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Help to newbies and trained players
Master-HeroDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 3:30 AM | Message # 1
Legacy Staff
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Okay guys. Cheesy has offered to help anyone who have questions about the game. The questions could be like:
"How do I counter golems?"
"What is a good tech build?"
"What hero is the fastes caster?"
"How do I kill a ToT easiest?"

I think you got point. People are of course able to discuss Cheey's point of view, but please respect each others opinions. And no flame!

Inactive mod.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 3:57 PM | Message # 31
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
1. what are good builds if you have pubs that won't pool etc.
2. what should someone do against a stacked (not even pros just stacked kinda) team when you are with pubs
3. how do you guys micro like what keys do you use kinda? like with ctrl + 1 so you can be controlling golems or stuff like that cause my micro skills SUCK!!
4. what do you think some of the best mass things to buy are?
5. whats some good 1v1 builds? (for xmon mostly if you can get in contact with him)

1. Well before you chose the build try and get a sense of communication with them. If english speak english, if spanish say this "dame oro por favor, y comparte" Now this doesn't speak for all situations but this does get a response the majority of the time. If you feel they aren't gonna do anything now you gotta go something extremely aggressive and thats when the art of those serpant bear builds come in too play. It can win mass even without scroll, it can farm well and get you leveld and basekill. Again every game is different but this something you should consider.

2. Usually these teams like to do strats together if they are known (Ill answer abit later im ingame currently) if so, if it is a teching strat just aoe, if it is a summoning strat (like bears and such) acid and ravens fuck that shit up. Now if the team is just going w.e they want always guarantee a hero killer which means you have to go ww as well to hide. Scout for wards all the time. Now usually lets say a team has all aoes but they aren't decent players (just known) usually at a time like this I would golem, but idk if you can. If you cannot simply go a build with lasso and summons.

3. Peoples micro aren't good not because thy suck. but because they lack a sense of multi tasking. When using any sort of unit as a main force (like shamans or such) to alternate icons press tab. I useally put my entire force into 1 force, at other occasions like in an inhouse I put my things in the 2nd group and my hero as ctrl 1. Micro is all about organization not skill.

4. if you get pooled, buy far a rat. Stops sheep, stops aoe

5. 1v1 too me is all about countering the other guys build. Now im not fond of 1v1 that much and I haven't seen many games of it. Anywho too me the best ultimate is most likely doom guard simple because it is very aggressive and can farm well lvl 6. Ask legal or xmon more about 1v1's because they play that often.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 4:47 PM
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 4:15 PM | Message # 32
Robotic Ninja
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I got a question: what is the best spell to take with Bears - Serpents - Chimeras? Personally I usually take Endu aura but I don't know if it's the best way to improve this build...

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 5:02 PM | Message # 33
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
What time in game is good to get frost towers if you arent winning?

In a situation where the game is even vs another team or your under leveled, the sooner the better. Teams tend to get very cocky when they are the highest level after mass and they go in another team without using their brain. Usually they will go into your base or anyones as an effort to farm off. So those frost towers will help with defense since it has extreme range and you'll be able to kill off that other teams heroes if you know what you're doing.

Quote (a_chinese_kid)
What are some ways to use creeps that aren't golems and newts etc. like blank war golems

Now idk about this for sure yet but I will look into it abit more. Renegade qqizards I have no clue if you can xmute them level 1 (if their spell resistant or not). Every creep has their own purpose, example demolisher defense for death towers. Renegade wizard great for maulers cuz of sleep and ww, also got dispell. Shamans offensive. Blank the war golem is a tank unit for the fact it has fortified armor and also cleave. So think outside the box with this.

Added (2012-02-18, 6:02 PM)

Quote (Fir)
I got a question: what is the best spell to take with Bears - Serpents - Chimeras? Personally I usually take Endu aura but I don't know if it's the best way to improve this build...

Depends on the mode tbh.

If it is ssd by far endurance aura healing wave bears chimeras. Buy that item that gets you level 21

In normal I recommend command aura, serpents bears and chimeras simply because it is extremely offensive and farms like hell. Usually you'll see people go lasso instead of command, which is better at the early game, but late game it will bite them in the ass.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 5:07 PM | Message # 34
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
If it is ssd by far endurance aura healing wave bears chimeras. Buy that item that gets you level 21

I know this, I was talking about norm mode. wink

Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
In normal I recommend command aura, serpents bears and chimeras simply because it is extremely offensive and farms like hell. Usually you'll see people go lasso instead of command, which is better at the early game, but late game it will bite them in the ass.

Ok thanks, I will try this. wink

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 8:07 PM | Message # 35
Robotic Ninja
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Remember if you have questions of how to, what to do, or what you did wrong, what I can do with, etc. post em here

Don't post trivia like questions. cuz IDC about those and will be ignored.

Questions regarding game mechanics as well will also be ignored since I didn't make the game... (but if the question has a concern of how to do something with the game mechanics capabilities I will answer IE: What do you do when you golem now since they cost 3 food? (fuck you bond...)?)

Added (2012-02-18, 8:25 PM)
Also fell free to post screenshots and replays, it helps me see what you want as an answer

Added (2012-02-18, 9:07 PM)
Ps Bond don't be afraid to come here if you need too tongue

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 6:08 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 10:24 PM | Message # 36
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
1. what are good builds if you have pubs that won't pool etc.

windwalk nova swarm

thats how i play cool

CouDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 11:33 PM | Message # 37
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A recent game with Shit like this. I keep asking my allies for pool because I was going to build arcane tower after I realized they pooled for a granite and if they did, I would've gotten that granite for sure with the arcane if they had pooled for arcane when I swallowed it with turtle and brought back to base. I got the Granite HP down to the red once or twice while of course t 3 were a team that knew how to play and saved their granite. Alts IMO. I was the only one that took steps to try and take the granite out by using turtle and ensare with tech. it was a bit too late when my ally pooled gold and asked for arcane since I asked for it half way. I dunno cheester, they looked pretty agro to me in their game play lol.

the problem is...if I knew they'd mass pool for granite, I would've gone aoes with mr or yamato, or bears and edu and rush for levels etc.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 11:49 PM
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 11:53 PM | Message # 38
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
Renegade qqizards I have no clue if you can xmute them level 1 (if their spell resistant or not)

if u use another single target spell such as ice bolt first, u can xmute. they have a spell shield. the best way i saw them played, was b4ck_st4bz using them with roots and life drain so u cudnt use mana to get away, ive also seen some people use them to counter maulers with the sleep if they dont have it themselves.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 0:49 AM | Message # 39
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Cou)
A recent game with Shit like this. I keep asking my allies for pool because I was going to build arcane tower after I realized they pooled for a granite and if they did, I would've gotten that granite for sure with the arcane if they had pooled for arcane when I swallowed it with turtle and brought back to base. I got the Granite HP down to the red once or twice while of course t 3 were a team that knew how to play and saved their granite. Alts IMO. I was the only one that took steps to try and take the granite out by using turtle and ensare with tech. it was a bit too late when my ally pooled gold and asked for arcane since I asked for it half way. I dunno cheester, they looked pretty agro to me in their game play lol.

the problem is...if I knew they'd mass pool for granite, I would've gone aoes with mr or yamato, or bears and edu and rush for levels etc.

The thing you should know when I answer these questions or concerns are they don't speak for every situation. When you asked that question, I knew straight away most of the time the team with the granite are completely unorganized. If a team however (Ill say mine) does shit like this it's gonna be tricky and you're gonna need too be alot more creative in thinking how to take this shit down. What I said before works for me in the games where people don't know what the f*** their doing.

Okay I watched the replay and I gotta state these things for every out there. TBH, hex and acid probably some of the worst combos of all because acid is a small dps but gets their armor down, hex just stops them from casting or running away. Too me hex and acid in the same build are loads of garbage.

Two, I noticed you were getting a little exited with trying to kill some heroes on the same level as you DURING MASS. Its not a bad thing applying pressure this early but only do it when you are certain you will get the kill. If a team is the same level as me after mass (very unlikely) thats probably a indication they know what the hell they're doing and will most likely tp, meaning back off for now, kill what you actually can kill and win. Also it's a waste of time, nothing benefited from you doing that. Your units died when you could have used them to rush a team, you wasted mana and ultimately you wasted money (speed scrolls and potions since grey was on your nuts). At a point in the game (I think this was when you were level 4-6) You were running away, and green started to hit you, you literally charged all of your footmen too him leaving you even more vulnerable to focus. Don't ditch your army, stick together.

Three YOU HAD 0 TOWERS OR MULTI SHOTS. Guaranteed could have killed it if you did. And also you could have killed team 3's heroes countless times and leveld up and infact, most likely win. Another thing, Idk if you saw or not but they rushed team 4, you could have harassed even with the shit acid hex combo you had. Team 3 didn't really have anything I would have been scared about even if they had bolt CS. Not getting those towers fucked you up hard.

Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
if u use another single target spell such as ice bolt first, u can xmute. they have a spell shield. the best way i saw them played, was b4ck_st4bz using them with roots and life drain so u cudnt use mana to get away, ive also seen some people use them to counter maulers with the sleep if they dont have it themselves.

I knew about the spellblock, but I mean't after it has been used for example the guy uses nova first then xmute, is it even possible?

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 0:52 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 0:52 AM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
people use them to counter mauler

get at least 4 renegade and NO jaina mauler can r4pe u

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 3:14 AM | Message # 41
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (ItSoVeR9000)
How come my computer lags me out of every LegionTD known to mankind?
I don't have a replay, but I can post one in a little.

Okay look at your carpet. If it is drenched in red beside your computer, good indication it is pmsing.

Also cuz you're gay

and fat

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 3:14 AM
ItSoVeR9000Date: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 4:11 AM | Message # 42
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
Okay look at your carpet. If it is drenched in red beside your computer, good indication it is pmsing.

Also cuz you're gay

and fat

I dont think computers can bleed?
I am very happy
600 pounds is not considered fat

RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 8:41 AM | Message # 43
Robotic Ninja
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Any counter against 3 bolt strike auras and donation (all 3 pooled one player for 3 players)?
Saying that they won mass cause they upgraded ATTACK and DEFENSE 24/7 during mass?

I simply dont know how to eliminate the army ....

Added (2012-02-19, 9:41 AM)
I had nova swarm unholy vengeance
and had around 1.7k with 2 pub teams who left with tier 1 rifles/ghouls...and no gold

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 4:13 PM | Message # 44
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Any counter against 3 bolt strike auras and donation (all 3 pooled one player for 3 players)?
Saying that they won mass cause they upgraded ATTACK and DEFENSE 24/7 during mass?

I simply dont know how to eliminate the army ....
Added (2012-02-19, 9:41 AM)
I had nova swarm unholy vengeance
and had around 1.7k with 2 pub teams who left with tier 1 rifles/ghouls...and no gold

They had bolt coldstrike? How the fuck did they even get level 6?
And ultimately how did they win mass? If you had nova carrion this should not have happened at all.
With the gold frost towers and precept first.
Next Just run a team till scepters ready, next scepter level, next tomes, next win.
I can't even say how surprised I am too seeing someone lose a game like that with nova carrion. Also do not pick ultimates that simply just don't work with eachother. Vengeance with an aoe build ahhhhhh thats abit risky.
Dude that should have been one of the easiest games of your life.

The reason I didn't go into detail with this answer is because you basically answered the question yourself.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012, 4:37 PM | Message # 45
Robotic Ninja
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cheesy, they pooled 2 one color and upgraded foots basically + auras
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