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Food For Thought
mN-Date: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 4:59 AM | Message # 61
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try learning WTF your talking about before posting

good lord your clueless

F$% lol biggrin I never said they are the same. This is just retarded. I just proved you .22 in both cases assault rifles exist and I specified them with .22 LR(.222diameter) and .223 REM (.224 diameter).
THEY ARE BOTH .22 CALIBER BULLETS. And you dont go hunting deer with a .223 REM either, you do it it with .3 caliber bullets.
FFS. And it's btw. 'common knowledge' you dont even need to know middleschool math for it, ask your ammunition store owner.

merry christmas, i WIN. VICTORY!!!!!!11111111

I am biwinning

Message edited by mN- - Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 5:21 AM
stoogeDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 6:50 AM | Message # 62
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ur theories are so bullshit and baseless i cant believe im actually replying to u ispider.
see the whole "guns dont kill people, people kill people" theory is bullshit. Yea i agree murders will occur still with or without guns, but without guns your gonna have alot less murders...

take australia for example, u dont hear fukn crazy shit like that from here do u? its all cuz its not a gun loving retarded law nation here. the whole " i need gun to protect me family" is just a retarded idea that you guys have created to defend having a redneck state and live an uncivilized life.
i dont own a gun nor do i want to and i can tell u that 80-90% of NORMAL people (apart from farmers) dont own guns here. only ones that want to own or already own a gun here are the retards that cant solve matters in a civilized way.

i just cant believe u still want to defend having a gun just cuz ur nuts are shrinking and cant defend ur family like a normal person. (by the way what the fuk are u defending urself or family from) zombies? LOL

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
CouDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 7:41 AM | Message # 63
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lol stooge you always turned threads into comical laughs hahaha

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XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 1:20 PM | Message # 64
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obama did not put guns into the cartel, dont lie

not intentionally, but yes he did get them there.
that constitution is out of date and needs to be severley updated. that and fucking unions

finally something to agree on. unions are terrible and need to go :).
Bush sold guns to Afghanistan which triggered the 9/11.

WTF are you smoking... Russia gave their guns to Afghanistan.

Please read this news link. don't try to counter me with links that are just random. I study mine. This takes place AFTER the sandy hooks shooting. A 4 year old boy casually getting into his dads car and a killer just casually drives by and shoots him in the head. A mother of 2 gets shot in the head over a road rage. wife gets shot by husband. boy shoots himself in the head after curious about guns. There's more from murders of families just after the Connecticut shooting. Just after the Connecticut shootings, the homicides deaths from guns jumped twice the rate. Could this be causing a hysteria for killers to just wander about and kill now?

if you're going to link to stuff, use the wall street journal... nearly everything else is left wing biased to hell. the journal is only balanced website/paper. or use foxnews.
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 1:33 PM | Message # 65
Robotic Ninja
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Bush sold guns to Afghanistan which triggered the 9/11.

WTF are you smoking... Russia gave their guns to Afghanistan.

russia was fighting afghanistan, we armed them
mN-Date: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 2:25 PM | Message # 66
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I am biwinning

Message edited by mN- - Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 2:47 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 3:11 PM | Message # 67
Robotic Ninja
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hey, spider logged into mN's account and posted facts
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 4:40 PM | Message # 68
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take australia for example, u dont hear fukn crazy shit like that from here do u? its all cuz its not a gun loving retarded law nation here. the whole " i need gun to protect me family" is just a retarded idea that you guys have created to defend having a redneck state and live an uncivilized life.

In Australia there arent rednecks just aligator wrestlers :P

obama did not put guns into the cartel, dont lie

Not obama but the us did provide the cartel with weapons

also #sofun #watchingpeopledebate #onlinedebates #beansswore #LOL #funandgames #tillsomeonegetshurt #redneckburns #2012 #mayanapocolypse #kony2012
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 8:45 PM | Message # 69
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ROFL ok where to begin

first off posting a huffpo peice as news is a JOKE

secondly Im pro guns BECAUSE i care about children and families , i know at least a dozen people that SAVED their families LIVES when armed assalants broke into their homes and if they hadnt had guns they would have been raped and murdered , GUNS SAVE LIVES

@ MN apparently you cant read or realy jsut dont know wtf your talking about a .223 is a simalerly sized but slightly larger bullet ( the part that fires out) however ALL similarites end there as the shell is significantly larger for hte .223 with FAR mroe powder , addionaly it has a more aero dynamic shape allowing it to fly better and by far more accurate and powerfull , lastly the .223 is stronger and more powerfull by orders of magnitute a .22 would ding a steel plate while a .223 with blow clean through it , someone could get hit by a dozen .22 rounds and live while the impact force alone form a .223 would drop a deer with a decently placed shot
you REALY shouldnt talk about guns when you OBVIOUSLY are clueless

and as for your poster about gun deaths thats liek saying omg look the country with the most cars has the worst traffic accidents DUH ! try an accual accurate piece of information like number of MURDERS since gun deaths are a completely rediculous assertion because its not gun murders or killings its gun deatsh , that statistic includes things like suicides , accidents , justified shootings ( i.e. self defence and police killing an attacker) and more

when you compare the murder rate of countries the US doesnt even crack the top 25

@ stooge wow where to begin first off childisly trolling in a grownup discusion is strictly frowned upon but ill give you a responce even though you dont deserve it

trotting out an Island nation like australia that never had a huge number of guns to begin with is absurd lets try a more accurate example like oh hey Mexico has some of hte strictest gun laws in the WORLD so obviously by your assertations their the safest and never have massacres right ? oh wait thats right they have them DAILY and since no one is armed the drug cartels kill people wontonly and take w/e the hell they want and rule with an iron fist

while switzerland has one of the HIGHEST ratios of gun ownership int eh world and almost NO crime

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 9:20 PM | Message # 70
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I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 10:13 PM | Message # 71
Robotic Ninja
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using mexico as an example is a poor choice, they have one of the most corrupt governments and bribing is normal, i've fucking bribed the cops there when i was 16...

the massacres that are occurring there involves drugs.. those weapons are not mexican nor were they legally sold there, alot were smuggled in/used for "Tracking purposes"

qando is not a reliable source, u cant use wikipedia either as people can edit that information.
2DaYuDiEDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 11:23 PM | Message # 72
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secondly Im pro guns BECAUSE i care about children and families , i know at least a dozen people that SAVED their families LIVES when armed assalants broke into their homes and if they hadnt had guns they would have been raped and murdered , GUNS SAVE LIVES

if guns were illegal they wouldnt be assaulting ur house with guns (oh yea im sure they would bring a bomb to ur house and threaten to explode it instead)
if u didnt have a gun they wouldnt fire at u, since theres no treat for them. when people rob houses, its for money, not to randomly kill people

CouDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 11:45 PM | Message # 73
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if guns were illegal they wouldnt be assaulting ur house with guns (oh yea im sure they would bring a bomb to ur house and threaten to explode it instead) if u didnt have a gun they wouldnt fire at u, since theres no treat for them. when people rob houses, its for money, not to randomly kill people

bing bing bing. Case closed.

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lspiderlDate: Sunday, 23-Dec-2012, 11:57 PM | Message # 74
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if guns were illegal they wouldnt be assaulting ur house with guns (oh yea im sure they would bring a bomb to ur house and threaten to explode it instead)
if u didnt have a gun they wouldnt fire at u, since theres no treat for them. when people rob houses, its for money, not to randomly kill people

way to loose the argument for yourself because CRIMINALS DONT FOLLOW THE LAW so they dont CARE if guns are legal or not they will STILL use them

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 24-Dec-2012, 1:07 AM | Message # 75
Robotic Ninja
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way to loose the argument for yourself because CRIMINALS DONT FOLLOW THE LAW so they dont CARE if guns are legal or not they will STILL use them

way to lose the argument for yourself because criminals can EASILY obtain guns since normal civilians can get them easily
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