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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 13-Jul-2013, 6:20 PM | Message # 406
Robotic Ninja
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These comments have been read -no one ever

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 5:47 AM | Message # 407
Robotic Ninja
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Remove command "-ARS mode" please. There is one ***ing player hoje who is scare play vs good players and everytime if he play against them he make ARS mode. But its interesting if he have stack he pick normal spells and dont make mode.

I saw how he typed "-ARS" and 11 people vote NO (!!!) and only him vote YES. But what happen after this? This faggot abused 500 codes and just typed "-ARS mode" and it was ARS. How its possible he can make when 11 players dont agree? There is not point red can make mode without vote really.

EDIT: Best way is remove all gay modes anyway. I thought "Custom" mean you can pick spells what you want, so why some gay random spells. Go play 5.4 AR/SD if you want.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 5:50 AM
FireHartDate: Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 6:50 AM | Message # 408
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Ars is fun and actually useful against people like rosa or Cou or Roy and its brings out rogerlucas's potential

but I agree people can't just abuse the codes he probably hacked just too ruin 11people's game and hence they lose

Message edited by FireHart - Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 6:54 AM
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 12:53 PM | Message # 409
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Remove the commands that put modes without votes, but let the modes. Remove CTF maybe

FireHartDate: Tuesday, 16-Jul-2013, 9:19 AM | Message # 410
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CTF is bs, ARS is fun and fair, SSD is luck based and u only need aoes to win and get lvl 20 in 5 mins, 6v6 is gey, FTd is total F10 E Q stuff.

a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 16-Jul-2013, 12:34 PM | Message # 411
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (FireHart)
ARS is fun and fair, SSD is luck based
:/ I would say you reversed it but ssd is not fun.  Not going to say it isn't fair though, it just removes the level of skill required.  In non-ssd you can see dramatic differences in skill level to winning however ssd just brings everyone skill a little closer because you can get your op spells to max level very quickly as can everyone else.  While in non-ssd mode it takes a while to level up, and every level counts and makes a difference between you and the other teams.

Ars is definitely luck based.  The main skill that will win you every game against kids that aren't that good is just being able to use creeps and pool.
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 16-Jul-2013, 10:18 PM | Message # 412
Robotic Ninja
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all modes are stupid

bond shuld make a mode where everyone gets captain bond LOL

mode 1
same heros for all

mode 2
evveryone can pick their own hero

mode 3
all same build and hero (spell from random. not from player)

mode 4
all captain bond cause its op lol

mode 5
all captain bond with all bolt coil cold strike

thats my ideas bro xD

Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 0:26 AM | Message # 413
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
mode 2evveryone can pick their own hero

Its very good idea... I want pick one of my most favourite heroes (Blood Mage, Vexslasher, CattleBruiser....) why cant? Btw they are much better than "secret" heroes

Why Bond OP in your opinion? Only because this blink? Agree its good but i prefer heroes with range attack

Edit: Oh i forgot one detail (found other bug yesterday) make possible use banish on hero "Craziest Uber Ever"

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 0:42 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 6:45 AM | Message # 414
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
Edit: Oh i forgot one detail (found other bug yesterday) make possible use banish on hero "Craziest Uber Ever"
This hero just sucks straight out. If this unit would die with baniish...rofllll.. LOL

Quote (Adam_CZ)
(Blood Mage, Vexslasher, CattleBruiser....)
Blood mage is good
Vexslasher is decent but the special hero with 1k win is better
and cattlebruiser sucks in my opinion. I say best heros are

Captain Bond
Captain Undead Bond
That undead weird looking vexslasher guy with 1k win code
(Firelord if ssd going mauling)
and the int hero riding a horse (lol)

Quote (Adam_CZ)
Why Bond OP in your opinion? Only because this blink? Agree its good but i prefer heroes with range attack
Cause he has blink and he also never dies. Also his strength intelligence and agility is fuqed up in comparison with other heros. 
And to make things even more retarded, undead captain bond is unstoppable with like at least 1 shaman which "pros" get like 4-5 shamans on him making it better than an invulnerable

captain bond has
good movement speed
good spell casting time
great strength
great intelligence for a strength hero 
and great agility for strength hero
and f***ingly huge hp bar
and fuqed up blink given
and the fact that this hero never dies by

Added (2013-07-17, 7:40 AM)
and OMG i forgot
Death knight hero is also amazing xD

Added (2013-07-17, 7:45 AM)
warrior mage is good too xD

Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 10:33 AM | Message # 415
Robotic Ninja
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I think for more ballance game its better remove this blink for Bond or Medivh. I was collecting codes for Bond maybe one year (i dont remember) and some people hack this codes in 5 seconds. Is that fair? And you AccCreate very good know you have hacked codes too.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 10:34 AM
LamsauceDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 11:20 AM | Message # 416
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there should be an SD mode (single draft) and make it custom.. that would be sweet

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RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 11:28 AM | Message # 417
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
And you AccCreate very good know you have hacked codes too.
Uhmm my legit win is still way over the necessity of captain bond

I just hacked mine to scare people
I already had enough wins for every hero lolll

u dont believe me?

There u go nub. This was after i switched accounts. My rosariovampire account had 1.87k legit wins. Now stfu about me losing 99% of games cause i got my codes through almost 100% win rate at the time

a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 12:42 PM | Message # 418
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
captain bond has good movement speed
good spell casting time
great strength
great intelligence for a strength hero 
and great agility for strength hero
and f***ingly huge hp bar
and fuqed up blink given
and the fact that this hero never dies by
honestly though it's not even fair.

Also am i the only one who like see's how well spell will do based on hero density, idk I just feel like some heroes are way more dense and others can easily be hurt.  Like a hero like far seer, just looks fragile and i can see a carrion taking down a major portion of his health like 40% while as heroes like bond just look so much more dense like they have built in spell resistance and i can't see any aoe doing crap to them.  In all honesty it's probably just cause it's easy to tell whats a str hero and whats not but idk, sorry, just some weird thing about me i guess.
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 12:48 PM | Message # 419
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
Also am i the only one who like see's how well spell will do based on hero density, idk I just feel like some heroes are way more dense and others can easily be hurt.  Like a hero like far seer, just looks fragile and i can see a carrion taking down a major portion of his health like 40% while as heroes like bond just look so much more dense like they have built in spell resistance and i can't see any aoe doing crap to them.  In all honesty it's probably just cause it's easy to tell whats a str hero and whats not but idk, sorry, just some weird thing about me i guess.
 The game is very hero biased
Bond keeps lying to the people that hero choice doesn't matter but the thing is, ur hero will change the game with almost 99%. 

And yes, certain heros with same defense and hp and strength die easier than others
certain heros have lower mana with same int
certain heros get less point system on agi, int, strength than others
certain heros are super slow casters
certain heros are super fast casters
and certain heros tend to...well u get the point

heros are one of the #1 reasons why games so messed up

each hero is so different
see for example Cou's hero AND uber cat hero
Cou's hero casts spells without delay
uber cat takes around 2.8 seconds to react (u will be dead by then)

Added (2013-07-17, 1:48 PM)
and since captain bond is semi big hero
carrion swarm and shockwave from Captain bond do more dmg and have bigger aoe

yes...this games fuqed but thats how warcraft system goes
the whole chf is imbalanced

thats why i want a mode with everyone starting with same hero -.-

FireHartDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 2:34 PM | Message # 420
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The mass music is gey get the old one back biggrin

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