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ELO/ALTS ABUSE - Page 14 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009  
Bond009Date: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:09 AM | Message # 196
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Quote Random260 ()
Get what I am saying bond. Resetting all the stats will mean that everyone needs to start again and play on the noob bot which means the first few people to join the pro bot will leave since it will not fill. That is why we cannot reset the stats.

yea that is good if we made it 2 different separate elo stats charts, then u can keep the current stats and not reset anything.
But if you wanted to do it how i think u meant it like this:
Quote Bond009 ()
Have 1 Ladder Board that shows all ELO like how it is right now. But once they get over 1200~1300 elo or whatever we make the max bar for the pro bot, then those players with higher elo will get transferred over to the Pro bot with auto redirection. So within the same ladder elo ranking board it will all be in 1 place but ppl 1300 or greater will be in a different pro bot and ppl less than 1300 will stay in the Pub bot.

This would work and be completely fine IF we were starting fresh with no elo OR we reset the ELO but in its current state that wont work becuz the big issue here is no one see's the current elo ladder site as worth a damn. So if u wanted to do it this way you would have to reset all elo stats.

thats only gonna work if u reset the stats for everyone to 1000 0/0 and if we reset the elo at first we could make the bar be like anyone over 1100 elo goes to pro bot until ppl get higher. But the 2 separate elo charts is probably the best way to do it but if its too hard and the other way is easier then might have to reset stats :/

Otherwise the current stats will get in the way of the new system.. Or i guess a way to get around that and kinda just "fix the current one" is just make everyones elo thats over 1300 set back down to 1300.. that i guess would be ok.. but then u have to also raise everyones elo that is under 800 up to 800.
That would make it so the over inflated elo way above 1300 wouldnt reflect them playing vs pubs and getting that easy elo.. anything above the 1300 mark would then have to be vs other skilled players with 1300+ elo.

Random260Date: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 7:06 AM | Message # 197
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As I said using current stats is best method to stop congestion in the noob bot and help aid the pro bot to fill. The majority would like to keep there old elo that they earned. Some people don't really care about elo they just like there win/loss percentage high.

becuz the big issue here is no one see's the current elo ladder site as worth a damn

They would because as I said before logically all the top players will lose elo once this system has started but the people who don't are the ones who will be on top. Because all the pros will vs pros. nd as I said the majority will give a damm since only 16 people don't which are from this site most of the people who give a damm don't want to interfer since they don't want to be ranted or hated.. Because you guys are over exaggerating the situation. As I said I will nerf the elo of the top players. If thats all the issues that isn't much. I think it will work.

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Message edited by Random260 - Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 7:25 AM
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 4:58 PM | Message # 198
Robotic Ninja
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Its funny how Cyray was crying about "alt abuse" but TDT keep playing under alts. I just lose a game vs TDT alts: it was JST4X, Monster and Cheesy. They are playing only full stacked vs noobs/average players. I said many times i hate mode ARS but in this game i did ARS for ballance because i didnt want TDT pick 3x serpent wards, 3x vengeance and mass pool like they always do. But next game i told them FTL will come (Roystom, Nexsus and Secret Name) and i did hold TDT but when Roystom joined they left because they are scared. They really play only vs downloaders.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:06 PM | Message # 199
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1) Cyray is not tDT nor ever was. He was just our #1 fan.

2) We never go that shit anymore unless we know another team will go that shit AKA roys team and yet we're bad but not them... okay...

3) you're trash.

4) you tried to give us corner mass vs principe and soundwaves and have ftls full team all on us. literally a 5 v 3. Such a fair game huh.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:15 PM | Message # 200
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Cheesy you are  trash and the most overrated player... why you play only stack? Do you remember this game where you goleming under alt "gingerhail"? You lose all your golems vs noobs in team 4 and then leave crying and your excuse was "stackers" but it was really funny because they were random players and not very good. But if you play full stacked 3 TDT vs random teams its OK? You left because you were scared. And why are you lying like trash it was not JST4X who lose easy vs Nexsus: even JST4X (Drose) today said it was him.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:24 PM | Message # 201
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Do I have to play solo?

I can't play with friends is what you're saying? 

This game is boring A.F because everyone goes the same shit every time. Hence I like to compensate for that ^.^

And if indeed I am trash, what does that make 90% of this community who loses to me? Well thank god i'm only trash since it doesn't seem all that bad then. 

The fact that I can't even play this game anymore for fun without people like you trying to ruin it with "MY DICK IS BIGGER, NO MINE IS BIGGER'' competition is funny. I don't need to prove shit to you guys. I've done what i've done and i've been what I've been. But that's the past all i'm left with is knowledge of this game. Do I care if f00ty, or sound, or roystom is better than me? I honestly couldn't give two shits haha.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:52 PM | Message # 202
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
This game is boring A.F because everyone goes the same shit every time. Hence I like to compensate for that ^.^

that is why, my upset little friend, i like to -ars. The same overpowered builds by other players makes it annoying as fuck. . .
Bond009Date: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:56 PM | Message # 203
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Quote Random260 ()
As I said using current stats is best method to stop congestion in the noob bot and help aid the pro bot to fill. The majority would like to keep there old elo that they earned. Some people don't really care about elo they just like there win/loss percentage high.

Quote Random260 ()
They would because as I said before logically all the top players will lose elo once this system has started but the people who don't are the ones who will be on top. Because all the pros will vs pros. nd as I said the majority will give a damm since only 16 people don't which are from this site most of the people who give a damm don't want to interfer since they don't want to be ranted or hated.. Because you guys are over exaggerating the situation. As I said I will nerf the elo of the top players. If thats all the issues that isn't much. I think it will work.

i guess thats good enough. The reason ppl here dont give a damn about the elo stats is becuz its been abused to the point that it means nothing. some ppl in that stats list might have earned it legit but alot didnt. and most the top ppl didnt. most the top ppl got fast easy elo from pubs with 1000 elo when the elo system first started.

If you didnt make it 2 separate elo stats rankings then u would need to take everyone above 1300elo and set them to 1300. i guess for the wins/losses u can leave that as it is.. this will be good enough to fix most the issues.. in a fast easy way. I hope i dont have to repeat this anymore.

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:58 PM | Message # 204
Robotic Ninja
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ARS doesnt solve anything because some asshole can have all aoes while another kid has like holy light, frost aura and dark ritual. games cannot be won with builds that are that shitty anyone knows this.

It's honestly more luck than skill. the only mode that can compensate for this (still not even a great one) is clone random team mode.

Where's any show for losing with frost aura, brilliance and dark ritual. And what's any show for winning with all aoes?

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 5:59 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 6:02 PM | Message # 205
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
Where's any show for losing with frost aura, brilliance and dark ritual

If you were to win, you'd obtain bad ass status. brilliance isn't a bad aura at all. . .

Honestly, it is your fault for stacking and alting so much . . . It's funny to see you complaining.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 25-Jan-2014, 6:05 PM | Message # 206
Robotic Ninja
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I like when I write good shit and people completely avoid it and completely change the subject. Shows people don't like to be proven wrong.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Random260Date: Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 4:45 AM | Message # 207
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Ok, I will nerf everyone down to 1300 but keep the top players ahead by 50 elo. But all the people in top 100 or 20 what you reckon or think of cut offf? Will be on 1325 while the top 5 will be on 1375. And top 3 will be on 1390. I want to keep preivous win/losses though. So everything is good? I will commence the project once I got your understanding, bond. But the old win/losses befroe this will not effect the elo. It is just for show.

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Message edited by Random260 - Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 4:49 AM
Bond009Date: Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 5:32 AM | Message # 208
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Quote Random260 ()
Ok, I will nerf everyone down to 1300 but keep the top players ahead by 50 elo. But all the people in top 100 or 20 what you reckon or think of cut offf? Will be on 1325 while the top 5 will be on 1375. And top 3 will be on 1390. I want to keep preivous win/losses though. So everything is good? I will commence the project once I got your understanding, bond. But the old win/losses befroe this will not effect the elo. It is just for show.

yeah that will work good enough to fix the main problems. i guess u could do it like anyone on the page 1 can have 1400 page 2 1375 page 3 1350 page 4 1325 and all others over 1300 set to 1300 (or smaller increments if ya want, like 1350/1340/1330/1320 then 1300).
Anyone under 800 elo set back to 800. that way its pretty close to a fresh start. and anyone that has 1300+ wont be able to get easy elo from pubs anymore it will auto direct ppl with 1300+ to the new bot. then once they go below 1300 they will face pubs again till they go above. Current wins/losses can stay i guess shouldnt matter too much. This should still fix all the main issues ppl had and a feasible way to do it.
Dont bother changing ppls elo tho till everything is all set to go and we test it out and everything.

F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 7:13 AM | Message # 209
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Your guys also forgot that in leaderboard some people are appearing two times. For example, look at osetinas : he is recorded 3 times in two first page of ELO (Stebetojas, osetinas, armenas = all 1 500 + ELO), or vetealamierda on two differents servers 1 500 + ELO.

Most of players are registered like 2 / 5 times in the current leaderboard with at least 1 200 + ELO. That's why I don't understand you are still focusing with the same figures (=1300 ELO). 1300 ELO is way too much, 10 pages I'm repeating my self. I give up also.

- 1100 or 1200 for pro

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Message edited by F00ty_R3b0rn - Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 7:25 AM
Random260Date: Sunday, 26-Jan-2014, 8:13 AM | Message # 210
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I know f00ty. 1300 was never going to be our starting figure. But now onto the figures the requirement.

  • Now, The starting requirement is 1200 will be raised later on to 1300 and 1400 and so on. I agree with f00ty but the problem is when a new account is made the default elo is 1000. We could change it.  But lets try to avoid that for now because we want hostbot to fill
  • The min requirement is 25 wins
Onto the reset of elo:
  • The top 10 will have 1325

  • The rest of page 1 which is 10 left can have 1300
  • Page 2 can have 1275
  • Page 3 1250
  • Page 4 1225
  • The rest 1200
  • Anyone below 800 will go to 800

  • And anyone between 1200 and 800 will have there elo the same

Other things:
  • Hostbot name: ClanHPMM, I don't want to use bondbot since it is for pubbing any game so: ClanHPMM.2 (this hostbot name can be negotiated)

  • ClanHPMM will be the noob bot and clanHPMM.2 will be the pro. The reason why is clanHPMM is basically our default host bot for everyone to play on (replacing with word noob). It is like the heart of the chf community. Hope you get what I mean.

  • Game Name: I intend to keep CUSTOM HERO FOOTIES! # for clanhpmm since most players differentiate hostbots by game name. for the pro hostbot clanHPMM.2: I was thinking [PRO]CUSTOM HERO FOOTS # (Can be negotiated but I want [PRO]in front)

  • 1 leaderboard
  • 2 Hostbots: Noob hostbot, pro  hostbot

  • If a player gets above 1200 he will get redirected to pro hostbot to vs pros.

  • If he gets below 1200 he will play on noob hostb

Shortened the summary since I couldn't be bothered retyping. Everything should be good now I am trying to restore the elo so we know what order it would originally be. Alright after bonds last word will will commence this project.

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