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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1 - Page 30 - Forum

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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1
Random260Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 6:59 AM | Message # 436
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The tip system is just a guideline. Like get jamie for black arrow

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FireHartDate: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 10:35 AM | Message # 437
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Back with the code thing. Vexlasher has a programme that works for some people, but not for me I mean like I dled it 4 times but it don't work sad get it if u don't want to write every single code down. But if it don't work on ur comp it never will.

RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 10:26 AM | Message # 438
Robotic Ninja
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Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 10:27 AM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 3:47 AM | Message # 439
Robotic Ninja
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Bob Newt really need hard nerf in 4.1 i was talking many times about it. Just please check this picture is screenshot from replay where was playing ic3dt3a yesterday:

ic3dt3a patetic Bob Newts

he had 7x bob newts and dispel druids everytime in 2 seconds this is gay. I just can not stop laughing how he was lying many times in troll box "i dont use more than 2 newts every game" LOL. Why for example can not have more than 2 mana dragon but Newt is 100x more OP?

Bob newt - no transmute, resistant skin, very hard clickable (like heroes PrincessPink or Cyray) btw how much APM do you need for cyclone 7 newts + perma stunning hero QQCreate? I am sure your GOD Moon or Grubby will not able do it.

I will repeat my idea for 4.1:

1) you can transmute Bob Newt

2) You can not have more than 2 Bob Newts (same like Mana Dragon)

3) Bob Newt dont have resistant skin

4) Bob Newt cost 1000 gold

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 3:51 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 4:07 AM | Message # 440
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
Bob Newt really need hard nerf in 4.1 i was talking many times about it. Just please check this picture is screenshot from replay where was playing ic3dt3a yesterday:

7 newts
He was able to TECH and GET 7 newts? Dude, what u feed him with? Meth? JAJAJAJJA BASURA ADAMMMM

Quote (Adam_CZ)
LOL. Why for example can not have more than 2 mana dragon but Newt is 100x more OP?

Stop feeding Ic3d then ROFL
7 newts is like enough gold for me to tome my hero to win 99% of time IDIOTA ADAMMAAA

Quote (Adam_CZ)
Bob newt - no transmute, resistant skin, very hard clickable

Bob Newt used to have 50 defense
Bob Newt used to be spell resistant
JAJAJA, and still in those days, people manageed to kill it
I give you tip adam: Why not KILL the newts instead of taking pictures JAJAJJAJA

Quote (Adam_CZ)
you can transmute Bob Newt

So u want transmute to be ridiculously overpowered cause ur skill level is pathetic? JAJAJAJA
I still don't even understand how jammy gets transmuted and goatzilla gets transmuted and here u are
Being a basura in forum to retard the game
This is not LoL ROFL. Making transmutable newts only encourages more transmute abuse jajajja

Quote (Adam_CZ)
You can not have more than 2 Bob Newts (same like Mana Dragon)

There's something called food limit DUHHH
Ic3d had to TECH to get that much. And 7 newts? Dude, what u feed him with? Militias? LOL
7 newts TAKE FOREVER to get and costs $$

Quote (Adam_CZ)
I am sure your GOD Moon or Grubby will not able do it.

Grubby and Moon. Ever hear of night elf's DoTT strat? MASS cyclone JJAJAJAJAJJA
Oh right! You don't play ladder. U dont HAVE the micro to play. U also dont have the BRAINS.
Moon and Grubby wouldn't even waste time playing low league custom games and if they did, they wouldnt let u live to have 7 newts JAJJAJA
Heck, I won't be suprised if they can micro all their footies during mass and give absolutely no kill to enemies (send low hp back base = no exp to enemy = gg)

Quote (Adam_CZ)
Bob Newt cost 1000 gold

OH YES. Cause Bob Newts are SOOOO worth 1000 gold. Tome or Newt....hmm, hard decision
Pay a little more for upgraded jammy...hmmm... JAJAJAJA

Quote (Adam_CZ)
Bob Newt dont have resistant skin

Let those LOW hp get sniped by 1 nova! Such useless 1000 gold unit


Adam_CZDate: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 5:44 AM | Message # 441
Robotic Ninja
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You are stupid noob QQCreate. I was not playing in that game vs ic3dt3a. I just downloaded replay thats all. This game was ic3dt3a (team 1) vs MvTvD0rPr015 under alt (team 4) and MvTvD0rPr015 is one of best CHF players (for example he is the only one player who sniped Cyray since ele started or he was able raped FTL Roystom+FTL Yeferzon with black arrows) so how its possible ic3dt3a got too much feed? You are very very very very (1000x very) stupid noob who think he is good but you are not definitely better than "average" in CHF and very "noob" in ladder.

What the fuck how you can talk about "micro" or "APM" if you are very stupid noob? If you play CHF you always pick some noob build like frost nova, forket lighting and mind trape = build which dont show some skills in W3. Reason why yu are average player in CHF is only because this map isnt popular like ladder and its not hard be "average" and also is not hard be "pro". If TOP 10 CHF players will play ladder they will be just "average" but maybe "noobs".

ProGlitcher played 7 games - 4 games win - 3 games lose (thats pro?) your average APM no more than 100 AJAJA Korean noob BASURA. Shut up because i dont wanna waste my time to answer you anymore.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 5:48 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 10:30 AM | Message # 442
Robotic Ninja
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So pubs should not win? DAMN FINE PRO U GOT THERW

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 06-Aug-2013, 9:11 AM | Message # 443
Robotic Ninja
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Maybe also give more % chance get "secret hero" than only 50%.... maybe its just my bad luck but i got secret hero rly only sometimes... If i am trying get Captain bond i got 8 games of 10 Bill... if i am trying get Medivh I got 8 games of 10 Alchymist... If i am trying got PrincessPink i got 8 games of 10 Avalanche.... i cant belive its just "bad luck" give it 100% antd its Ok.
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 06-Aug-2013, 9:26 AM | Message # 444
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
Maybe also give more % chance get "secret hero" than only 50%.... maybe its just my bad luck but i got secret hero rly only sometimes... If i am trying get Captain bond i got 8 games of 10 Bill... if i am trying get Medivh I got 8 games of 10 Alchymist... If i am trying got PrincessPink i got 8 games of 10 Avalanche.... i cant belive its just "bad luck" give it 100% antd its Ok.

Oh yes! Cause Adam can't play himself he needs buff

Whats next? 1000 win hero 100% chance? rofl

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