4.1 Preview
Priest-Of-Sin | Date: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 9:22 PM | Message # 31 |
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| well Sound has right....but again im glad that you will finish 4.1 so im greatfull for what ever decision you make.i waiting for 4.1 like i wait for RoS on Diablo3.
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Bond009 | Date: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 10:14 PM | Message # 32 |
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| Quote SOUNDWAVES (  ) to sum up above is like this. Stacked team with early mass pool. crash 1 team in a 5min like lv3, rush and parasite base with pet. And then they ends up like lv11~13 while other team is still lv6~7. And then they seek for victim with no cd reveal. And then hunt. Game Ends like 11~12min. Is that your meaning of team play and your point that you are trying to keep? lol yea i see your point and thats not what im aiming for, and i agree with price of rat could be upped and its painful to say it but it woudnt hurt to keep pet in base i guess, but that is gonna make the game a little more slow pace with ppl either sitting in middle or in their base getting mana back or whatever, but not a big deal i guess.
im not really trying to balance around pubs.. Dont get me wrong they matter a lot but a good game cant be balanced around ppl that have little skill and knowledge about the game i wish all could learn and be good at chf but at the same time my goal isnt to close the gap between pubs and pros too much. this game has a skill cap thats almost not existent a player can endlessly get better and never really be the best thats possible. I dont wanna take away from that dumbing down the game too much. ah i got off track..
so i agree with rats im kinda 50/50 with the pet thing.. and i guess not pooling for first 4-5 mins would be ok but that will cause other problems from stupid ppl like accidentally buying an skill item for an ally that shared control and u cant pool back to him that 1 wood etc.. thats just 1 example. with 1 change affects soooooo many other things and areas of the game which is why there is so much room for glitches and mistakes..
i mean if pool is off for first 5-15 mins why not just have pool off the whole game and just play no pool or vote on -pool off, team work and pooling does separate the pros from noobs but when you really think about it, who cares? lol its part of the game i've been in many games with pubs or ppl that dont talk English and im like i need 500 need 500 gold 500 oro.. etc.. and most the time i get it if needed. i mean it takes a min or 2 but it does happen and i empathize with what its like to have shit team mates but thats part of any game anywhere.
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Cou | Date: Saturday, 07-Dec-2013, 11:09 PM | Message # 33 |
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| lol damn Bond doesnt give you second hand thoughts. He really thought it through and better then I or most players would :d
Legendary Team All Starz pack: http://chf.ucoz.com/forum/49-3291-1
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SOUNDWAVES | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 1:14 AM | Message # 34 |
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| Quote Bond009 (  ) im not really trying to balance around pubs.. Dont get me wrong they matter a lot but a good game cant be balanced around ppl that have little skill and knowledge about the game i wish all could learn and be good at chf but at the same time my goal isnt to close the gap between pubs and pros too much actually these are not for pubs. it helps pub a lot but main targets are decent players who believes that they are pro with easy win. after this, it will show the class between top and higher than average. limiting early pool mass will cause some problem just like wood things that you mentioned. But rat reveal should have CD.
Rest in Peace Rookies
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Bond009 | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 1:49 AM | Message # 35 |
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| yeah i dont see a big problem with rat having cd fpr reveal and costing a bit more and the pet thing im not sure about but if you wanna make the game not pool at start why not just make all players start with 0 gold after getting a hero, that would solve pros getting pre mass stuff all together etc.. but is that what is best to do? idk.. and for pooling after mass for tech i dont see a big problem with that, any standard player can counter early rushers with a 400 gold cannon or some game knowledge and simple micro. if they hit hard with summons they can get jammy and if its just mass units they can use a shock wave item in their own base etc.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 1:56 AM | Message # 36 |
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| Quote Bond009 (  ) this game has a skill cap thats almost not existent a player can endlessly get better and never really be the best thats possible. I dont wanna take away from that dumbing down the game too much. ah i got off track.. This game has a SKILL cap? Thought it was just straight out overpowered spell abuse Hahaha, there's almost no skill in chf. Maybe skill of "raging" and "Trolling" at nubs but nothing more
Quote Bond009 (  ) , but that is gonna make the game a little more slow pace with ppl either sitting in middle or in their base getting mana back or whatever, but not a big deal i guess. This is off tangent BUT base pet makes a HUGE difference. btw, Just do this: 1. 225 gold for mana potion 2. Base pet can't leave base Results: People are forced to tech to conquer mid. AOE abusers will have no mana to camp. Campers have no mana = Easy to counter. Game more balanced
Anyone that claims base pet doesn't change a lot is crazy. Base pet CHANGES entire game. It's one of reasons NO ONE even gets brilliance aura. If I had CHF again, I would lock pet at base AND make it give less mana. Current brilliance aura is SO USELESS cause of this. Plus, if you do this, de-brilliance aura might get popular ^^
Added (08-Dec-2013, 1:56 AM) --------------------------------------------- Quote Bond009 (  ) any standard player can counter early rushers with a 400 gold cannon or some game knowledge and simple micro. if they hit hard with summons they can get jammy and if its just mass units they can use a shock wave item in their own base etc. kk Bond. Let's play 3v1 in which I get mass pooled during mass and MAIM you right away. Please try countering that.
I'm 100% sure the guy teching isn't as stupid as to let you get cannon tower.
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 1:57 AM |
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Bond009 | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 2:19 AM | Message # 37 |
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| Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) This game has a SKILL cap? Thought it was just straight out overpowered spell abuse Hahaha, there's almost no skill in chf. Maybe skill of "raging" and "Trolling" at nubs but nothing more honestly this just makes you look dumb. the game has a huge skill cap, and huge range of player skill/ability which is slightly shown by playchf.tk/chf/top/ and the skill of players winning and losing. if there was no skill gap then anyone can beat you right rosa? since there is no range of skill cap in the game right? lol your opinion on this was nonsense trolling.. nothing more.
Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) Anyone that claims base pet doesn't change a lot is crazy. when i said "but that is gonna make the game a little more slow pace with ppl either sitting in middle or in their base getting mana back or whatever, but not a big deal i guess." i meant its not a big deal to make pet not go out in middle like ez to make happen.. i stated in the first area how it would change the game, i didnt mean it in itself not being a big deal. Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) kk Bond. Let's play 3v1 in which I get mass pooled during mass and MAIM you right away. Please try countering that.
I'm 100% sure the guy teching isn't as stupid as to let you get cannon tower. thats the whole point i was trying to make.. if you're getting pooled the whole time you obviously have a stacked team thats cooperating.. i might be able to counter and survive your first attacks because im amazing at surviving but i never said i would beat you with 2 pubs vs a full team. thats what i was saying before if you read. im not balancing a game around such conditions that cant be at the fault of the game..
That scenario has nothing to do with game balance but only to do with over all skill of a team and cooperation/communication in game play. Nothing can be done to make that scenario balanced because it doesn't come down to game mechanics its just over all team skill and knowledge at that point. I can assure you that u wouldn't be able to mow down a full pro team instantly after mass with that rush strat, they will survive it.
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 2:22 AM | Message # 38 |
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| I still dont understand why somebody think bears are op (you can not dispell them but you kill them very easy with units tier 3) in my opinion bears is good vs golems... cause bear level 6 kill golems 500 gold easy and F00ty abuse often golems and newts... so he want just spam "X" with newts and dispel bears? Why i dont see in that document "make possible transmute bob the newt"? They are more op than bear
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F00ty_R3b0rn | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 5:01 AM | Message # 39 |
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| Quote Bond009 (  ) The thing about those bears is think more out side the box with it and take into account what will happen with 1 simple change such as removing spell immune on this unit.you think auras make bears OP? lol imagine auras+beast scroll+bloodlust+dark flame+whatever else.. this thing would be almost worse than a tank token with all that.. and it doesnt have a huge cd or cost 950 gold.. you would be spending the whole game buying peasants and waste your rune to defend vs this. you wouldnt have much time to micro creep to dispel either before your base died.
Now yes u can say well they must get something to dispel it within 3-4 seconds or their base is already dead in a flash.. yeah.. taking spell immune from them could make them more OP.
Summons are meant to be good fighting units comparable to spells etc and be like a temp army, but they shouldnt be something that teched armies cant fight and kill.. if i buff the lvl6 bears armor/hp but remove spell immune then that puts more importance on heros killing it with spells or creeps dispelling it than it puts on a good army or defense right? not necessarily a good thing. I think we need to find another way to nerf.. i think if that change was made its more bad than good. If you and your allies got bloodlust + Dark flame + auras + only bears (without aoes) your guys won't lvl up + all that stuff is dispellable. And the scroll seems to cost too much to buff only two bears. But yeah i got your point tho. I didn't wanted something that you could dispel only by spamming "X". The dispel i wanted should have been just a support to kill them and not the best way. The only other way i see is to reduce a bit their HP. 2300 HP instead of 2550.
Zzzz Adam newt shouldn't be xmutable. Newt are made to be used in middle map. No point to buy it if you can transmute them.
CHARM lvl 1 should work on newt
Bond, Jammy shouldn't be transmutable until lvl 11. Look for now there is absolutly no reason to get charm when u can transmute or silence with rats... When you get charm ulti, you take a risk because if none buy creep it's useless. They have to be rewarded.
I'm agree at 50 / 50 for no pool during 3 / 5 min. Because i'm not sure it's will add balance. - Sometimes you need pool to build a canon tower or buy a jammy - Plus cheap strategy start like 3 serpent, mass flame strike, black arrow will be better than before. Because you can't counter them ealier with healing wards or jammy or wand etc.
But if you are going to do that maybe there is a way to do pool off only for gold (not for wood)
Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn ! http://imageshack.com/a/img401/3523/vzsc.png
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mehrquack | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 5:52 AM | Message # 40 |
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| My suggestions : I think it is important to balance bond hero -->remove his blink or reduce his hp/amor [I know that many players say that bond is already balanced . So why not add him as regular hero ?] Remove secret hero system [cause everyone deserve a chance to get a "good hero "] or reduce the probability of getting secret heros by using win codes. . It would be ideal when Code sytem gives only gold. Fix heros and rats who are hard to focus on with spells . Fix death tower + doantion [mainly donation = it is too op ]Added (08-Dec-2013, 5:52 AM) --------------------------------------------- rosa "1. 225 gold for mana potion 2. Base pet can't leave base Results: People are forced to tech to conquer mid. AOE abusers will have no mana to camp. Campers have no mana = Easy to counter. Game more balanced. " --->A bad idea. It would make vegance or other units based builds to op..........
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 7:48 AM | Message # 41 |
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| Quote F00ty_R3b0rn (  ) Zzzz Adam newt shouldn't be xmutable. Newt are made to be used in middle map. No point to buy it if you can transmute them. But explain me why you want nerf druids? you really want make it at 4.1 that just one jammy priest can dispell all druids? Maybe some people think druids is strong but they have very low duration - only 20, 30 and 40 seconds...
answer me please what is point pick ultimate spell dispell able only with 1 jammy priest and duration 40 seconds (leve 3) ??? if you will nerf druids nobody will pick them anymore... kill hero druids is not easy like kill hero with yamato canon or TT... if i play vs noobs i kill 3-4 hero with druids easy but if i play vs good players (who all have allies with staff saving, peon with amulet recall and use bob the newts) i have big problem get just 1 HK
i think druids is good how they are now - you can not dispell them with one jammy priest, but you can dispell them easy with Joza priest, 2 newts or item "wand of negation"
BEARS - they are strong but not OP, you can not dispell them at level 6 but you can kill them easy with units tier 3... bears is good in middle map... in enemy base against arcane and frost towers they are useless
bob the newt: maybe transmute them is bad idea.... but they need nerft really... if ic3dt3a or Roy pick 5 newts its very OP
i said many times my idea: make it you can not buy more than 2 bob the newts (same like with mana dragon at 4.0a)
or remove or reduce this resistant skin.... look one newt have 900 hp (i dont remember) i was testing spells on newt... i used storm bolt level 6 (850 dmg) and frost nova level 6 (550 dmg) and i didnt kill bob the newt who have 900 dmg... is that normal?Added (08-Dec-2013, 7:48 AM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote mehrquack (  ) Remove secret hero system secret heroes are not much better than other heroes... but its true bond 350 code is very good... but you can check some my replays i dont pick secret heroes anymore every game i pick hero from tavern 1 or tavern 2... for example Vexslasher or Blood Mage are much better than 99% "secret" heroes... pick secret hero is good only in mode ARS SSD if you need transmute - Alchymist 150 code hero
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 10:07 AM | Message # 42 |
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| if ic3dt3a or Roy pick 5 newts its very OP If any retard can afford this much newts, they deserve to win. iDGAF who they are. 5 newts? ROFL, dude, they are rich as fu1k. They deserve win. They outplayed you by 1000000x. Maybe don't change anything about newts BUT Make it "devour"-able by turtle. Current turtle is pathetic. Might as well bring some use to it
Also, make goatzilla have 30% bash for the trolls. After all, it does nothing but 1. Die quick 2. Get transmuted for $$$$$$$ 3. Spells fail so...useless...might as well bring bash lol
Quote Adam_CZ (  ) 2 newts or item "wand of negation" spending this much for talons? LOL. The amount of money you waste is $$ And trust me, try using wand on my talon. You will use it once on hero and then get permastunned to death YOU JUST WASTED 400 GOLD for NOTHING lol!!!
Quote Bond009 (  ) honestly this just makes you look dumb. the game has a huge skill cap Not huge. No. no no. I can make a pub become "good" in chf within a couple of hours. All you need to know is: 1. Game mechanics 2. Repetitions of the same build order (using the most overpowered spells -unbalanced spells-)
Quote mehrquack (  ) rosa "1. 225 gold for mana potion 2. Base pet can't leave base Results: People are forced to tech to conquer mid. AOE abusers will have no mana to camp. Campers have no mana = Easy to counter. Game more balanced. " --->A bad idea. It would make vegance or other units based builds to op.......... I stated to nerf vengence too. It's CD to summon spirits is rigged. RIGGED Plus, most of spells in chf is not balanced at all. lawlz
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 10:27 AM | Message # 43 |
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| AccCreate you are trash... I saw replay you vs Roy one week ago: http://playchf.tk/game/86417/ you were playing like big noob and only talking bullsh1ts and insulting (only for reason because Roystom was 100x better than you) why are you talking about CHF if you are noob? I dont understand
somebody who buy 5 newts is rich? Really? Best joke ever... one newt cost less than 400 gold (it mean 5 newts cost less than 2000 gold) somebody who have 2000 gold is rich and deserve win?
you are the most stupid player in CHF history
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ic3dt3a | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 11:52 AM | Message # 44 |
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| ^adam, you are noob. Bond shouldn't even read anything YOU type. You are the most stupid person in the history of the world.
Newts are fine, yesterday your boyfriend mr dark devil killed my newts easy. him and zizi beat my newts so easy. you should learn from someone who can play instead of crying all the time.
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Monster | Date: Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 5:05 PM | Message # 45 |
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| ^ic3d, YOU are noob. Bond shouldn't even read anything YOU type. You are the most stupid person in the history of the world.
Newts are OP. Clearly your awful and don't know how to play CHF if you don't even know that. YOU should learn from someone who can play.
Message edited by Monster - Sunday, 08-Dec-2013, 5:07 PM |
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