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Rank 1 so pro
i-connectDate: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 2:21 PM | Message # 46
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Well Adam your still so new to chf in my opinion and don't know chf like backkk then before u were here. I only played one game against you adam and whooped your but and that time i didn't even play chf anymore. The chf era ur from is nothing compared when I played and when like cou was noob smile . The time when bond was active and people like talk cheesy haseo fallen tone and so many more was here. U hardly know what chf was like, maybe bajs can explain when I use to play but even then i remember when bajs was  new to. U knew me when I was in my dota phase and now i don't even play wc3. Chf was maybe good about 4 years ago, but now nope. I was still inactive in your era Adam because i still saw it suck.

Message edited by i-connect - Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 2:25 PM
SeRGeeODate: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 8:57 PM | Message # 47
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AL_GIDate: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 10:12 PM | Message # 48
Zombie Pirate
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Firness, your last sentence looks like you are a 14 years old teenager. And its not my fault if you need people judgment to know that you are good or not.

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 10:41 PM | Message # 49
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AL_GI ()
Firness, your last sentence looks like you are a 14 years old teenager. And its not my fault if you need people judgment to know that you are good or not.

shots fired
NexsuSDate: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014, 10:48 PM | Message # 50
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Hola sergeo bitch x)

Bond009Date: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 0:21 AM | Message # 51
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i havent fully read all the posts in this yet but i got far enough to see it was talking about elo a bit. whether it is changed or taking out etc.. maybe it would be a good idea to not display stats of players in game when they join or typing !cs and only track them on the site after the games been played. that would fix some of the problems like join/leave/join/etc maybe.. But the point cou made about reward not being high enough for pro team vs pro team would still remain.
Or maybe it could be like the rep system on the Hive site and you can choose to turn your rep off so ppl cant give u rep and they cant see u have any. just allow players to turn off their elo tracking if they want so its not displayed in-game or on the site (but u can still track it in the database if u want)

Also like cou said pros dont care to risk their well known accounts you dont see pros playing because they probably arnt playing on their real names.
Quote FirNesS ()
The thing is that even if you ignore it, some trash talkers will always come to you and say "you have a shitty winrate", "you lost against pubs", etc. You may say that we can ignore them too, but it's still pretty annoying and everytime you ignore such insults you hurt your ego

this is probably also a factor

I can kinda see where this is coming from too though because back before i would only try my best in a game vs pro teams or inhouses etc.. most the time if i didnt see any pros i would play relaxed for fun and would sometimes lose or be caught off guard etc.. but didnt really care. Maybe people miss those relaxing games of chf because its something that can be thrown in their face later on or something when people measure pro status.

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 11:45 AM | Message # 52
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Quote Bond009 ()
Maybe people miss those relaxing games of chf because its something that can be thrown in their face later on or something when people measure pro status.
This I think is a definite factor.
I like relaxing games. Idc if I win or lose. Actually, I prefer to lose in pub games. But the fact that people see my skill through ELO is quite annoying.
Most don't know I can chew them 10 games out of 10 in 1v1 when I'm serious. I think this goes for all pros.
You really should only play serious when you need to at a certain point. Because playing 1 serious game exhausts you more than playing 6-8 regular game and I rather have the energy left over those 6-8 games xD

Quote i-connect ()
U hardly know what chf was like, maybe bajs can explain when I use to play but even then i remember when bajs was  new to.
CHF has deteriorated a lot in terms of skill. That's true.
But I feel like CHF in terms of skills had the best players at late 3.7 and very very very very very early 4.0 (like the first couple weeks)
Although the past had players like Fallen, tbh, I think when mexican servers were added, competition playing field changed a lot.....
But then again, CHF each version gets a new op balance. The strat that might work for long ago would be extinct in the next versions (so you really cant compare i guess)

and for adam's skill, I got no comments. He is a duplicate of rogerlucas but still, better.... i guess?! Not entirely sure. xD

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 12:23 PM | Message # 53
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
and for adam's skill, I got no comments. He is a duplicate of rogerlucas but still, better.... i guess?! Not entirely sure. xD

Just watch your last replay:

you bought shaman during mass but he die two minutes later (reason: you have trash micro) after that you failed golems (btw it was firstime when I saw you use golems) and then you disconnect on purpose....

Stop talking lies like "I can rape everyone if i will play serious" we all know its only joke you are just average player
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 12:57 PM | Message # 54
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Actually, I prefer to lose in pub games

i love it, another awesome excuse for my collection, there is it

1) I was playing bad on purpose (AccCreate)

2) I was lazy buy rat and silence Cou (Cheesy-Gordia)

3) I was cooking (F00ty_R3b0rn)

4) I prefer lose in pub games (AccCreate again)
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 3:46 PM | Message # 55
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Bond009 ()
I can kinda see where this is coming from too though because back before i would only try my best in a game vs pro teams or inhouses etc.. most the time if i didnt see any pros i would play relaxed for fun and would sometimes lose or be caught off guard etc.. but didnt really care

this is the problem i have against alts, kind of ruins your whole "Carefree" attitude in spell selection(i like to go ww stomp crit, its fun. . .)
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 6:23 PM | Message # 56
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Just watch your last replay:
Just watched it.
Teammates are retards with retarded spells and decides to leave right after mass.
(05:23 / Allied) AccCreate: -kill yellow

And, if you haven't heard recently,
My left click is not working properly (ever since I updated my OS to windows 8.1). I have to click 12 times to hopefully get it working once.
Seriously, Adam_CZ, you should go learn some context clues.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
and then you disconnect on purpose....
Ya, I quit on purpose. I quit cause my ally left and cause I had a retarded ally and cause my mouse doesn't even work. (How the fuq do you activate spells if you can't click the enemy? lol)
And I purposely got supporting spells to help my pub allies feel great. Whats wrong with that? Do I have to get nova, chain, swarm, etc. all the time? Can I not just simply get lasso and unholy and hope my allies finish the enemies off since they have mass hk spells? Seriously, u are so blinded of your retardedness I sometimes wonder if you are human being.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
1) I was playing bad on purpose (AccCreate) 2) I was lazy buy rat and silence Cou (Cheesy-Gordia)

3) I was cooking (F00ty_R3b0rn)

4) I prefer lose in pub games (AccCreate again)
The funny thing is,
these players in this whole list of quotes are in an another level from you.
Your credibility just got more debilitated. lol <btw, is it not wrong to cook food during pub games? Anything wrong with that? Oh right, you can't admit F000ty cooking food is still 100000000x better than you in max  lol>
And why do you always run away from me, or cheesy, or f00ty when we are trying to vs u? U either try to suck up in my team or leave and bring a gang to maim .... lol? <never understood that logic>

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 6:29 PM
i-connectDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 6:31 PM | Message # 57
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
But I feel like CHF in terms of skills had the best players at late 3.7 and very very very very very early 4.0 (like the first couple weeks)
i think the best player was around 3.3 , but i dont think you would know because i remember when you were still new and playing with sound. sounds was a new one too. The time that chf was good was when there was so many people wanting to join HPMM and there was clan on west (CHFG, FA, FN, ect) that weren't as good. HPMM use to be very fun back then when chrIsicera was here, haseo, tone and many more.
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 13-Oct-2014, 6:46 PM | Message # 58
Robotic Ninja
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Quote i-connect ()
but i dont think you would know because i remember when you were still new and playing with sound. sounds was a new one too
Actually, I started at like 1.9 but prior to 3.3, I was kinda too young to even understand the game. Actually, this was how mentally handicapped I was.
Everytime dozen times I played, I had to create a new account since I didn't realize that if you change servers, your old account doesnt work -.- (and i frequently changed servers without really understanding anything...english -.- )

but ehh, from sound was when I first started really learning chf. Before then, I was legit worse than a pub. hahahah
its probably cause of that i cant recall the skill levels before sound. Cause I was too retard myself to even understand the game :l

FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 3:28 PM | Message # 59
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Quote AL_GI ()
Firness, your last sentence looks like you are a 14 years old teenager. And its not my fault if you need people judgment to know that you are good or not.
Oh please, this kind of answer makes you look even more ridiculous than you are already. Don't make me develop my point, I wrote this short sentence because I was too lazy to prove my point to the pub you are.
I don't need the judgment of anyone to know if I'm good or not, I'm way enough smart and mature not to consider myself as the other people do consider me, especially people of Chf community who come from all around the world and who are just a bunch of flamers and haters spending their life to fight against some other retards, no matter who they are.
You're starting to argue about my personality and my age when you have seen about 10 of my posts on this forum that I wrote quickly because I didn't give a fuck and you believe that you can judge me? I still wonder who is the 14 years old teenager. Don't even try to have any arguement with people you don't know, please.

Added (14-Oct-2014, 3:28 PM)
Quote ic3dt3a ()
shots fired
The 14 years old teenager, there we got him!
I would like you guys to take some time to consider how much icedtea now hates me whereas he would have said I was a great guy after the last chf game we played. He does have a deep hate against me now, just because I hurt his poor feelings after he started flaming me once just because he was disagreeing with my point of view.
I have no idea of what your problem is, but you might have a big one, as you desperately try to pull me down as soon as you have the smallest opportunity. Just leave me, before you started bragging your shit I was convinced that you were a nice guy, and I still don't understand why you wasted everything

Message edited by FirNesS - Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 3:31 PM
AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014, 4:28 PM | Message # 60
Zombie Pirate
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Quote FirNesS ()
you believe that you can judge me?

I am not judging you, I am judging what you wrote.
Quote FirNesS ()
the pub you are.

You are the one judging me without even seeing me playing
Quote FirNesS ()
Oh please, this kind of answer makes you look even more ridiculous than you are already.

No arguments...
Quote FirNesS ()
It's just that when people flame you and you ignore them, then you just look as a shit to everyone.

As I can read, you are talking about your personnality.
Quote FirNesS ()
The thing is that even if you ignore it, some trash talkers will always come to you and say "you have a shitty winrate", "you lost against pubs", etc. You may say that we can ignore them too, but it's still pretty annoying and everytime you ignore such insults you hurt your ego

Quote FirNesS ()
Don't even try to have any arguement with people you don't know, please.

I am not trying to have arguments with you, because you have no arguments.

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

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