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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1 - Forum

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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1
Bond009Date: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012, 3:15 PM | Message # 1
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I finally will have some good blocks of time coming up soon here and i've decided i will try and finish and put together v4.1

I need your guys help in the mean time to help organize all the important things said about 4.1 up until now though, i dont have the time to go through all the past threads covering the things needing fixed/ideas/imba stuff, and if i use my time for that then i wont have time to also make the game.

please try and stay to the point and keep it short as possible like a list of things i can just reference to while im working through the list.

Also don't post a lot of random shit in this thread that means nothing, it will just waste my time and in turn waste your time.

Thanks for the help smile

ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012, 5:03 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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should make a section for each segment, when you post an idea, make sure u have a category at the top of each individual section

spell buffs
-single target
spell nerfs
-single target
new spells
item buffs
item nerfs
new items

atm, i have none
PeteDate: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012, 5:24 PM | Message # 3
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well. i think when its FTD i think the level 6 spell should be random:P and remove WW and DS.. hate em BOTH I HATE EM!!!!!
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012, 6:23 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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• AOE Spells
⁃ Shockwave
⁃ Need to hit the amount impale is hitting
⁃ Impale
⁃ Need to have 45-60 more damage for it to be useful at level 6
⁃ Chain Lightning
⁃ Lower damage by 25
⁃ Fan of Knives
⁃ Increase damage by 100
⁃ Should be strongest in game cause going near enemy units is suicide
• Hero Kill Spells
⁃ Cold Strike
⁃ Need to hit 50 damage less
⁃ Storm Bolt
⁃ Need bolt nerf. The time you are stunned is way too long
⁃ Entangling Roots
⁃ Duration should be very short at early levels. (Preferably just a little over a second at level 1)
⁃ Shadow Strike
⁃ Change dp3s to dps
⁃ Siphon Manadrain
⁃ Need longer distance
⁃ Level 6 should be extremely high mana drain so that no hero, not even Jaina, could stand with infinity mana for more than 3 seconds
⁃ HP drain
⁃ Like Siphon Manadrain, this spell should be able to kill a hero in about the same time as when lasso lvl 3 ends
⁃ Need longer distance
• Summoning Spells
⁃ Treants
⁃ Size should be a lot smaller (footmen size? xD)
⁃ Beetles
⁃ Size should be a lot smaller (footmen size)
⁃ Summoning Stone
⁃ At level 6, there should be option to upgrade summons to non-dispellable
⁃ Lava Spawn
⁃ Should have immolation from lvl 3
⁃ Higher hp
• Heros At Start
⁃ Captain Bond / Undead Bond
⁃ Change blink for speed burst
⁃ All intelligence hero except fastest ubercat
⁃ Lose Amulet of Power
⁃ Hulk / Pit Lord / Crypt Lord / Tauren Chieftain / Ogre Mauler
⁃ Need Amulet of Power
⁃ Hulk / Pit Lord / Ogre Mauler / Kickstart
⁃ Should be only one with speed boots at start of game
⁃ Jaood
⁃ Needs higher damage early game
⁃ Regular héros
⁃ Early additional gold
• Creeps
⁃ Lizzard
⁃ Faster CD
⁃ Newt
⁃ Faster CD
⁃ Remove food limit. Pretty useless with the long CD.
⁃ Goatzilla
⁃ Nondispellable or upgrade to nondispellable
• Towers
⁃ Frost Tower
⁃ Firebolt should be bought separately after upgrading. Too op for 300 gold
• Items
⁃ Lower price for lightspeed boots
⁃ Lower price for the magic-wont-kill you recipe
⁃ Lower price for perm invisibility recipe
⁃ Too expensive overall. Better to take windwalk
⁃ Lower price for most strength items
⁃ Strength items are rarely used cause mana > all
⁃ Mindrape item
⁃ Should work at chimeras, phoenix, and bears
⁃ Stackable
⁃ 3 Mindrape item = Able to mindrape penguins
• Tech
⁃ Footmen should more resistant to spells late game
⁃ Archers should start dealing some damage. Rather take 1 grunt than 4 archers -.-
⁃ Undead ghouls and skeletal mages need more hp
• Miscellaneous Spells
⁃ Death Pact
⁃ Level 6 should have less CD
⁃ Frost Amour
⁃ Needs much more armor
⁃ Death and Decay
⁃ Much more % needed. 2 explosion destroys anything in about 3 seconds but this takes forever -.-
⁃ Death Tower
⁃ Shouldn't have splash when hitting peasants
⁃ More gold
⁃ Less HP
⁃ Doom Guards
⁃ Level 2 needs to be better
⁃ Quilbeast
⁃ Level 3 should have splash
• Modes
⁃ Creep waves should be able to detect windwalk after first round
⁃ Instead of 300, 225?
⁃ Dark Ritual, Death Pact, Vigor = Removed from game
⁃ There's glitches once a while with the new heros. You either don't get first level credit OR your missing a spell OR you have 0 free empty slots -.-

SANTOS_SHAGYDate: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012, 9:47 PM | Message # 5
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hello! the game is very well not need repairs! add new stuff lacking!!
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 0:53 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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firestrike/flamestrike/w.e its called is too strong, make smaller aoe at lvl 6, but increase damage slightly(i dont recommend increasing damage, but some people would argue that its not strong at all and would be against decreasing area, could this be a compromise?)
beetles- dispell? or smaller, they take up too much area.
parasite on the naga from summon stone is permanent, could you add time to it?
need less hp, they are too OP still, yes u can fully dispel with leveled jammy, but a simple cyclone sends that nigga flying away
only count base units, not summons(if at all possible)
Fan of Knives
i agree with rosa on fan of knives, but if u were to add additonal benefits to str/hp items, it should be alright
Life drain/siphon mana-
should add a 2 second autostun when u cast on a hero and perhaps lower damage done if u do this, cause it kinda sucks atm, i've been able to use it occasionally and get it to work right, requires tech tho
Silence level 6-
it is rarely used, except in SSD, so how about adding like lvl 2 acid damage to it?
Lava Spawns-
lvl 3+ should have bloodlust, like quilbeasts do
Gate- only few units at a time can actually pass through it, could you make it more of a group blink instead?

Nuke Cannon- limit 2 per base or increase cd for the nuke, divine shield extend by 5 seconds
Add more perks to the strength items, they are barely used(as rosa stated), holy maiden add lvl 1 unholy aura, lvl 2 when upgraded to spiked chain armor. perhaps adding evasion/spiked carapace effects to spiked chain armor INSTEAD of thorns aura? add pulverize to fist of titans, add a 5-10 second divine shield OR evasion/spiked carapace to night terror armor.

NEW ITEM: Long Island Ic3dt3a(FK YAA) castable lvl 4 drunken haze + frost aura lvl 3 (passive) 18k!!1(more like 2250?)
Do you think you can bring in like the nightstalkers ring(basically angel of doom auras)?
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 5:25 AM | Message # 7
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just ignore what ic3dt3a saying. this noob doesnt know any shit.

listen carefully what helekiller and rosario saying. although I cant completely agreeing with about their ideas
they are only few player who knows and caring about balance.

anyway my ideas.

quoted from past thread


1. when there is leaver in team, no more auto full share so under 500 win stats can't use full control

2. -kill commmand kills multi shot towers

3. need fix on cyray bitchs hero. it's hard to click on it.
shadowhunter and princesspink hero too

4. Goatzilla's sprit link never worked. try to fix this please and put hotkey as "R"

5. THUNDERSTORM : FIX ICON. current icon is same as starfall.

6. RISING STORM(?) : need slightly damage buff at lv4, 5, 6.
+ It cancels heros invulnerability. This spell isn't ultimate.



HOWL OF TERROR : IGNORE IMMUNITY, increase duration time at each level

SILENCE : I dont know how should I express this.
lv4 : block melee
lv5 : block melee + range attack
lv6 : keep as current

SERPENTS WARD : reduce lv5 and lv6 skill duration time. It seems too long and bit op.

FROST ARROW : Increase chill time also chill duration time should be propotion to the skill level.

BLACK ARROW : lv4 : ghoul tribe with 1 skell mage instead of 1 ghoul
lv5 : 3 skell mage instead of 3 ghoul

TRENTS : nerf armor or nerf damage

BANISH : no cd or 0.5 seond cd at lv6 (current lv6 is too long)

RAIN OF FIRE : area should be propotion to the skill level

FLAMESTRIKE : area should be propotion to the skill level but DP0.3S should be DP0.5S OR DPS



IMMOLATION, ZOZ : Change it to DP0.3S. These two spells arent op at all since it's custom






DOWNGRADING TOWER WITHOUT REWARD IS THE WORST SYSTEM IN THIS GAME. downgrade before destruction wont big deal.










* add 1 or 2 second cool time on rat's reveal.

* change hidden heroes.
guldan, wisp, princesspink, hulk, small bear these heros are not qualified as hidden hero.
- grim, jooad, vexslasher, cou, stooge, soundwaves, njaguar, talkischeap should be hidden. (anyway I appreicate about my heros spec)

* swith following heroes to undead type. so make it little bit balance
cou, sea elemental, criceria(?)-(looks like zombie who have passive dust skill), njaguar(need bit nerf), soundwaves(lol)

* requiring attack type change
- hawk : current main is unit and sub is hero but it needs fix like this
-> main : ground, sub : anti-air
+ unify it to magic attack. every magic spell can not attack magic immune so it won't be problem. also chf needs magic attack unit.

- banshee : magic attack with unarmor.
- archer : piercing attack with medium armor

* Talisman of heroe : reduce stock cd. (current 30min to 20min). reduce cost (10k to 8.5k)

* Invisible cloak : Add immolation effect.

* Invulerable potion : move it to owl shop

* New Stuff.

- 1. Mine (skill or item) : goblin mine
lv1 50 damage 3sec cd + invisible, 50mana cost
~ lv6 650 damage 3sec cd + invisible, 300mana cost

- 2. Mana Burst (Ultimate) : consumes every mana to use this burst. same aoe with flamestrike. requires 2 or 3sec casting time
lv1 : 1.5 mana is eaual to 1damage.
lv2 : 1 mana is equal to 1damage.
lv3 : 0.5 mana is equal to 1damage

- 3. Dummy (Ultimate) : illusion of hero. user can place this dummy anywhere but it can't move or attack.
but this dummy have 150% ~ 225% spike armor and auto casting tount ability every 0.5 second.
lv1 : 1500 hp. 20 sec duration + 50 sec cd
lv2 : 3000 hp
lv3 : 4500 hp

- 4. Lottery Mode (Requires 5 vote) : user can type random number of three figurese at every minute.
Every minute computer shows random number of three figures.
if no match : -50 gold
1 match : user gets 50 gold
2 match : 200 gold
3 match : 1000 gold



Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Sunday, 02-Dec-2012, 12:27 PM
FireHartDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 8:46 AM | Message # 8
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New ability idea like a charge with mirror image animation aoe stun(3sec on level 6) and dmg(300dmg on level 6)

Now nerfs and buffs

Flames trike buff aoe and nerf dmg like it has been said many times
Lvl 1DT armor must be fortified
Fire bolt +50 dmg pls
Fan of knives needs more targets not dmg
Bolt nerf stun
Vigor aura remove from game not just ars or use it to replace endurance
Cold strike nerf dmg buf ms slow
Nova could use some more single target dmg it can barely kill a foot
Remove treants and beetles from ssd
Make death pact for all types of units
Wtf is holy elixir remove it nobody will use it ever has I think
Where did true shot come from on bills ring
Give shadows spirit more hp so people would use it
Remove halpmeh
Make FTd need 5 codes
Lava spawns leech to split hits must be reduced this is why they suck
Mind rape reduce cd reduce duratation
Increase health on avatar of vengeance by 200
Buff holy light dmg pls I use this spell a lot these days hey ic3
Give zombies color

Ty and sry for not being in any order friends right taunt biggrin wink

Message edited by FireHart - Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 2:56 PM
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 4:35 PM | Message # 9
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I hope you understand me: D
- Add 1 Reduction aura of magic
lvl1 3 % -lvl2 6% -lvl3 9% -lvl4 12% lvl5 15% -lvl6 20%
as this would be combined with wave / healt and stop using only aoe and learn to play with buffs and units

- The eagles would be good incrementarle a little more hp in the lvl6

- Sumon of adding one should wash frenzy at lvl 6 since dissipated with 2 die and nobody uses

- Siphon mana / life drain, these two powers should be movable so as the hero advances and steals and cancelable with stun / hex / silence because I see no other way for anyone to take such risks in clan war Skiles

- Deathpact skil hmm that this never saw anyone else use it, that it could change as a kind of scroll mana / hp in 1 aoe heroes just for allies

- FrostShield XDDD that power leaves you frozen 20 seconds ^ ^ "increase 10 seconds but i will be more used to power an aura / and that will dispel but if you want long stays slow
- ¬ ¬ bash you should increase you 10% more because it is only to only hunter hero

- Avatar increase 10 seconds as it combines with cd cloackfire and has much to wait and re-enter enemy base

- Death and decay that power also do not see anyone using, you should change it to that power mobile and lasts 25 sec in that area so they will learn to move units there, to be like to camp / shield

- Not if you use the pandas but instead of 3 should be 4 lvl3

-DOOMGUARD add splash

what I say is only TEAM / ALLY not for autistic wink .

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Friday, 30-Nov-2012, 2:35 PM
2DaYuDiEDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 5:00 PM | Message # 10
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Quote (|-FTL-|RoyStoM)

- Sumon of adding one should wash frenzy at lvl 6 since dissipated with 2 die and nobody uses

didnt understand this one :/

anyways ile try to get a decent list up soon with stuff that makes sense
like sound said, most people have no idea what they are talking about lol and tho its hard to admit, rosario has better suggestions than 90% of the people here >.<

i disagree with most of fireharts spam
buff flamestrike aoe? lower cd on mindrape? buff holy light? buff frost nova? remove trueshot on bill's ring?
^ just no

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 5:25 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
didnt understand this one :/

summon lava or flame + frenzy . google/trans n_n

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 5:27 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012, 5:34 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
Quote (|-FTL-|RoyStoM)

- Sumon of adding one should wash frenzy at lvl 6 since dissipated with 2 die and nobody uses

didnt understand this one :/

basically he is also saying that lava spawns should have frenzy, i would have to disagree because then, although i LOVE the idea of it, cast bloodlust on them also, stacking the attack speed increase

o and sound, go fuck urself u faggot
CouDate: Friday, 30-Nov-2012, 3:15 AM | Message # 13
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Please take the time to read as I tried to thought them out.

SNIPER TOWER FOR FTD MODE: I do not agree about rosas suggestion on creeps seeing ww users. WW is what spice the game up in ftd mode unfourtently, but it is true. I reckon that a new tower called "Sniper tower" be introduced. It Is an upgrade of 800 gold of the frost tower. So you need frost tower first then up it to sniper tower. The stun bolt of the sniper tower is same as frost tower but does 50 damage, but it can stun any heroes in the MIDDLE of the map. Afterall, ftd is tower defense, heroes leaving the base is meant to be at a minimum. So what im at is, if players want to ww and cast star fall, then the sniper tower can stun that hero after the hero is revealed by pocky or wards. It is the only suggestion that's capable of stopping ww noobs with star falls. Pocky the rat gets killed to easy in the middle when trying to counter their star fall etc. so make a sniper tower that can only be ranged in the middle of the map to stun any hero in the middle, as this will make it easier to harass the opponent heroes trying to steal creeps from noobs.

FTD MODE should require a win code. Noobs that do ssd but cannot, usually follow it with ftd mode. Ars is ok to be left alone as it's easy to transition into most modes.

In ftd mode, I believe there should be one free tower up. the earth cluster one as it will be easy for nooby players to have a decent fun. even "pros" have a hard time if ftd mode happen to be on normal and cant defend themselves from super hard footmen creep.

@Rosa: Footmen with magic resistance? I read that in one of rosas post. It's good but not good enough. Zombie mode already have high magic resistance and tangerine tried to sceptre our feed but didn't kill one zombie, so sceptre is useless. I can only suggest nerf all level 1 aoes by maybe 15 damage but at level 2, they resume their normal level 2 damage and upwards.

MAKE PYO LIZZARD same cd as blank golem. If a good team like roys using mass blanks, by the time after mass, there's 2-3 blanks feeding off pubs base with out counter. make pyo lizard available to counter blank. afterall pyo lizzards were designed to stop golems.

Add 15% more dispel resistance for Summon stones and their units! I've been using them and they are fun! but they are also feed without good allies. Black arrow is more op then summon stone, so add at least %15 magic resistance to summon stone and summon stone units.

Frost armour at level 6 should have a small aoe to shield 5-6 units but with a slight slower cd then level 5.

Make command aura work for melee units and trueshot aura work only on ranged units. I don't understand why ranged can benefit the stack of command aura as well.

Nerf black arrow. Those things rape mass so badly lol and if you're up against a good team and you got noob on your side using ba then it's gg lol.

@Rosa: dewwwd, bond already nerfed the stun bolt. It's already good enough.

@Rosa: there was a suggestion where to add slight magic resistance with evasion. I like that idea! Add the magic resistance to evasions! but only at a small balance percentage increments as it defeats the purpose of spell barrier.

@toodayudie: LEAVE FLAMESTRIKE ALONE!!!!! lol.. Flamestrike is finally being used for once in chf, and it's proven to be fun. If you nerf flamestrike, it will go back into the basement where it first belong.

@roystom: the hp/mana drain suggestion is good but that will make it op if you can chase heroes with it. Icetea suggestion is the correct one I believe. Allow mana/hp drains have no damage to the stuns, but have a 1 second stun, 2 second stun, 3 second etun etc. according to their levels so that they will be used accordingly.

Tax mode: It's better off as a mode to start off with. When you pool someone, 25% tax is deducted from their tribute so it will slow down on mass pool. If it's possible, the tax can go towards a bounty of some sort or maybe distributed evenly back to the team after every 30 minutes and can help turn the tide etc.

Find a good server to add?

@Stooge. QQ

Boond! Don't forget about me and stooges hero! lol

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Slip0795Date: Friday, 30-Nov-2012, 9:42 AM | Message # 14
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Druids :
Druids of Talons is really op, making them easily dispellable is a solution I guess. Making an "untornadable" jamie would also help. Still, six 3k+ hp units level 6, stuning, truesighting, tornading and invulnerable is a basic description of its OPness.

Creeps :
I wouldn't talk about the use of golems or newt not to piss off Cou (and mostly because it requiers skill) but those are very hard to counter even when you know how it works. Golems (war's one too) are not killeable unless you dramatically tech in my opinion. Making them more expensive or nerf hp's would be a solution.

Donation :
Dona is OP but I guess you just have to pay attention ; however I agree about trying not to take creeps into account, that will at least avoid campings in base, waiting for 2 tots + pengz + altar + wasting 1 hour for everybody. Time iz mony.

Modes :
I also agree with Cou about ftd and ars. Noobs choosing very hard and leaving after 2min, after a 20min wait till game starts, is a real pine in the ass.

Death pact :
Death pact being used on any type of units is the only way to make him a bit more attractive I guess, althought I doubt it will be really used (but it will be a little less annoying in ars).

Black arrows :
I recognize myself in that description of a noob playing black arrows cry However, it is a spell that can be totally useless, it is really easy to counter. I recognize that it can be strong but this gap between strong and freaking useless is what makes it balanced I think. Although you won't be surprised that I try to defend my main reason to play CHF.

Due to my lack of skill, I have no further opinions.


(And good work Bond, thanks smile )

Message edited by Slip0795 - Friday, 30-Nov-2012, 9:44 AM
Priest-Of-SinDate: Friday, 30-Nov-2012, 11:53 AM | Message # 15
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• AOE Spells
⁃ Shockwave
⁃ Need to hit the amount impale is hitting
⁃ Impale
⁃ Need to have 45-60 more damage for it to be useful at level 6


Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ Chain Lightning
⁃ Lower damage by 25

why?its allready good as it is.
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ Fan of Knives
⁃ Increase damage by 100


Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Hero Kill Spells
⁃ Cold Strike
⁃ Need to hit 50 damage less
⁃ Storm Bolt
⁃ Need bolt nerf. The time you are stunned is way too long
⁃ Entangling Roots
⁃ Duration should be very short at early levels. (Preferably just a little over a second at level 1

i dont thing its a good ideea to lower damage by cold strike
storm bolt its good as it is...i mean its not like you make a diference if you have only storm bolt...and combine even whit ww or banish will still make no diference if your enemy have some magic cold take 3 hk spells to make a diference but than again you will lose big time without a good team.
entangling roots make no diference at early lvls so why shold this be chance.

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ Shadow Strike
⁃ Change dp3s to dps

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ Siphon Manadrain
⁃ Need longer distance
⁃ Level 6 should be extremely high mana drain so that no hero, not even Jaina, could stand with infinity mana for more than 3 seconds
⁃ HP drain
⁃ Like Siphon Manadrain, this spell should be able to kill a hero in about the same time as when lasso lvl 3 ends
⁃ Need longer distance

mana drain agree whit longer distance...but cmon 3 sec for jaina...i mean its bed enough that you have to spend lots of money for mana items for jaina.what do you want more.
hp drain ok to kill..not ok to longer fact if you chance you need lower distance.
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Summoning Spells
⁃ Treants
⁃ Size should be a lot smaller (footmen size? xD)
⁃ Beetles
⁃ Size should be a lot smaller (footmen size)
⁃ Summoning Stone
⁃ At level 6, there should be option to upgrade summons to non-dispellable

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ All intelligence hero except fastest ubercat
⁃ Lose Amulet of Power
⁃ Hulk / Pit Lord / Crypt Lord / Tauren Chieftain / Ogre Mauler
⁃ Need Amulet of Power
⁃ Hulk / Pit Lord / Ogre Mauler / Kickstart
⁃ Should be only one with speed boots at start of game
⁃ Jaood
⁃ Needs higher damage early game
⁃ Regular héros
⁃ Early additional gold

are you insane...this will unbalance the game...i mean try to kill str hero at lvl 10 whit yamato lvl 1 for ex and you can say goodbay to lvl 2 yamato whan hi has one item of str...hell you can even try with storm combine whit ww and you will still get no result...i mean think about what you say...its bed enough for int heroes that they have lower hp.and why early gold for regular?i dont think its a problem to win with regular heroes.

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
⁃ Lizzard
⁃ Faster CD
⁃ Newt
⁃ Faster CD
⁃ Remove food limit. Pretty useless with the long CD.
⁃ Goatzilla
⁃ Nondispellable or upgrade to nondispellable

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Towers
⁃ Frost Tower
⁃ Firebolt should be bought separately after upgrading. Too op for 300 gold

realy?...why shold be easy to kill someone in his own teritorry?....and let not forget that pubs will not up for some its easy to kill them for anyone who get in their base.
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Items

⁃ Lower price for lightspeed boots
⁃ Lower price for the magic-wont-kill you recipe
⁃ Lower price for perm invisibility recipe
⁃ Too expensive overall. Better to take windwalk
⁃ Lower price for most strength items
⁃ Strength items are rarely used cause mana > all

why......?they are just fine ...we dont need to unbalance the game...are we?and take ww if it suits you.but i think you shold have enough gold for invs recipe right after mass if you know how to play.

⁃ Mindrape item
⁃ Should work at chimeras, phoenix, and bears
⁃ Stackable
⁃ 3 Mindrape item = Able to mindrape penguins
agree but not with last one...i mean you allready pay lots of money for pengs.its not like you kill base every time with pengs,if your enemy have nuke or altar you can say goodbay to you 10k or 14k

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Tech
⁃ Footmen should more resistant to spells late game
⁃ Archers should start dealing some damage. Rather take 1 grunt than 4 archers -.-
⁃ Undead ghouls and skeletal mages need more hp

not agree with all....let not forget every race have something special...why shold we unbalance game.and yes grunt is better but archers are gut too and let not forget about range and plus they have ability to hide...well its not like you are gonna win the game with archers or grunts let be i dont see no point in this.

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
• Miscellaneous Spells
⁃ Death Pact
⁃ Level 6 should have less CD
⁃ Frost Amour
⁃ Needs much more armor
⁃ Death and Decay
⁃ Much more % needed. 2 explosion destroys anything in about 3 seconds but this takes forever -.-
⁃ Death Tower
⁃ Shouldn't have splash when hitting peasants


conclusion :you made some good sugestions but also you made verry stupid advise for you is to play more chf and than you can speack about balance.

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