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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1 - Page 22 - Forum

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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1
FireHartDate: Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 11:23 AM | Message # 316
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Rosa are you trying to destroy the game by saying everything is op and just want to nerf everything. There is a way to play with out micro and game mechanics.

Here is a question for everyone: are we trying to make the game more suited for us and to what we want or making this game more noob friendly so they don't cost the whole game.

now the suggestions

item fixes:
take out wards for mass cause they are mass winners.
frostys ice claws + incinerate is like putting positive near a positive I.e. it don't work.
add star gate, ditch warp portal.
bonds dagger, ditch the damage increase and lower price.
make like an inferno stone and ice shard to summon power creeps for a time.
pet spawn make it permanent
Add a gem of true seeing for heroes only
nuke needs more hp and a limit to one nuke

spell buffs:
fan of knives, DAMAGE + No. OF TARGETS.
BoF buff damage by 50, nobody take the combo
Lava spawn, please immolation
nova increase the single target damage but also decrease the Aoe dmg and aoe range
swarm, increase damage cap buff nerf damage
same with shockwave
flame strike, increase aoe, lower damage tick but keep damage same.
Thunder clap buff damage reduce ms penalty.
stomps buff damage lower sstun
summoning ston add royal guard ditch couatl
interchange shorter cd and range
cleave increase aoe, reduce damage %
unholy, buff regen, nerf ms bonus.
critical, reduce crit change buff the multiplier by one for lvl 6
firebolt, buff damage by 50
Buff avatar of vengeance hp but decrease the spirit's dmg by 5
Roots, buff dmg, nerf duro and cd
buff frost arrows and searing arrow dmg
Tornado.... Buff everything

spell nerfs only

bolt, nerf stun
banish, duro
explosion, cd
tower, hp
infernal, hp
serps, dmg and tooltip must be accurate
water elemetal, mg.
command, o ly melee.
Beetles, nnumbers
same with treants
penguin awe aura, ms penalty
chain and forked, number of targets
earthquake, the tick rate.
d-shield, duro
Ww dduro
multi shot, bonus dmg.
Donation gold given and no summons
Avatar hectic nerf nneeded


ToT needs small splash and less mana
frost needs price change
multi needs a better damage range and another dmg type cause face it it sucks
Speed built, please ur paying more for speed build and get less hp, wtf
cannon, buff dmg, remove burning


dtower placement it goes in shops and on walls
double cloak gives permanent invis while doing damage and ccasting
staff of saving can go to summoning stone, video got sooooooooo pissed eh rosa
vaults can move the placement of towers when revived to the middle of ur base, oh $@!# the tot is at their entrance, cheers mass tp


ctf is pure bs
crt is really mean if t1 makes it. They will want to ruin the game or troll e.g. Rosa
I like ssd so I don't think it needs 5 codes
ftd = F10 E Q sstuff  make it need 200 codes or something
classic is fun but make old blood be more op
ars does not need 5 codes


75 aoe stealth detection for hheroes
single target fear spell
give an item shop that can sell items that amplify spells and give extra perks like gives more targets to fan of knives, like a tome shop in a way. Maybe put it in secret area next to bond009 shop.

please take a good look, I put a ton effort into it

Message edited by FireHart - Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 3:18 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 11:33 AM | Message # 317
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (FireHart)
Rosa are you trying to destroy the game by saying everything is op and just want to nerf everything. There is a way to play with out micro and game mechanics. 
when i want a zepelin that dies by 4 bat riders. I want a zepelin that u can buy ONCE. Meaning that after that one buy in beginning, the CD would be EXTREMELY long. So how will that be overpowered? lol

Quote (FireHart)
are we trying to make the game more suited for us and to what we want or making this game more noob friendly so they don't cost the whole game.
 Make game we want to be more like LoL? Lets just OVERpower the hero's spell then! lol

Quote (FireHart)
staff of saving can go to summoning stone, video got sooooooooo pissed eh rosa
staff of saving  can go anywhere ur other ally or ur hero is if u block ur entire base 
LOL :_"

Quote (FireHart)
vaults can move the placement of towers when revived to the middle of ur base, oh $@!# the tot is at their entrance, cheers mass tp

take advantage of this. Save up like 12 vaults and tk ur own tower
Right after, spam ur tower zone with vaults and WALLAH. Ur TOT just move to FRONT OF THE FRONT OF THE FRONT of ur base. ROFL
epic trollz wink

btw bond, make the animal war training +9
+5 seems pathetic xD

slayer666Date: Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 12:10 PM | Message # 318
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
So..uhmm, are you really a pub or am I just seeing stuff on ur text?
Listen Big boy I dont want to be rude to you but in a good way I will tell you that looking from my PUB point of view there is a lot of things that can make the game more balance !! insted of being rude and trying to sound like a Pro or Smart AS(*&^ listen to what people has to said and give positive replys !!
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
This comment is hilarious.. So hilarious I comment back, is this troll or is this for real? LOL
Although I don't know how you play, seeing this quote makes me believe that you must be pub... xD

Yeah im proud to be a pub and not a big mouth like you are!! 
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Nowadays, everyone gets transmute mindrape banish cold strike bolts.
 I never used any of those apart of fire bolts
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Golems costs $$$ in beginning which g4y banish abusers like u
I think You are out of order Im trying to give a comment and I get Verbal Abuse from you !! by the way im not gay and i dont have anything against them !!  and I never use banish !! show me a reply me using banish !!

This comments Rosario is giving should be look in details by someone in charge coz looks a bit offensive to me !! Im not happy

You don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing :)
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 7:54 PM | Message # 319
Robotic Ninja
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Slayer, before you say anything
Lets think logically. A golem team vs a team that goes banish hk with mass tomes.
The banish hk mass tomes are ALOT cheaper than golem and 99% of time gurantees win while golems is 50%. Golems are only overpowered 50% of time while banish hk spell (0 gold) is op 99% of time

And slayer, u shuld be upset
Ur trying to ruin game
How u gonna counter mass golems if u can only get 1 lizzard?
Shaman being transmute @ lvl 6 is RETARDED cause 10 out of 12 players get either TT or transmute
ofc, rest is good suggestions although those mana drag gets wrecked by 1 batrider (2 if it is in mana form)

I think BATRIDER is OVERPOWERED right now. Seriously, wats point of getting air if bats just counter in AOE form and dmg like 1000000000000000000000000000 ?

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 7:55 PM
LamsauceDate: Monday, 08-Apr-2013, 8:00 PM | Message # 320
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
I think BATRIDER is OVERPOWERED right now. Seriously, wats point of getting air if bats just counter in AOE form and dmg like 1000000000000000000000000000 ?

i dont think theyre op at all .. theyre really good at countering mana drags and donation and zeps

and i also think bob the newt should be able to be xmuted at lvl 3 at the least

p.s. ros ty for the help with the ladder smile it really helped alot smile

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FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 6:26 AM | Message # 321
Robotic Ninja
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Bat riders aren't that op. Did you see their hp? They die in 2-3 shots with normal attack if your hero is more than lvl 10

SOUNDWAVESDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 8:19 AM | Message # 322
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About bat rider.....
Bat was added to counter chimera and phoenix when these two were siege armor type. These two ulti were op.
But now i guess these ulti birds are balanced by changing it's armor type.
so bat should be change too because bat rider is too cheap compare to it's skill concotion damage.
at least 2 bats should be more expensive than 1 fairy dragon. so I suggest increase bat's price 170 to 210
no point of using fairy dragon's channeling skill because lower price can counter it.
anyway anti magic shell or devotion aura can reduce concotion damage.
how about adding priest upgrade staff just like jammy and give him longer anti shell duration time for zepplin.
would be require a lot of micro tho.
on the other hand what if zepplin have huge hp or armor it will make really boring game.
if a player stacking base shield in workers inventory and load it to die hard zepplin how can you steal worker?
so let the zepplin die by 1 bat but remove bat divine shield and increase price.

there are a lot of imbalance sh*ts in chf but I don't agree with 90% of this community people's way about balance.
but whatever...lets just appreciate to bond. he is trying to start update 11year old dead game's mini game.

Added (2013-04-09, 9:19 AM)
remove healing and deadly ward from mass.
it's really cheap so I am trying to not to use these items during mass.

remember auto beast scroll system was added for fair mass and laggers.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013, 5:13 AM
LamsauceDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 9:16 AM | Message # 323
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i think for a bate rider to kill a zeppplin .. i feel like the zepplin should have enough hp for a bat rider to attack at least one time and concoction .. so 1 attack from rider & concocton should be able to kill a zep.. or put an invul on zep too if possible.

also i think it would be helpful if you were able to heal a zepplin.. since its a mechanical type you cant :/

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F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 12:18 PM | Message # 324
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I'm not really agree to change the price of bats because if 2 bats > 1 mana dragon (in price). It's will be a war of mana dragon. Because the guy who has mana dragon will get the economical advantage and no body will buy bats.
However i think you shouldn't nerf mana dragon because it's one of the best way to counter mass aoe when you are teching.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

FireHartDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 12:30 PM | Message # 325
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Who ever came up with bats being op is stupid cause, bats suck, 2 bats = mana drag dead, 3 bats bearly take out more than 3 zeps. And the only reasons that people would take it is: donation in zeplins( not op ) and killing mana dragons ( again not op ). Only people that know how to counter this use it ( not many ). Why the hell are you using zeps any way, it only has 450 hp (understandable if u want to save Urself or micro) but otherwise it is waste of 400g, not many people can micro like rosa or f00ty, so please this is only for your interest and what you want. isn't this to improve the game for everyone not just the individual.

or we have been trolled. dry

Message edited by FireHart - Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 12:37 PM
2DaYuDiEDate: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2013, 1:54 PM | Message # 326
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well, its more like a problem of the op manadragon imo tongue
i would agree with the price increase if it can 1shot manadragon while channeling

SOUNDWAVESDate: Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013, 5:20 AM | Message # 327
Group: Investor
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rock golem and newt are the only over powered creep.
These 2 creeps are easy to use but hard to counter.
add 2 more food cost to these creeps.
also add shades food cost to 1.

Rest in Peace Rookies
2DaYuDiEDate: Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013, 6:37 AM | Message # 328
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shades are also far op

RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013, 6:39 AM | Message # 329
Robotic Ninja
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Shaman CD should be longer
they op too

FireHartDate: Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013, 1:07 PM | Message # 330
Group: Clan Members
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Isn't everything op

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