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Bond009Date: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 2:13 PM | Message # 61
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Your allies can pool gold during mass to reach 350 gold soon as possible (to be the first team to get wards).

yeah right now in current version, but if i made ppl not have that 100 gold to start with they wouldnt have that option. it would be like the same thing as having pool off at start only easier and more possible to make happen lol
everyone would have 0 gold after buying heros

i also fixed the 2 hero op thing for the most part

CouDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 3:51 PM | Message # 62
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I don't know why they complain about silence wars lol. It's not occurring every game, only few people have skilll to use it and counter it at the same time and usually only seen in the fight of top teams.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 4:47 PM | Message # 63
Robotic Ninja
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
i dont understand what u mean by this becuz if all start with 0 gold then no one can buy wards faster, they have no gold to buy wards with..

wait what?! wasn't your solution to beast scroll providing free roar at mass? i think i had suggested you make it unable to be purchased to avoid 1 team pooling for jammy and dispelling, going back to the pro-team-pooling-advantage over other players...
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 5:01 PM | Message # 64
Robotic Ninja
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I think there should be a pool limit. Yes, that's what we need...
For the first ten-thirteen minutes of game, each player can only pool maximum of 250. After that, pool is on.

And for the matter with "mass"
Deadly wards SHOULD NOT be 3x harder to kill than healing. Should be same.
(btw, wards are retarded. They just 100% ruin balance. Blatant imbalances here xD)

For those of you who argue pool should not be off. Seriously, this is what pool does in chf
idgaf about stackers. But let's be real. This is killing game for pubs.
Personally, I love challenge and the flame. However, do you really think its fair for the pubs?

and ofc, I would like to thank Adam for taking the time to paste the URL on trollbox. Otherwise, I woulda never seen the need to post it rofl

SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 5:36 PM | Message # 65
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Quote Bond009 ()
i also fixed the 2 hero op thing for the most part

2 hero takes more exp in early game but it became worse than 3 hero even pub can be helpful with their spell.
I think you should keep as current. I see some sad people like adam_cz and poop~~ doesn't get hero on purpose but that's only few compare to desync or disconnected matter. just my thought anyway.


Just as usual, whenever new updates are targeting to patch op things some people just want to keep and be opposite to it cuz it gave them reputation and they have to find new things. 
Some are failed to balancing specific spells or creeps but most of the time updates lead to better balanced game if you see the big picture.
Balanced game gave more chance to other spells and strategy and fun untill people find out new op things.
I think current op things are newt, pet, rat, vengence, golems, sperents, flamestrike, donations
People abuse it a lot and I abuse a lot too. you know why?
Cause it is op.

Rest in Peace Rookies
Bond009Date: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 8:24 PM | Message # 66
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2 hero takes more exp in early game but it became worse than 3 hero even pub can be helpful with their spell.
I think you should keep as current. I see some sad people like adam_cz and poop~~ doesn't get hero on purpose but that's only few compare to desync or disconnected matter. just my thought anyway.

yea i found a way to balance it only for ppl trying to abuse it, like its fine as it is for normal teams or if someone left game or is afk but for ppl doing 2 hero strat on purpose to abuse its full potential of being OP that is what i figured out how to balance out better smile

SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 10:24 PM | Message # 67
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Quote Bond009 ()
yea i found a way to balance it only for ppl trying to abuse it, like its fine as it is for normal teams or if someone left game or is afk but for ppl doing 2 hero strat on purpose to abuse its full potential of being OP that is what i figured out how to balance out better

that's awesome! biggrin

btw can we get a new shop in the middle of each teams base instead of switch shop?
Sometimes I don't realize that someone switched shop list and when I press hotkeys to buy stuff, wrong thing comes out.
so it might be much convenient to buy stuff.
here I attached picture which I draw red circle for spot.

Attachments: 5866182.jpg (21.5 Kb)

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 10:29 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 09-Dec-2013, 11:10 PM | Message # 68
Robotic Ninja
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what about adding the shops here instead?

this way, they dont block
Bond009Date: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 4:10 AM | Message # 69
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btw can we get a new shop in the middle of each teams base instead of switch shop?
Sometimes I don't realize that someone switched shop list and when I press hotkeys to buy stuff, wrong thing comes out.
so it might be much convenient to buy stuff.
here I attached picture which I draw red circle for spot.

idk about that.. could maybe add another store sometime if needed to buy for semi cheap like the base vault. but as it is now, if u have a store selected and someone else changes the store they get selection of it and you lose the selection of the store so when you press a hot key it will do nothing becuz u will have nothing selected so its probably ok as it is smile

Priest-Of-SinDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 5:47 AM | Message # 70
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let clear something here....diablo3 its the best game. yes ppl who want to play on mp 10 inferno without any effort will allways complain....its like here in chf,some ppl will allways complain about op spells and pets and pool but if you look close and you know the game you will allways find a way to conquer everything they throw at you.but again the problem is : anyone want to be best without any effort.if you ask me i will say that i had to play alot till i was able to win something,and was great because i was motivated.

stoogeDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 5:51 AM | Message # 71
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the 2 hero start isnt just pooling ur 1900 gold to allies, the mexicans are doing a new thing now. one of them pretend to be afk while other one does -test afk. make the -test afk thing last longer than 2 mins so other team cant get gold for mass even if they are afk.

after mass their 1900 wont be that much of a big deal but it sux when they pretend to be afk and get jamie rats and owl

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LuxuryDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 8:18 AM | Message # 72
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BOND IS #1, enough said.

O_o]-PrincipVDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 8:32 AM | Message # 73
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happy happy talking pet why not remove? is a bit selfish to have a pet for three players and adds that we can cure our héroes in Base HP / and mana
PD :add snow in the 4.1 in all the map cool cool

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 8:44 AM | Message # 74
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Priest-Of-Sin ()
some ppl will allways complain about op spells and pets and pool but if you look close and you know the game you will allways find a way to conquer everything they throw at you
      I can make a claim right now in chf that
"Everything can be conquered with micro."
But guess what. THESE STATEMENTS ARE BS cause ITS MUCH HARDER at CERTAIN scenarios.

Please try countering 18 Death tower  level 3 WITHOUT buying peasants in tier 0 and no towers. Especially when there is 9 herokillers in your front door. You can say "demolisher this" "demolisher that"
BS. There is no freaking counter in this situation. It's not like your some micro supercomputer where you can micro individual footies 1000000 times per second.
No, overpowered has the meaning OVERPOWERED.
What overpowered means is that in almost any scenario, the strat/spell gives a player a HUGE advantage over the other players (when those players are ALL in same playing field)

Quote Priest-Of-Sin ()
f you ask me i will say that i had to play alot till i was able to win something,and was great because i was motivated.
And that's why you always lost to me in 1v1.
Cool story bro. Cool story bro.
Not only do you pop nowhere but your one of the lesser skilled players in chf forums.

I think everyone knows some "things" can be overpowered.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 8:45 AM
MrDark_DevilDate: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013, 8:48 AM | Message # 75
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Quote O_o]-PrincipV ()
Just Bond Make 4.1 with -pool of and will balanced
ye ,, true i agree with you 
no pool untill 15min.add rat reavel CD or inflation needed.
pet shouldn't leave base neither.
above 3 are important issue to make fair solo player against stacked.
SOUND 100% agree X)

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
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