Quote FirNesS (

shots fired
The 14 years old teenager, there we got him!
I would like you guys to take some time to consider how much icedtea now hates me whereas he would have said I was a great guy after the last chf game we played. He does have a deep hate against me now, just because I hurt his poor feelings after he started flaming me once just because he was disagreeing with my point of view.
I have no idea of what your problem is, but you might have a big one, as you desperately try to pull me down as soon as you have the smallest opportunity. Just leave me, before you started bragging your shit I was convinced that you were a nice guy, and I still don't understand why you wasted everything
lol at u thinking i actually care enough to hate you. . . you are just an easy target. . . its funny how you actually consider yourself to be better than others, this is the only "problem" i had with you. i put it in quotes, because i've tried to point out that you shouldnt be conceited and consider yourself elite, but to no avail.
wasted everything? you honestly have no impact on my life to consider the loss of any "investment" of being a nice person a true loss. i'd like to point out that i have never bragged about anything, and that you're basically making shit up, pulling shit out of your ass and trying to play a victim to elicit empathy from others.
just look at you, starting shit with al_gi . . . all he did was provide sound advice, the type which is used on potential suicide victims who feel they are alone or that no one cares, and you basically tell him to fuck off because he doesnt know you:
Anyway, don't talk about my personality when you have no idea of who I am
you should seriously consider not coming online anymore. it seems that you are easily bothered/offended by people. i was initially trolling you a bit, but just stay offline. the internet doesnt have space for QQers, they usually end up suiciding