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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

TECH IS SO SAD - Page 5 - Forum

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XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 6:03 AM | Message # 61
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i think you should add the ladder passives on any of the units except spell immunity. for spell immune u shud make them 60-70% immune i think
CouDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 6:46 AM | Message # 62
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Just to further validate my point, Footies became popular through teching which is why footy ARS is still popular even though it's boring and slow and IMBA But You always see those players come out of their base with their units and not have to worry about hit and run tactics like ww or aoes that keeps them in their base half the time, because even if they suffered casualty against the other tech players on footy ars, they made some gold back at least to further tech, tier or recovered.

CHF on the other hand, is a balance of teching and hero wars which is why still so popular to this day, but it is slowly falling over to hero wars lol.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 7:39 AM
ÜberGeekDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 7:37 AM | Message # 63
Mr. Löwenstein
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Observant Cou is observant. friends

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 7:41 AM | Message # 64
Zombie Pirate
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oh btw thx cou, that reminds me, REMOVE ALL STANDARD HEROES FROM GAME! theyre unneeded and op in any mode with ars. i played an ars game where a team got a fox then 1 hero with nova and we came out 4 lvls ahead in mass of them and couldnt win because theyre FOX + nova was stopping my raiders from attacking pretty much.
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 10:13 AM | Message # 65
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
I've been playing this for 3 years I never knew that O-O

i was talking to ic3 about tot since he thinks thats ridiculously strong

bond you should add a cripple spell i could find that useful you should also buff fire burn or w/e
Bond009Date: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 1:04 PM | Message # 66
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i think undead/orc/human/elition is pretty good at t3 becuz they all have good hp or can get ups for it but night elf has lower hp so it already has some spell resistance in past version.

i think all t3 units can get 10% and NE gets 15-20%
t4 gets like 20% and NE t4 gets like 25%
t5 can get like 15-20% NE t5 20-25%

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 2:22 PM | Message # 67
Robotic Ninja
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I want tech balanced too but I want all aspect and levels of tech looked at as well not just the freaking late game perspective... Btw, I AM GONNA BE TALKING ABOUT BALANCE FOR TECH VS TECH IN THESE PARAGRAPHS. ONLY BALANCING THE AOES WON'T MAKE TECH BALANCED

Tier 1: Well we shouldn't really do much as of now because of the fact that if you could get a shit ton of benefits from only tier 1 it would be abit op. However ghouls are my only concern. Their attack should be higher as you upgrade since a) they are melee and b) they have very low hp as a melee unit. Idk about movement speed you can all debate for that because well pretty much all units are slow without an aura.

Tier 2: Out of all stages IMO tier 2 is probably pretty dam balanced since a) Its a starter out for those specials and also the tier 2 doesn't become too op. However the headhunters don't benefit alot from the attack upgrades and they have piercing damage (the shittiest of them all). I think piercing should fuck off :p. Crypt friends my concern for them are their spawn rate. The game I lost was with these guys because I had to consume alot of time waiting for these guys to spawn so I could finally gather 12 and go on my way but by then they would be sniped down shitless. I say keep piercing on these guys but atleast make a faster spawn rate for them. They aren't tanky units after all, so I don't understand why they take an era just to spawn 12... Infact that should apply for every type of unit. IF THEY ARE NOT TANK UNITS SUCH AS T4 AND SUCH, THEY SHOULDN'T TAKE FOREVER TO SPAWN.

Tier 3: (God fucking damit, macs suck fucking monkey hard ons, I finished writing a shit ton of info then boom the fucking internet crashed. Ill try and remember what I wrote) Now tier 3, I think mostly it's job is to be able to have a resistance vs heroes that are near developed or still developing. This tier isn't supposed to tank and destroy level 16 heroes. However when it comes to the tech vs tech aspect, tier 3 is all over the place. Ill talk about raiders and kodos now. Now ill just say this now RAIDERS ARE BETTER, PERIOD. The only reason people stick with kodos more often is because of the fact that elintian all around is bawss. Anyways, I think these 2 types of units are too freaking op. They can bk extremely quickly with just a couple of attack upgrades, and they slaughter tier 4 units dead. So do add that spell resist on all tier 3 units, but nerf the benefits these guys receive (raiders and kodos) from attack upgrades and armour upgrade. Its retarded knowing these guys can slaughter almost anything crossing their path. Druids, don't got alot to say but maybe do add more hp regen. SEKELETON MAGES, the shittiest of them all. Piercing attack, no damage nor armour. Probably every aspect of these guys need to be buffed (besides speed and HP they aren't mean't to tank) from their benefits from attack upgrades and armour, and also I think would be neat if they had 15-20% evasion on them and also that spell resistance. Spell breakers, you can debate about them, I think they're pretty good where they are at now.

TIER 4: (Brb :p)

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 3:49 PM
ArcttyDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 3:39 PM | Message # 68
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Quote (Bond009)
i think undead/orc/human/elition is pretty good at t3 becuz they all have good hp or can get ups for it but night elf has lower hp so it already has some spell resistance in past version.

i think all t3 units can get 10% and NE gets 15-20%
t4 gets like 20% and NE t4 gets like 25%
t5 can get like 15-20% NE t5 20-25%

man this sounds familiar
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011, 5:30 PM | Message # 69
Zombie Pirate
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NE t5 should get more like 60% reduction. or 100% but be able to be stunned or something. BUFF ALL NIGHT ELF UNITS HEALTH POINTS... i mean huntresses go down in hp to druids 650 - 600
killerrangeDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 4:00 AM | Message # 70
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Buff NE, cause i love them >:)

I'm here to help :D
ÜberGeekDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 4:42 AM | Message # 71
Mr. Löwenstein
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Quote (killerrange)
Buff NE, cause i love them >:)

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 4:55 AM | Message # 72
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
Tier 1: Well we shouldn't really do much as of now because of the fact that if you could get a shit ton of benefits from only tier 1 it would be abit op. However ghouls are my only concern. Their attack should be higher as you upgrade since a) they are melee and b) they have very low hp as a melee unit. Idk about movement speed you can all debate for that because well pretty much all units are slow without an aura.

Tier 2: Out of all stages IMO tier 2 is probably pretty dam balanced since a) Its a starter out for those specials and also the tier 2 doesn't become too op

Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
I say keep piercing on these guys but atleast make a faster spawn rate for them. They aren't tanky units after all, so I don't understand why they take an era just to spawn 12... Infact that should apply for every type of unit. IF THEY ARE NOT TANK UNITS SUCH AS T4 AND SUCH, THEY SHOULDN'T TAKE FOREVER TO SPAWN.

agree with all.

but I think every phoenix and chimera should be light armor so piercing units can easily counter them.
piercing attack deals 200% to light armor but those piercing units are only 3(head hunter, fiend, skell mage) and those are really weak against aoes.
so that might be pretty balanced.

and undead tier upgrade is worst. I think they should take same upgrade system with Human race. like orc and elintian.
or just every units take common upgrade system so there might be 6 upgrade for units. like range upgrade will affect to head hunter, fiend, mortal, skell mage and so on.

Quote (Bond009)
i think all t3 units can get 10% and NE gets 15-20%
t4 gets like 20% and NE t4 gets like 25%
t5 can get like 15-20% NE t5 20-25%

I like this one 10% to t3 NE gets 20%, t2 NE gets 10%
t4 gets 20% and NE t4 gets 30%
t5 gets 15% and NE t5 gets 25%

make every aoe damage less than 550
and hk spells less than 800
those mass aoes and mass bolt coil pissing me off.

give some splash damage to fiend and skell mage
fiend isnt tank unit and they have slow generation rate with worst attack type in this game. also it have medium armor so it cant resist same tier normal attack type units like skell warrior and militia. and skell mages regenration rate doesnt helpful in mid-game. so I assume that Undead race should share their upgrade with Human

Added (2011-11-28, 5:55 AM)
unit xp should be buff too. it will encourage individual microing units. let it make 2xp from 1 uk.
current master level is almost same with ring of jebus. it only show up at completely ownage game.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 4:58 AM
killerrangeDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 7:52 AM | Message # 73
Zombie Pirate
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this game is getting kinda shit and its annoying me

Added (2011-11-28, 8:52 AM)
you need to make it so people can only choose 1 aoe

I'm here to help :D
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 10:21 AM | Message # 74
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back then, there were test games exist to join hpmm. ww and same build wasnt allowed at test game. my tester for hpmm were master-hero and thefallenone
anyway most of ppl in hpmm didnt picked ww aoes or some op shits like that. few ppl always went ww aoes tho.
And I remember ppl made rule while they take inhouse. -no ww mode wasnt exsit but ww wasnt allowed at inhouse. and ppl didn't picked divine shit instead of ww.
I still have those good inhouse game replays.
anyway this game became kind shit now. I think its cuz of players. chf is still better than any other footies and custom games. aoe were more powerful at previous version but old hpmm players didn't abused.
nowadays well known players choose powerful build which is easy to win and they always stack up. probably that might be efficient way but it isn't funny to play against them.
they rape mass and feed off from pub. and then keep tomeing. probably those easy game might be funny for them. because they raped others.
but this isnt funny to opponents, especially to pub and ppl who play with pub and ppl who don't want to repeat op shits.
and this is why chf can't make new ppls. most of recent decent players are just alt account of old players.
game system is so much inconvenient to new players. And hard to catch up good teams. they just feeding and waiting to lose.
I don't care about stacked team. stacking team gives chance to try new builds and some creative things but if stacked team goes op shits then it pissing me off.
anyway I assume that it's time to change things by fixing map.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 10:27 AM
Pyo-LizZoODate: Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 11:13 AM | Message # 75
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I agree with all. anyway yesterday I had pretty good games vs lizz and master-hero.

well yes, the games were nice , the second game was the nicest biggrin That was almost like Footmen Wars should be.

Quote (ÜberGeek)
a lot of good ideas ... nothing is being done ... hmm ... this looks so familiar ... meowth

pew pew - hele killer style

Message edited by Pyo-LizZoO - Monday, 28-Nov-2011, 11:13 AM
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