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Bond009 and few other CHF players
lolbladeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 6:50 PM | Message # 31
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rush is easily countered in ladder. wtf u talkin about

sig in construction
AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 7:15 PM | Message # 32
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Quote (lolblade)
rush is easily countered in ladder. wtf u talkin about

since you know what you talking about, tell me how to counter 1v1 with night elves when the guy is tower rushing you with humans before you even think about getting a hero or any units.
keeps repairing / sending peons, about 3 towers by the time u have a hero and few archers, real bitchy strat to do..

lolbladeDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 7:53 PM | Message # 33
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humans r easily countered by most other races but NE its a little hard. First build ur buildings in a area away from mine. With ur archers and 1 hero atk the peasants. chose a KOTG for his treants which can take some damage or entangle to entangle the peasants
ALWAys go for his peasants never his towers. and keep building amy all this time. If u want uproot main tree and atk with it.(it will slow down production). u should have a few units and a hero and keep targeting the peasants. Then go for his towers with ranged units. demon is the worst choice at this time becuz he's melee. after that the humans will keepsending foots and peasants. Just kill the peasants before they come into protection of tower. u should immediately try too

sig in construction

Message edited by lolblade - Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 7:56 PM
mb53Date: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 8:40 PM | Message # 34
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Personally, I think that human tower rush is slow, so I might do it occasionally with orc though. (Or rather, used to do it occasionally, I never play ladder anymore)

mb53=spiders bitch
Nah, I'm including him in my comment of pointless drama.

But really, stooge and arctty, you guys should shut up. Or I'll make you. You can bitch at me as much as you want, but that isn't going to change anything.
I would say the same to spider, but frankly, I can't stop him.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 9:27 PM | Message # 35
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Quote (Antyone)
since you know what you talking about, tell me how to counter 1v1 with night elves when the guy is tower rushing you with humans before you even think about getting a hero or any units.
keeps repairing / sending peons, about 3 towers by the time u have a hero and few archers, real bitchy strat to do..

This is pretty much a garuntee to stop tower rush from hu if anyone is interested in reading this paragraph.

HU tower rush vs elf, go DH and use a hunts build. Don't chose a skill until you are sure he is towering, once you see the militia coming or an early lumber mill chose immolation. For your build order go altar to moonwell huntress hall ancient of war moonwell. Build your huntress hall first because the second it is up you can put a protector in the back of your base where he won't get to it or build a second AOW to defend from the towers and que up a shitload of whisps. When he starts building get near his peasants and put immolation up, he will probably surround you which is fine, if you kill 2-3 peasants he is going to have a tough time finishing the tower and repairing. Once your aow is up you can unroot (it is about as strong as bear) and put 4-6 whisps on it to repair it and start hitting his towers or if you made a protector move it to the front of your base and be ready to repair it. Or you can build glaive throwers, archers or hunts. Whatever is best in the situation. Even if your DH dies he comes back really quick at lvl 1 and comes back with 100 mana for immo. I used to get towered all day but when I use hunts build with an early Huntress hall + demon hunter with immolation I can stop it 9 times out of 10.

a tier 2 tower push though is 10x harder to counter.

Added (2011-02-09, 3:27 Am)
Honestly I feel bad that I had to be an asshole and go off like that but I wasn't going to sit around and wait for some one else to call spider out.

I think it speaks volumes to my point that not one person has come to spider's defense. I don't like to have to start shit like this but it needed to be said and a good amount of the clan agrees with me who don't want to get involved in this.

Final point: Spider is delusional and a dick, he doesn't know much about CHF and he probably has the least amount of knowledge about ladder out of anyone who has ever played warcraft or starcraft in thier life.

I stand by everything I said and I feel that it needed to be done even though I didn't want to have to do it. I am done posting about spider, I am done with this flame war because I know spider would keep going back and forth with me until this thread gets to be 20 pages long.

Sorry I had to start a bunch of shit but some one had to say it.

Message edited by Arctty - Tuesday, 08-Feb-2011, 9:30 PM
lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 0:39 AM | Message # 36
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and agian you can think what you want however i know a great deal about chf and i stated clearly that i DONT ladder anymore ince it became all about rushing and realy fast games it became boring and childish ive hopped into the occasional ladder game and nothing changes some Dbag using he latest rush strat of choice and trashtalking the whole time going hahahahahha uit hahahhaahahaha you should quit hahahahah omg quit

its pathetic so you calling ME out ? thats a joke all you did was jump to the defense of your little buddy who was loosing an argument because he talked himself into a corner by arguing end game strats for several pages THEN claiming he is so pro that his games never see darks therefore undercutting anything he has to say about end game strats and HE complained to you when i gave him a hard time and razzed him about trolling since he admited he has no knowledge of the topic and the 2 of you went on a jolly rantfest making absurd accusations with NOTHING to back them up and blatantly ignoring the forum rules on launguage MULTIPLE times and yet even though you both accused me of being heavy handed in my moderation did i delete your inflamitory insulting posts to me ? no i simply replaced your fbombs with @#@# and left your insulting posts alone

so you tell ME whos the unreasonable one here ?

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
stoogeDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 0:52 AM | Message # 37
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Hahahaha u really don't give up much more humiliation u willing to take? Misquoting me and trying to steer discussions which btw all can see...if I was wrong in any of the things I'd said pretty much alot of ppl wouldve jumped on to me and flamed at me...trying to defend u..but the fact that no1 did shows how fukn pathetic u r...n how clueless u r...claiming to know a great deal abt chf n yet knowing fuk all...

Ps: keep it the right thread instead of jumping over...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 0:53 AM
lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 1:01 AM | Message # 38
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thank you for proving my point

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 7:22 AM | Message # 39
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Quote (Arctty)
This is pretty much a garuntee to stop tower rush from hu if anyone is interested in reading this paragraph. HU tower rush vs elf, go DH and use a hunts build. Don't chose a skill until you are sure he is towering, once you see the militia coming or an early lumber mill chose immolation. For your build order go altar to moonwell huntress hall ancient of war moonwell. Build your huntress hall first because the second it is up you can put a protector in the back of your base where he won't get to it or build a second AOW to defend from the towers and que up a shitload of whisps. When he starts building get near his peasants and put immolation up, he will probably surround you which is fine, if you kill 2-3 peasants he is going to have a tough time finishing the tower and repairing. Once your aow is up you can unroot (it is about as strong as bear) and put 4-6 whisps on it to repair it and start hitting his towers or if you made a protector move it to the front of your base and be ready to repair it. Or you can build glaive throwers, archers or hunts. Whatever is best in the situation. Even if your DH dies he comes back really quick at lvl 1 and comes back with 100 mana for immo. I used to get towered all day but when I use hunts build with an early Huntress hall + demon hunter with immolation I can stop it 9 times out of 10. a tier 2 tower push though is 10x harder to counter.

Arc, what I meant is how do you counter this if:
right at the beginning, he sends 3 peons to your base and starts building towers around the base.
they get there right about time im getting altar and archers, by the time i get first archer, his first tower is like done, in the meantime he also built 2 other and a minute later or so he's with 3 towers + sending more peons in case I will kill his 3 from the beginning.

I am not talking about standard tower rush where he camps near your base like 4-5 minutes once the game started, he builds his first tower inside my base almost the first minute of the game...

needless to say I just quit and laughed at him that he needs such cheap wins, I wasn't expecting anything like that anyways, wasn't prepared. But I'm thinking if it can be countered anyways, idk mass archers right from the beginning only?

Pyo-LizZoODate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 8:56 AM | Message # 40
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that strat works only on maps where are only 2 start positions (or your oppenent hacks, thats make all harder OR luck when you close spawn for example on TR) , so in a normal case i would choose a neutral hero build order where you build your AoW befor your altar, so you can defend earlier , then moonwell -> alter -> second aow -> moonwell (a bit out of your base and out of range from towers . ) send wisp to Tavern (if there is no tavern build warden/or dh with immolation) -> buy pitlord with rof or panda with bof or Darkranger with BA

Its a hard to counter on small maps, you need good timing for your build order. If you beat the first push you almost win everytime if you dont fuck it up. :P

Dont forget to repair your fighting aow's with mass wisp. after you build your second aow , i would make another moonwell and asap another aow who can produce archer.

later on hunters hall+ 1-2 aop's and gleve thrower, some huntress and towerpush the human .

thats one way that worked for me as i played 1on1 ladder.

pew pew - hele killer style

Message edited by Pyo-LizZoO - Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 8:57 AM
ArcttyDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 9:19 AM | Message # 41
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Quote (Pyo-LizZoO)
Arc, what I meant is how do you counter this if:
right at the beginning, he sends 3 peons to your base and starts building towers around the base.
they get there right about time im getting altar and archers, by the time i get first archer, his first tower is like done, in the meantime he also built 2 other and a minute later or so he's with 3 towers + sending more peons in case I will kill his 3 from the beginning.

I am not talking about standard tower rush where he camps n

thats not cheap, its a valid strategy,

If he towers right away with no hero go keeper of the grove first (can go treants or roots) and start pumping out archers and put up a second AOW. root or put treants on peasants and attack them with archers. Walk one or both of the aows over to the towers (usually in the back of your base and eat some trees, put whisps on them and start hitting the towers. He will be forced to repair and thats when you can kill his peasants. This game has been out forever and is pretty well balanced I wouldn't consider anything "cheap". Or you can just hit the human base like Lizzo said but he will probably fight you off with militia.

I have seen some pros lose to this on WCR a few times but I rarley lose to it with keeper first. The key to fighting a tower rush is up rooting ancients and rooting them right next to the towers.

AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 10:26 AM | Message # 42
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Well I am not great myself, I know that. So when I noticed what he's up to, I was really unprepared as I haven't seen this kind of cheap strat before.
And yes it was on a small map, 2 start positions so he found me real fast.

And it's easier said than done : p

ArcttyDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 11:11 AM | Message # 43
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If you want I am down to practice tower rush defense if you really want to work on it.

I've been an elf player a long ass time and I used to have huge problems with tower rush but this strat/build order works out like clockwork for me. I am sure wcreplays has some good games of pros defending the tower too.

Master-HeroDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 11:24 AM | Message # 44
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I agree with Pyo.

Inactive mod.
AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 11:42 AM | Message # 45
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well it's okay : p
I just found it really gay to do, I only wanted to play a normal game, finally somebody who isn't playing orcs.
Really I am having bad time playing against orcs. I play with ne, orcs and especially bm hero is really annoying.. That was the only time I didn't have to face orcs and this happens..

The other time stomping_tom played against me 1v1 with random and ofc. he had to have orcs, sigh.. Some tips about playing against orcs would be great.

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