idea, what do you think?
I start i though it's was an good idea but then realized gonna encourage people to make their hero unkillable.

PS : Adam you are such a waste of time. Don't talk about balance everyone know you have the IQ of a goldfish.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Bond009Date: Friday, 06-Dec-2013, 2:48 PM | Message # 9
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Check Footmen Frenzy 5.4 AR map (the most ballanced and best Footmen Frenzy map) you can not dispell bears there. Bears is not OP you can kill them with normal units or they die easy by arcane tower...

just had to correct this, lol 5.4 is one of the most unbalanced footmen maps, and for some reason that is why ppl liked it, becuz they were familiar and use to that unbalance and OP stuff.
the spells that were worthless in 5.4 i have buff thr spells that were way too OP i nerfed alot, like nova or Bolt with its 9 sec hero stun, or cleave with its 225% dmg lvl6 bears had 10 armor in chf they have 0 armor, blizzard was most Op of all, etc..
Its hard to put a % to it but CHF is probably about 1150% more balanced than 5.4 plz dont speak of that blasphemy again. smile

and just to clam ppl, im not copying footys notes exactly but it is a good guide to base from to remind me what i wanted to do with things that i didnt already have in my notes. Plus footy and hele at first just were compiling a list from what everyone said in the old 4.1 thread.
But no matter what, with new balances ppl will feel unfamiliar and not like it at first.. with each new good version ppl like it and also dont at first becuz ppl dont like change to things they love. most change is bad for the few and good for the many. so no new version will always please everyone and ppl that are use to using op strats now will be mad when its balanced to make it not so OP.
Even if their start is still good they will be mad that its not as good as before.. just an example of how balance can never and will never be agreed upon with everyone. I admit i have overlooked some things once in a while in past versions but i always balance a new version better than the last except for when i listen to the public too much so dont worry. this version will be good, im more than capable to make the decisions for a good 4.1.

RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 3:45 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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I just wish for a zepelin that is like 650 gold 
A premium zepelin for maximum 3-5 units smile
A thing that will die only with 2.5 bats smile ^^
A thing that ... CD takes way too long to buy more than 1 or 2 o.O

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Bears = people pick bears only for one reason, because you cant dispell them at level 6.... F00ty and TickleMonster are both stupid players who want only ruin Custom Hero Footies. Check Footmen Frenzy 5.4 AR map (the most ballanced and best Footmen Frenzy map) you can not dispell bears there. Bears is not OP you can kill them with normal units or they die easy by arcane tower... i use bears only vs donation because bears have cleave attack and kill many units tier 2... but units tier 3 kill bears easy. if you will can dispell bears or you will lower HP this summon will be useless
  Bears being dispellable...I don't really like that idea but
Ya,... something has to be done with bears. Its too far overpowered. Especially once you get aura :l
Bears are like mini death tower level 3s. xD

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Druids = its true one jammy priest dont have enough mana for dispell druids, but you can buy 2x jammies or buy item "power of priest" and Joza dispel druids very easy... its true you can use cyclone on joza priest but if you use cyclone you will lose hero kill (you need press "X" and click on joza = enemy hero will use teleport or divine etc....) if enemy have 3-4 newt they dispell druids very fast and best player can not cyclone too many newts + stunning hero (you cyclone one newt but another newt will dispell this cyclone)
 I always thought Druids were one of the better ults in game. Was I wrong?
Last time I checked, I had no problem killing multiple heros at level 3 and killing an empty tower and cyclone all jammies and newts.
Actually, last time I checked. It was almost impossible to DISPEL druids in a regular game.
Costs more to dispel than gain. And there's always risk involved....You fail like 99% of time with multiple jammies (they also die so you just lost a lot of gold)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
druids is not OP - maybe they are strong but they have really VERY LOW duration (20-30-40 seconds???) compare duration other ultimate - avatar vengeance CD = Duration 180 seconds WHY? maybe make for ballance game Vengeance duration only 100 seconds?
 Cause level 3 druids are OP.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
if there is somebody who need hard nert is bob the newt = why FQQTY dont talk about newts in that document? cuz newt is like 10x more OP than bear level 6 (make possible transmute newt or make it "you can not buy more than 2 newts")
No one even uses newts. Due to its super long CD, I dont even see point of getting it.
by the time it gets on stock, its not really useful. especially with 100000000000000000000 bolts and 1000000000000000 fire strikes these days.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
also need nerf shamans (transmute them at level 1) but FQQTy will say "if you will xmute shamans they will become useless" cause he abuse hero 450 codes and op build cold strike, nova, banish.... but if you will nerf druids or bears they will not become useless?
Shaman counterable level 1?
Just who the FU3k will get it then? If you complain that much GO GET CHARM
Transmute was NEVER supposed to be used to "kill a unit". Heck, I don't even understand why jammy dies to level 1 transmute.
That job is CHARM.
I personally believe that transmuting jammy should be at least 2 (wished it was 3)
actually, i think

transmute level 1 => 3
level 1. Every unit EXCEPT creeps
level 2. Every unit + creeps
level 3. same as #2 but more gold

LuxuryDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 3:57 AM | Message # 11
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Bats > your zeppelins ;D Rosario I think your mad bro.

mehrquackDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 4:19 AM | Message # 12
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Guys , vegance is one of the opest spells in the game cause the " new genaration " dont know how to counter them....
Moreover when u arent a idoit u can use vegance all the time
->When u win mass it and u have vegance it is easy to rule game

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
CouDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 4:48 AM | Message # 13
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Leave vengance alone. Kids were abusing D towers and now you want to nerf the only ulti perfect with tech? Vengance can be useless if the game gets dragged on compared to other ultis. Only early game I agree they are pretty hard to counter.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
mehrquackDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 5:24 AM | Message # 14
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I remember when u ,footy and mr.dark used 3 level 1 vegance against lol
In the end u base killed me with 9 vegance wtf

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 5:43 AM | Message # 15
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Bears being dispellable...I don't really like that idea butYa,... something has to be done with bears. Its too far overpowered. Especially once you get aura :l
Bears are like mini death tower level 3s. xD
I think it's the best way to nerf them a bit. With auras they are overpowered, even without auras. OFC lvl 6 should be like 2 or 3 times harder to dispel than lvl 5. This dispel should be only a HELP to kill them. Nerf armor gonna make them weak. And if you nerf damage they will be weak too in normal mode and still op in ssd (cause mass auras).
Quote Cou ()
Leave vengance alone. Kids were abusing D towers and now you want to nerf the only ulti perfect with tech? Vengance can be useless if the game gets dragged on compared to other ultis. Only early game I agree they are pretty hard to counter
Some people will say I don't want to nerf vengeance because I like that ulti. But the point of vengeance is to rush and help techers (this is the best ulti for techers). In late game it's sucks.
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Transmute was NEVER supposed to be used to "kill a unit". Heck, I don't even understand why jammy dies to level 1 transmute.
Forgot to put that in doc but i'm agreed. (+ it's will help players to counter vengeance wink ). But for the other creep keep as it.
Also Charm lvl 1 should work on newt...

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Message edited by F00ty_R3b0rn - Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 5:44 AM
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