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Bond009 and few other CHF players
ArcttyDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 12:16 PM | Message # 46
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vs orc I wall off my base so the BM can't kill whisps and go hunts build again, making sure part of the wall is an AoW so you can move it if you need. Go to 20 food with whisps/dh (lumber is for fast tech) que up a hunt and tech asap, make 3 hunts total. Second my DH comes out I am harasing the BMs creep or killing burrows (if he tries to attack your base he wont be able to do anything). I put pressure on the orc the entire beginning of the game. Once you hit tier 2 get a beast master or a keeper if you think the game is going to last longer (keeper is 10x better to kill kodos) and put up dual lores and go to t3 as soon as you have gold for it (should be fast).

The second you hit t2 with DH + 3 hunts and you get a beast master you have a huge advantage over the orc. Start summoning up quill beasts and go to the orc base, Focus burrows or kill beastiery/spirit lounge if they are still being built. Once the shadow hunter comes out you should leave unless you have a staff with you. Power creep with rejuv until you have master bears. If you still have hunts let them die to creeps so you can stay under 50 food and keep pumping bears/dryads.

Once you have like 4 master bears you can hit orc again and expand while he is defending his base. He will have walkers/kodos to counter bears in which case keeper is a little better, if he has wyverns then you can just put an orb on the DH.

#1 thing vs orc is the tier 2 push, you can set him back really far by killing burrows/production buildings and he wont have time to counter bears. Most pros use the mass talons strat with DH/BM/tinker but I like bears way better. You can check all your statistics on the ladder website, my win % vs orc is way higher than any other race.

You can get good kills on the BM with roots+mana burn + bears focus, especially if he is over aggressive with it. Even if you don't get a kill he will be a lot more hesitant if he sees you focusing with roots+bears.

I used to have a shitload of orc reps but they are all from last patch so u cant watch them. but that is my orc strat.

AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 12:24 PM | Message # 47
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lol, please bring down those shortcuts as I don't understand half of them like DH or whatever tongue

ArcttyDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 12:41 PM | Message # 48
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Dh = demon hunter BM = blade master keeper= keeper of the grove. Tier 2 push meaning right as he hits tier 2 or the both of you do. I'll do some solo tonight and I'll post a rep if I have a good orc game, its much easier than explaining.
AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011, 1:02 PM | Message # 49
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Yup, I'd be happy if you did

stoogeDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 0:28 AM | Message # 50
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i know @#$$ all about ladder lol...i dont think i can play anyway i'd suck at it....

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CouDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 3:15 AM | Message # 51
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You kidding me? How can you not play ladder. My strat is building 5 workers and mining off goldmines and then build a few houses in order to make room for more units and then a barrack to build up men. I'd mass on footies first, by then I build a few more citzens and mine the trees for lumber. By then I'd have a few units. the secret is to teching your units to reduce losses. Teching people, don't forget. then i'd rally up some towers around the gold mine to keep the enemey heros up. after that I'd build a heros alter and build a hero. Let the enemy come and it's gg.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
AntyoneDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 7:48 AM | Message # 52
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Quote (Imported_N00b)
You kidding me? How can you not play ladder. My strat is building 5 workers and mining off goldmines and then build a few houses in order to make room for more units and then a barrack to build up men. I'd mass on footies first, by then I build a few more citzens and mine the trees for lumber. By then I'd have a few units. the secret is to teching your units to reduce losses. Teching people, don't forget. then i'd rally up some towers around the gold mine to keep the enemey heros up. after that I'd build a heros alter and build a hero. Let the enemy come and it's gg.

I sense irony.

ArcttyDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 1:25 PM | Message # 53
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It made me laugh too lol.

The only orc I faced last night was level 34 on huge ass map so I wasn't able to win but I have a tower rush defense rep. It was actually a pretty sloppy defense but he pretty much had no chance of over running my base. I let my DH die a couple times, although it is a huge feed I would rather just res him at full hp than have him sit in the back of my base doing nothing. I am pretty sure he pulled the plug, if not my DH was on his way to the HU base with level 2 immolation to kill his workers.

AntyoneDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 2:57 PM | Message # 54
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tbh the replay you provided with your post isn't really anything what I had to face.

you had your hero before he even started building towers, I didn't have anything at all when he towered my base. But you can already tell that it's not so easy to counter this bs.

ArcttyDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 4:08 PM | Message # 55
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Like i said before, keeper first, mass archers and whisps, do the same shit I did with an AOW.

Here is a different strat from a way better player, he just goes DR with black arrow with like 3-4 archers. Puts up an AOW and Well near the tavern and walk it over the HU base while he harasses. I would just be uneasy about abandoning my base like that because the HU could also expand there too.

here is another, similar thing except beast master

This one he just uses DH +archers and doesn't even uproot. He just masses a bunch of wells. Th000 has been one of the best HU players in the world for a while now and he gets countered hard.

As you can see there are at least 2-3 different options to counter this type of tower rush.

lspiderlDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 7:03 PM | Message # 56
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acrtty please reduce teh size of your signature

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 10-Feb-2011, 9:54 PM | Message # 57
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Uhm, I play Starcraft ... :D??

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FuzzyLogicDate: Friday, 11-Feb-2011, 2:53 AM | Message # 58
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Guys i love CHF and all, but overall Ladder is by far the better game. (no offense to u mr bond i love u) but honestly, ladder completely dwarfs chf in almost every aspect. the professionals of warcraft ladder are extremely amazing, like th000 mentioned by arctty for example.. although i think spirit_moon is the greatest of all time.

also, id also claim that playing ladder will make you a better chf player! it is the best way to work on your multitasking, timing, micro and macro. although it applies to ladder, it somewhat carrys over. id also like to say that it is extremely easy to get good at chf. compared to to ladder. it is the more superior game, especially compared to dota/chf or any cg game. the way the professional scene has evolved the game has made the gameplay almost chess like, freaking awesome.

awesome ladder replays - [url=[recommended]=1][recommended]=1[/url] (these replays are of the best players in the world @ ladder = amazing shit. i urge the chf community to watch some of these)

cool ladder videos:


Message edited by FuzzyLogic - Friday, 11-Feb-2011, 2:57 AM
chf_bond009Date: Sunday, 27-Mar-2011, 5:37 AM | Message # 59
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can someone add me in the clan hpmm plz and tell me how i can be admin ? ? ?
plz bond009 answer biggrin
stoogeDate: Sunday, 27-Mar-2011, 5:41 AM | Message # 60
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wrong thread dude, go post on sign up for clan testing and see me in clan channel and i will test u

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