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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

TECH IS SO SAD - Page 2 - Forum

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ÜberGeekDate: Tuesday, 22-Nov-2011, 1:02 PM | Message # 16
Mr. Löwenstein
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SAD, SAD TECH... sad

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!

Message edited by ÜberGeek - Tuesday, 22-Nov-2011, 1:04 PM
Pyo-LizZoODate: Tuesday, 22-Nov-2011, 4:35 PM | Message # 17
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u sad bro?

pew pew - hele killer style

SOUNDWAVESDate: Tuesday, 22-Nov-2011, 10:55 PM | Message # 18
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Quote (Knurzfoten)
sound it wasnt stax it was a pub in second game

it's called alt account

Quote (Arctty)
Agreed, although tech is still good for base defense and basekilling but unless you capitalize early, get big pools and are significantly ahead it is hard to make it worth while. Mr.Ford...

that's exactly right

anyway I think tier1 and tier2 are fine in early game vs under lv10 heros but tier3 and tier4 can't resist lv5++ AOES, especially lv6
right opponent of these lv6 aoes are Tier 5 tech not tier3 and tier4. also several lv6 spells like tichmeh, devotion, hk spells are too strong compare with lv5. those are better than some of ultimate

so I suppose that there should be some restriction to above lv6 spells.
like highly reduce damage current lv6 damage but it can get it back their original damage when hero take item like staff of the magisters/acidic flame items in footy 5.4

or just reduce ammount of increasing damages at lv5 to lv6. also slightly nerf damage at lv4 to lv5
the current increasing damage at lv5 to lv6 aoes are 200++ and hk spells like coil, bolt are 400~500++ and those are too big. it should be reduced to half or more than half
to encourage tech and other possible builds

there are lots of skills and possible combines but these op aoes restrict that.
also mass aoe, coil, bolt drops quality of game and that makes boring game.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Tuesday, 22-Nov-2011, 10:57 PM
Bond009Date: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 0:39 AM | Message # 19
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or just reduce ammount of increasing damages at lv5 to lv6. also slightly nerf damage at lv4 to lv5
the current increasing damage at lv5 to lv6 aoes are 200++ and hk spells like coil, bolt are 400~500++ and those are too big. it should be reduced to half or more than half
to encourage tech and other possible builds

i think the strong hero killing spell encourage ppl to tech becuz those players cant defend vs a good army with single target spells

i think the spells are petty decently balanced atm but some can get a bit op for last lvls if in the right combo, but reason for that i think is becuz by the time heros are lvl 16 its assumed they will be going against tier 3 units+

Foots should be played kinda how i made Insane AI play in most cases. But people dont tech becuz they have more fun putting their gold into their hero i think. alot of ppl would rather put 2650 gold into a hero for a heart item so they dont die as often rather than put 2350 gold into getting to tier 2.. not to mention the extra cost for some attack and defense and race upgrades, all adds to it..

I'm thinking tech might be a bit over priced for its worth maybe base teching prices should be thought about and slightly adjusted a bit if you want to encourage teching.. because ppl are right without pooling a bit teching most often will not work..
But on the other hand if teching is made too cheap to where you dont need any pooling then it could become very OP vs spells and bases and towers if ppl did pool because it would be cheaper making a bit of pooling get outa control fast for tech.

Tier 1 was over priced at 1050 gold so i made it 950 a long time ago which i think helped a bit..So maybe the other teirs 2-4 could be adjusted a little as well..
but then again maybe later tier units should get some spell resistance with them, like t3 get 10% t4 15-20% and t5 get 20-25% maybe
This would make it so aoes arnt too under powered vs low weak tiers but not OP vs high tiers.
And night elf already have this so i could just buff theirs a bit to balance it out.
Idk its good to bounce around different ideas to solve a problem.

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 1:11 AM | Message # 20
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yah and the highest hp tier 1 unit with the +110 first time hp upgrade is 960 on kodos and raiders so it really doesnt matter becasue nova(400) + carrion(625) + any 3rd aoe you ar an ally might have = over 960 dmg.
ÜberGeekDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 1:58 AM | Message # 21
Mr. Löwenstein
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Quote (Bond009)
t3 get 10% t4 15-20% and t5 get 20-25%

this should work, implement it

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 2:25 AM | Message # 22
Zombie Pirate
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hmm. like the idea but about not being able to win w.o mass pool, have u ever seen me tech lmao. i get 2.5k gold out of mass with my black arrow build(play me to find out) and tech skeles, get atk upgrades by mass tp in an underlevel team, and get up to 15 atk upgrades(they build towers usually arcanes or speed cannons which are huge feed), go kodos. mass upgrade health and atk so i max both(kodo has 1760 hp at the end and around 150 dmg), and bk the teams.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 3:33 AM | Message # 23
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Quote (Bond009)
i think the strong hero killing spell encourage ppl to tech becuz those players cant defend vs a good army with single target spells

half is right but the other half is wrong. if it was just 1v1 as single hero targeting combo(coil, bolt, etc..) vs tech then you are probably right.
but in typical normal 3v3v3v3 game. ppl combine their build like 1hk spell (coil or bolt) + 1 uk spell(aoes)
or ppl just separate their part like 1 goes hk build other goes uk build
or they just go 2~3 combined build. and those are problem
if ppl knows how to use these builds then they can lvl up faster than tech players also they have extra golds(cuz they didnt spent my for tier and upgrade) for tome. so usually none tech team can easily lead game and easily interrupt tech team.
plus it's not that hard to kill tech player hero by using coil bolt. I can make them sit in their base by using this build. once I lead game under tier3 units are nothing wihtout their hero support.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Quote (Bond009)
Foots should be played kinda how i made Insane AI play in most cases.

ppl doesn't get free money and free items like Insane AI so you can't compare with them.
insane AI starts mass with upgraded units and creep support, so they don't fail mass, even vs mass aoes AI win mass or even.

Quote (Bond009)
But people dont tech becuz they have more fun putting their gold into their hero i think.

I don't like to spend money for items but sometimes I have to. otherwise powerful spells killing me easily.
and I like teching but awww...
I don't wanna listen to pub and ppl who doesn't know anything. you can just ask pro players that why do they don't tech. and I guess some of them answered already.
tech gives much more chance to lose vs mass aoes or just hk aoe combined team.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------

Quote (Bond009)
i think the spells are petty decently balanced atm but some can get a bit op for last lvls if in the right combo, but reason for that i think is becuz by the time heros are lvl 16 its assumed they will be going against tier 3 units+

I can't agree with that. bear is stronger than anyother summon. bear have high damages and bash, magic immunity, resistance skin, cleaving and blink. lv6 bear armor is upgradable. so bear is the best tank summon and the best uk summon and the best hk summon. also it's the best summon for bk cuz it is magic immunity while water aren't.
to be balanced and to keep it's ability then base damage should be nerf

about aoes. aoes are the best spell. aoes are not only best choice for Uk but also best choice for hk.
and believe me lv6 aoes are too strong to tier3 and tier4 units. you should remember that this is 3v3 game. so tech player should face more than 1 player in normal game. and 1 team can take more than 4~5 aoes like 2nd replay which I posted in this thread.
also if the matter is defense against tier3 armys then aoe player can upgrade their base and fight them with nonupgraded units and aoe but they dont have to. because mass aoe can block them all.

lv6 aoe should take less damage than firebolt and that will be balanced.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 9:12 AM
Pyo-LizZoODate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 7:19 AM | Message # 24
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100 % agree with most of soundwaves wrote.

ofc people invest more in their heroes , when tech is so weak compared to the effectivness of aoes,xmute etc...

Quote (Bond)
i think the spells are petty decently balanced atm but some can get a bit op for last lvls if in the right combo

no most of the most used spells arent even close to balance...

pew pew - hele killer style

stoogeDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 8:19 AM | Message # 25
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tech fails big time...u need to make it cheaper or nerf aoe's or make them use more mana...cuz atm its fukn crazy...lvl4-6 aoe 2 of them combined kills tier2 units with 6-9hp upgrades...which costs like fukn shitload to upgrade them and u get like 1000+hp on ur units and 1 set of aoe's and bam ur units are dead...its just fukn annoying BOOM head SHOT single aoe shits...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
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a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 9:33 AM | Message # 26
Robotic Ninja
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okay what i really want is for t4 not to be useless thats the most useless tier. T1 is just kind of a cheap tier and easy to hk with at beginning unless ssd. T2 billions of units that are fast and can bk. T3 Still good strong and worth it they can bk etc. T4 SUPER USELESS SLOW SPAWN long life but slow. T5 IS good and strong and fast and can bk.

SOUNDWAVESDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 9:40 AM | Message # 27
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no doubt I-connect is one of the best aoe player but even he said to you that AOEs are OP.
please listen to experienced player.

and mass pool comes from mass aoe and hk, xmute supporters. so if you nerf aoes then it can also reduce mass pooling gold.

1 more thing I've made some of op team builds several months ago. And one of combine is using BEAR and Chimeras with mass aoes.
so with this build you dont have to tech for bk. cuz bear, chimera, aura, healwave, shockwave can bk under tier4 bases.
even if it fails at bk aoe and xmute can make enough gold for next plan. so to be balanced you gotta nerf bear base attack damage.

anyway this is not a noobish crying post lol
I know how to use ww aoes and goleming and maulering and other op builds like bear chimera.
but I am just bored at abusing op things.
also I am sick of facing those boring ppl who using op things in every single game. especially with stacked team.

Added (2011-11-23, 10:40 Am)

Quote (Bond009)
but then again maybe later tier units should get some spell resistance with them, like t3 get 10% t4 15-20% and t5 get 20-25% maybe
This would make it so aoes arnt too under powered vs low weak tiers but not OP vs high tiers.

Quote (stooge)
tech fails big time...u need to make it cheaper or nerf aoe's or make them use more mana...cuz atm its fukn crazy...lvl4-6 aoe 2 of them combined kills tier2 units with 6-9hp upgrades...which costs like fukn shitload to upgrade them and u get like 1000+hp on ur units and 1 set of aoe's and bam ur units are dead...its just fukn annoying BOOM head SHOT single aoe shits...

Rest in Peace Rookies
TehbigbeeDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 1:39 PM | Message # 28
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Yea I agree with Sound, now more than ever teching sucks. Now there's multi shot towers too, that can be pretty hard to destroy, and do a lot of damage to a group of units. People can get ToT's so much faster now, too so even without a full team with aoe's tech can still be stopped.
ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 3:37 PM | Message # 29
Robotic Ninja
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increase items' prices by 30%
Bond009Date: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011, 3:45 PM | Message # 30
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Quote (Bond009)
i think the spells are petty decently balanced atm but some can get a bit op for last lvls if in the right combo

i just meant most spells are pretty descent i agree theres still a few outstanding spells lol

ok i agree aoes can be a bit much, but i dont know the best way to take them down.. becuz no matter what a team that works perfect together can still get like 2-3 aoes per hero.

even if i made all lvl6 aoes do like 400-500 damage its still enough to kill t4 units.. theres no stopping that. lets say i took carrion from 625 to 550 and shockwave from 550 to 500 (both under fire bolt which is 590)
3 lvl16 heros can still rape anything.. even if i went extreme and made them 400dmg at lvl 6 and 3 heros all had 2 aoes a peice 400x6=2400 damage
But i guess lowering their damage along with their already high mana cost will help in any case.

what im saying is there is nothing that can be done to make aoe's suck enough to be ok without making those spells completely worthless to where no one ever will pick them again.

how about this.. i'll make it so no aoe does more than 575 damage.. and for like t3-t5 i'll give some spell resistance to them..
and maybe a bit faster hp/s regen this will make the priest ward heal them in base faster after they take damage from hit and run ww aoe ppl

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