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Bond009 and few other CHF players
stoogeDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 5:45 AM | Message # 1
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Hi please comment and make bond009, arctty and other CHF players come back to CHF...
please do it for this good cause of saving CHF...

stop cheating on CHF with ladder come back to CHF...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
CouDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 7:24 AM | Message # 2
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how is it cheating?

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
AntyoneDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 7:43 AM | Message # 3
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not cheating but cheating chf for ladder, zzz

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 1:06 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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A better idea, make bond make 3.5 now!

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
ArcttyDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 1:40 PM | Message # 5
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man I didn't think this was that big a deal. I am gonna have to come clean I guess, sometimes I play other custom games too. I even have nintendo emulators on my computer, once in a while I play donkey kong, F-zero, batman, mario kart.

I am the Tiger Woods of Gaming. As long as I am getting it wet I don't care which game I am playing, its becoming a problem.

TrixxareforkidsDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 1:50 PM | Message # 6
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It's not always about getting your dick wet, Arctty

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
Bond009Date: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 1:56 PM | Message # 7
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LOL yea me and Arctty have been doin a bit of ladder i just wanna get my goal and then i'll be working on 3.5 guys dont worry smile like 48 wins to go and i'm there

and to add on 9000s name i have been testin a bot out to play ladder on her name lately a little it kinda works but it only gets like 30% wins at best but it helps to get her up there a bit (cuz i didnt feel like playing that many games for her lol)

lspiderlDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 2:30 PM | Message # 8
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i stopped playin ladder when all teh honor of it went away and it became all bout rush rush rush rush

back int eh day 2 opponents would declare a start time and no attack would take place till that time was over and people would have a FUN game now its all about who can attack the fastest and attempt to demoralize the other guy and its just stupid no one has FUN with it anymore

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ArcttyDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 4:53 PM | Message # 9
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lol at spider "NO RUSH 20 MIN" style of playing, I did that in starcraft when I was like 12 years old. Clearly you haven't laddered in the past 8 years lol.

TBH ladder takes 10x more skill than any custom game. I've been playing ladder for many years and I have gotten pretty competitive with it at times almost ranked in the top 20 but I am still average at best.

CHF you can play everyday for 2-3 months and be pro pretty easily.

AntyoneDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 5:42 PM | Message # 10
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but thats true. I remember the first days when I was playing ladder myself, ages ago.

and I remember ladder as spider said, although there was no need to say anything, people were just slowly exping and getting more units, never attacked the opposite sides till like after 15-20 minutes later.

you can say it's how people played back in the days, today's players are more 'modern', looking for rush and fastest win possible, that's all.

Message edited by Antyone - Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 5:43 PM
Pyo-LizZoODate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 5:56 PM | Message # 11
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Top 20 on US servers means nothing ARCTTY ,, (no offense) did you ever played on europe? thats a whole another story..

i realize that everytime when i play 2v2 on US East...and i'm waaaaay out of shape in Ladder.

pew pew - hele killer style

ArcttyDate: Sunday, 06-Feb-2011, 6:06 PM | Message # 12
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Yeah i know europe and asia are 10x more competitive thats why I said I was "average at best" I am not talking about team ladder though I am talking 1v1, random team really doesnt mean anything, at least nothing like solo. The only person I know of who has played proffessionally on east ladder was Showtime and that was years ago, there are still some very competitive leagues on US servers though.
lspiderlDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 3:27 PM | Message # 13
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arctty whats more serious play a game that ends in 5 min or a game that lasts a hour and ACCUALY uses ALL the units and strats and counter strats etc

rush is simply about who has the faster reflexes theres no stratagy to it to no skill jsut speed which means whoever has the faster computer and reflexes wins and thats jsut lame

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 7:40 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Asians and their starcraft Jesus lol, there's a whole show in Korea ALL ABOUT STARCRAFT GAMEPLAY.

Anyways the reason I don't ever play ladder in wc3 is because well the heroes thing is abit imba + everything is so slow paced =(.

Starcraft, ya dude not attacking in 20 mins = stupid stupid stupid shit, the more you wait the more time your enemy has to build up his armies and economy. Especially vs terran, waiting for terran to build up is stupid since terran is just naturally OP. STarcraft is really fast paced dude and macro/micro are the only things by your side to help.

And theres a difference between cheese rushes and standard nobody knows lol it's cute.

Cheese rush = rush type builds found by fag pubs that are pretty hard to counter and usually throw you off the game with macro n shit.

Standard: Took time in his build, but keeps constantly sending at you even if your army wins vs the first wave.

Cheese= 1 shot only
Standard = multiple quickly produced waves.

Spider in the Starcraft, that thinking would make you dead. You hit at the 8 minute mark or your fucked pretty much. Or atleast a constant harass would throw off the opponent on macro.

I played starcraft at first ever since I was 7 (my rents are bad lol) and the gameplay hasn't changed much. I do believe all RTS ladder games deserve to be played as a macro type game which can happen. But your gonna have to give off that early pressure hit first so your enemy cannot build up.

Fact: In starcraft, the average american pro has an APM (actions per minute) of 250 constant through out game. In asia, the average pro player has an apm of 500 constant through whole game. I saw it in a 367 page book all about starcraft strats and tips.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
ArcttyDate: Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 9:00 PM | Message # 15
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Spider I have bit my tongue on all 377 of your dumb ass posts but 90% of what you say is completely @$@#% retarded. You can talk about CHF which you don't even play and state your false opinions I don't care.

but talking about "ladder newbs" in the other thread and some of the other shit you say is out of line.

Quote (lspiderl)
arctty whats more serious play a game that ends in 5 min or a game that lasts a hour and ACCUALY uses ALL the units and strats and counter strats etc
rush is simply about who has the faster reflexes theres no stratagy to it to no skill jsut speed which means whoever has the faster computer and reflexes wins and thats jsut lame

honestly if you lose in 5 minutes you are pretty terrible.

Obviously you have never laddered competitively in your life. To diminish the skills of professional players like that who spend years improving and competing internationally? just because you like to do NR 20 minutes like a 6 year old? are you kidding me?

Most of the time rushing isn't even a valid strategy in ladder anyway except on certain maps and race match ups

I don't like to beef with clan members but I don't consider you a clan member at this point, you just refresh this website all day posting in every single thread, closing threads and banning people completely abusing your power. It is ridiculous and for lack of a better word you are just an asshole who has no concept of what goes on outside of your own head. A LOT of people agree with me on your abuse of power and the fact that you are out of control who I don't need to mention.

The only people who will come to your defense(if any) will be people doing so because they dislike me, not because they think you run this site well by any stretch of the word.

close this thread, ban me, whatever you need to do to re-establish your dominance. I don't care.

Message edited by Arctty - Monday, 07-Feb-2011, 11:30 PM
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