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Fallen's best strat (how to counter)
Master-HeroDate: Saturday, 04-Dec-2010, 3:08 AM | Message # 46
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Quote (Antyone)
not really. u would have to see them playing.

Dude I have beated them. And I was vs them, when they used this tactic together with cheesy and hato.

Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
All three teammates get bladestorm. thats 1 of my strats

Yeah that was some of my ideas aswell. 3 bladestorms would rape those golems.

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AntyoneDate: Saturday, 04-Dec-2010, 2:33 PM | Message # 47
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ok cool, good for you, unfortunately unlike you I had some pubs when played a game against them and couldn't do shit, i won't even comment on that.. dry

ChrIsiceraDate: Sunday, 05-Dec-2010, 7:03 PM | Message # 48
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Cheesy, if you're rolling triple blade storm should 1 person get slow aura? biggrin
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 05-Dec-2010, 9:13 PM | Message # 49
Robotic Ninja
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Slow aura has poo quality range.

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xMoNsTeRRRDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 12:51 PM | Message # 50
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Was there any definite counter to his strat?

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Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 2:47 PM | Message # 51
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No not yet, but the 3 bladestorm sounds like a good theory so far.

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lolbladeDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 4:06 PM | Message # 52
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i dont think so. BUT D-shield mauler with bash could kill 1-2 golems pr divine pot.

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Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 4:13 PM | Message # 53
Robotic Ninja
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Bladestorm = can't get bashed = super attk rate = bye bye golem.

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stoogeDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 6:05 PM | Message # 54
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yea to rid mass golems u'd need 2 bladestorm and 1 phoenix and together they'd rape mass golems...u'd never be able to kill mass golems with mauler

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lspiderlDate: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011, 6:07 PM | Message # 55
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fallens best strat has always been teaming with 2 other guys in the same room lol

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LittleBDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 5:52 AM | Message # 56
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Well thats easy shit, you could either do what fear said, witch is a good idea, but, just mass on banshees, upgrade there foots, get the decrese armor skill, and max it, and with ur banshess and ur self the golem will fall in a blink, i did that with granite golem, u think rock golem will hold? Hah...And all these strats are good, lasso, stuns , bk, just do that... Glad to help.

Message edited by LittleB - Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 12:50 PM
CouDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 6:49 AM | Message # 57
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Cheesy what happened to your thread of countering golemns? lol =P

Dangerous tactic but tbh, not commendable since most of the time players play with 3 heros in a team and that's what the game is based on. That's the reason why tiering was implanted later to stop the player from tiering and teching which forces them to make a team of 3 heros. isnt there a way for the amount of exp to be nerfed when getting 2 heros or 1 hero as if there was 3 heros on the field? Anyway, it's a cheap move. Anyone can come up up with a dangerous tactic involving 2 heros say like pooling a kid mauler diviner shield and taking out everyone fast.

Anyways, back on topic. I just had to express my distaste at fallens strat. Bills the best counter that I read and it works nicely or maybe work up a terror of tower and turtle up your base, if not with arcanes and a newt while you have an ulti as an xmute and one UK spell and one spell like waves that would damage their base and force them to buy a builder and xmute off it and feed off their bases and get stronger over time. If they have wards, use the invulnerable potion and use it close into their base and feed off and escape.

Blade storms good guys but at level 1, it never lasts that long nor do as much damage and by the time the storm immunity wears off, it's easy feed for them unless you stock on tp's all the time lol.

Unless you want something more direct @ their heros. I believe if 1 hero gets summons or if not, get 2 hero summoner Yunas, and sending summons like beetless, bears and serpent ward might help along with chims might help? while the other 2 or 1 are hk and focus on the UK/HK player at this stage, since quantity is important at that point since it''s low levels and could help lots. Bonus side: Serpent wards can PAWN at mass. I mean literally. i've seen serpent wards eat away at 2 hero'd teams a few times plus you can use it to creep up a bit.

Pooling one person on your team for raiders or kodos and buffing them and then speed scroll + rawr scroll and rush those golemns along with newts? then you can take down the UK hero of their team while the kodos/raiders are taking down the golemns and it's left the aura hero defensless. It's easy to get to tier 3 within the first 15 mins of the game if all allies do good enough and pool all gold to a good micro player. A major tip is Golemns are useless against mass strong units. Mass golemn rapes against heros.

Or final thought: If he pulls a damn 2 hero, then any pro is allowed too do a 2 hero tactic and not be called for it.

for the lolz, play a 1 hero strat against fallens strat and watch fallen bitch at you hypocritically. You might as well if you want to beat that 2 hero strat if theres no other way lol.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Imported_N00b - Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 9:23 AM
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 9:39 AM | Message # 58
Zombie Pirate
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I've been thinking about this and have concluded that: everyone must get bears with auras to kill the golems.

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HashDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 12:44 PM | Message # 59
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After reading all the strategies suggested. This is my recommendation. get mew to trap golems and use Death & Decay. that kills golems really quick. also use explosion on them with the second person. that should take care of the golems. Hope that you have enough micro management to trap all the golems in one place tongue
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 4:42 PM | Message # 60
Robotic Ninja
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Healwave from D_jerry and hoch

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

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