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Bond009 and few other CHF players
stoogeDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 11:37 PM | Message # 16
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Lol arctty...welcome to my world...spider only thinks it's trolling if u go against him...n makes up shit which is totally wrong according to the game...but I can see us going for a vacation so I'll see u there hahaha....

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lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:00 AM | Message # 17
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@ cheesy were talking warcraft not starcraft there playstyles are very differnt

@ acrrty ive only closed ONE thread in months and that was because it was 4-5 pages of bashing one guy and was going too far

as for people that have been banned ive banned a total of 3 people ( one whos not back since he served his ban time) and 2 perm that were agreed upon by the ENTIRE staff because all they did was insult everyone and everything , post hatefull cursing and derogatory comments and violate every forum rule possible repeatedly

in the end i dont care if you agree with me i dont care if you like me . your welcome to your beleifs and opinions as long as you follow the forums rules when you do so
( like keeping hte language pg-13 or less i had to edit a word on your last post as the language one violates not only the forums rules but the UCOZ site rules as well)

if youve been experincing a great deal of moderation theres 5 moderators that are likely doing there jobs and if there overmoderating thats somethin you need to submit in the admin contact forum

and as for your clan member comment considering the fact that ive been in the clan for almost a year more than you its realy just absurd

lastly i dont do this for dominince or authority i do this to maintain a fun entertaining place for everyone to come and discuss the game and w/e else and hang out there are clear rules if people violate them action is taken action that mind you is 90% far FAR lighter than action that would be taken on any other forum anywhere as i tend to moderate with a VERY light hand

@ stooge dont be mad because i simply pointed out how you CLEARLY worked yourself into a corner and showed that you had no place in a conversation
but on that note that conversation is for THAT thread so keep it there dont go taking it to multiple threads as it simply muddies up the forums and makes it hard to follow the conversation

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
mb53Date: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:15 AM | Message # 18
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You all sound like the annoying little girls at my school who make drama for no reason.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:19 AM | Message # 19
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Spider you are #$&*@ delusional. You are delusional about CHF because you don't play. You are even more delusional about Laddering because you don't do that either. And you are even more delusional about the way you handle shit on these forums.

As for warcraft vs starcraft, starcraft is the only game I have seen rushing in 5 minutes used effectively and the only game where it is/was common to agree to no rush. No fucking clue what you are talking about once again, be honest with yourself.

I have never seen anyone in my life so f#%g delirious. Don't post and try to act professional telling me about the rules of UCOZ, I read the rules but i can guarantee you UCOZ could give a f#@$ what I say on here, its just you looking for a reason to intervene when you don't have to.

"i tend to moderate with a VERY light hand" -Spider

If that isn't the epitome of being delusional I don't know what is. I don't know you in real life, but on these forums you are an asshole, no two ways about it. It doesn't matter what you say, what you do one thing isn't going to change: you're still an asshole. Have fun editing my post.

stoogeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:19 AM | Message # 20
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
Spider in the Starcraft, that thinking would make you dead. You hit at the 8 minute mark or your fucked pretty much. Or atleast a constant harass would throw off the opponent on macro.

again only ppl who get edited/banned are the ones go against spider...but for those who couldnt give a flying fark and just keep to themselves its k to use everything.
Quote (Arctty)
Spider I have bit my tongue on all 377 of your dumb ass posts but 90% of what you say is completely @$@#% retarded

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
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mb53Date: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 2:29 AM | Message # 21
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I repeat:
Quote (mb53)
You all sound like the annoying little girls at my school who make drama for no reason.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 7:03 AM | Message # 22
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your conversation guys are leading to nothing but more rage/flame in my opinion.

you either stop or sort it out now, because it's not good by coming here, checking the new messages and all I see is this shit..

you are grown ups, this seriously looks like a fight between teenage girls in school.

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:02 AM | Message # 23
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Quote (Arctty)
have never seen anyone in my life so f#%g delirious. Don't post and try to act professional telling me about the rules of UCOZ, I read the rules but i can guarantee you UCOZ could give a f#@$ what I say on here, its just you looking for a reason to intervene when you don't have to.

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I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:03 AM | Message # 24
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Quote (Antyone)
you are grown ups, this seriously looks like a fight between teenage girls in school

thats the problem ant there NOT grownups there teenage boys that cant seem to get control of there emotions

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
stoogeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 11:40 AM | Message # 25
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coming from an idiot who talks shit out of his ass on topics that he knows fuk all about...dude ur 32 go do something with ur fukn life

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
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lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:08 PM | Message # 26
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NOW your definately jsut trolling and trying to start trouble so just grow up and stop

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:16 PM | Message # 27
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I mean... I tell spider I read the rules already yet he posts them again as if I didn't read them. Funny thing is I am older than most of the people on here and spider is probably older than everyone else on here by a mile. Spider constantly telling other people "you guys are trolling" omg im gona have to do something about this, "teenage boys cant get their emotions under control". The thing is spider, you go back and forth with people just as much, if not more than the rest of us. You are the biggest troll on here, you feed into everything more than anyone else.

It is just beyond me, I have never seen an adult, a grown ass man with as big a disconnect from reality as you spider.

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:26 PM | Message # 28
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the only time ive recently told anyone that is YOU AND STOOGE in the same 2 threads where you seem insistant on starting a fight for no reason

you disagree with my play style fine , you disagree with my opinions fine , you try to start a fight and make baseless accusations about how i runt he forums NOT fine

yes ill get in and debate things with everyone else and argue my point furvantly however i curb my cursing and dont fling insults beyond a minimal level i dont go flinging a string of explitives and trashing peoples lives

the only one with a disconnect here i you and stooge

you say i ban anyone that disagrees with me but ive only banned 3 people one thats back and 2 had NOTHING to do with me and only had to do with there actions any conflict with me didnt take place till AFTER i steped in to curb there foul actions

you say i over moderate yes ive NEVER deleted normal posts only replaced things like the Fbomb with @#%% to follow the forum rules

you say youve read the rules and complain that i reposted them but seem to repeatedly overlook the highlight parts that CLEARLY explain why things like launguage MUST be moderated and can cost us out site if there not

however EVEN IF that wasnt the case we have FORUMS rules created by and approved by kobas , bond, me, and all teh moderators . so the clear simple truth is FOLLOW THE RULES OR GTFO! argue debate have fun but curb the launguage while you do it . its NOT that freaking complicated as the forums rules say if its not allowed on network television dont say it here

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 12:46 PM | Message # 29
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Quote (lspiderl)
you disagree with my play style fine , you disagree with my opinions fine , you try to start a fight and make baseless accusations about how i runt he forums NOT fine

You don't have a play style, you don't play anything. I didn't make any baseless accusations don't get what I say confused with what stooge says. A LOT of people have problems with the way you do things on here who don't want to get involved in this, which is fine.

Quote (lspiderl)
you say youve read the rules and complain that i reposted them but seem to repeatedly overlook the highlight parts that CLEARLY explain why things like launguage MUST be moderated and can cost us out site if there not

I mean I can only tell you I read the rules so many times, no where in there does it say "language MUST be moderated" that is your skewed interpretation of the rules seeing it as a call for you to moderate. Yes the rules say profanity is prohibited but I think everyone will survive this massive flood of naughty words.

You honestly thing the UCOZ employees are on here making sure I don't say bad words or they will shut down the site?

You are conflating my argument with stooge's argument even though they aren't the same. You're interpretation of the rules is slightly different than the actual rules. It is this disconnect from reality that in my opinion is such a problem.

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 1:35 PM | Message # 30
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all it takes is one angry childish poster to decide to start reporting the site repeatedly to ucoz for them to investigate and if they see a ton of rules violations like extensive profanity its far easier for them to click the close down button on the forums than risk any trouble or drama

as for my play check my loging times i log in daily and play at least one game a day even thought its difficult for me since my back isnt healed yet

jsut because i dont sit around playing a dozen games a day doesnt mean i dont play and jsut because i play at differnt times than you doesnt mean im never on

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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