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Rank 1 so pro - Forum

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Rank 1 so pro
BajsHoranDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 9:59 AM | Message # 1
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fun game lol... Rogerlucas vs rank 1 zebasij.... i have corner mass and black arrow on both me sides in mass and get killed by scrolled stone hero in mass... still rank 1 rage quit in 17 min.... like a champ...

he is good player sure... but there is at least 30 whos better. just another point how fake elo is... Only make games cheap gay and boring cause no one want vs hard game....

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
NexsuSDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 10:44 AM | Message # 2
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bajshura u are rogerlucas ._.

Random260Date: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 10:48 AM | Message # 3
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Like i said many times I class players. Zed like you said is 31st that means he is still considered pro.... Thus indicating that the elo system has found a pro. If you want to play that game:
omfg you lost to zed.

let me clear something up. Just because you beat a pro once doesn't mean you are better than him. If you were pro you would win every game you play that is what zed has done win 80 percent of his games. You are at 23 percent win/loss and you know whats worse all those losses were against pubs.

How about we remove rank but have classes: the top 100 are pro and so on. (joke)

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Message edited by Random260 - Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 11:03 AM
BajsHoranDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 10:59 AM | Message # 4
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hahaha random... im from sweden u know biggrin why u posting games with roger france and bajhoran from cz


Added (29-Sep-2014, 10:59 AM)
And random... dont u think its funny.... that u dont play chf... and u say elo is working good... and pretty much everyone who plays it agrees its a failed system that they dont like... It even make some top players stop play.

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
Random260Date: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 11:02 AM | Message # 5
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omfg.... You lost to zed point proven end argument.

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BajsHoranDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 11:36 AM | Message # 6
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ur a retard

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
MonsterDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 12:03 PM | Message # 7
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im rank #1

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 12:36 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Rank #1 forever is Rizma. He was best player ever. He have no rival / opponent and he left because he was bored.
FirNesSDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 1:25 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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adam, put off your mouth of his dick

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 2:14 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Firness do you want start play CHF again? I think you can help revive CHF (if you will comeback and F00ty too). Btw I am talking seriously now.
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 3:54 PM | Message # 11
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Quote Random260 ()
How about we remove rank but have classes: the top 100 are pro and so on. (joke)
The problem with this ranking is that the top 8 have such a huge discrepancy in skills compared to the rest that the rest "pros" 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% look pubs. This is the problem with chf.
Some players had been playing since the stone age of CHF against actual CHF members and thus improved skill to rival "top top top" players but the rest, they really havent.

I mean no offense but CHF has one of the biggest discrepancy between the top few and the rest. If you were to just see the difference between top 8th and top 9th, it would be so huge that you would even start questioning yourself if that top 9 really is the 9th.

I mean, I tell you how big a difference between top 8 and top 9right now is in chf.
Up till top 8, players can easily beat majority if not next to all (except one or two) players in the first page of elo ranking.
However, from the 9th, oh my...good gracious... they can't even stump the first third of the page....
CHF has too much of a rift in skills ... so really exclaiming "top 9" as pro is not really pro in my opinion. Why if they are pros then what are players like me? Great grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand masters who aren't even considered human beings?

and btw, winning has nothing to do with skills and losing too. If you actually came to even half my level, then you start to realize who is pro and who isn't. The players' instincts are just totally different. (And this can be found even between the 8th and the 9th. HUGE difference. I might add that the difference is way too huge to even's sad)

P.S. This might look graciously exaggerated but this is the real truth in CHF right now. Check players like Cou, me, Nexus, Principev, etc. that still play and then compare to even players like .... who? The difference is just way too huge. I can't really think of any examples now that can be compared. Actually, I now feel modest with the top "8." Basically all the "top top" players left so like I think I should really switch the top 8 as top 6 and top 9 as top 7. This is really pathetic.
The skill gap is way too big for the game to even be considered fun now -.-

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 4:01 PM
FirNesSDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 5:07 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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I'm willing to play again, if Footy does also. I'm a bit bored of LoL so it could be great. But don't wanna play without people I know and without people who give me a real challenge.
If I start playing again, I just say that I won't even consider people talking about my elo, as I'll be looking for challenges, not easy games that last for a 11 minutes rush. My point is not to win, my point is to be in trouble even when I'm tryharding, otherwise the game is clueless. So yeah, if I can face "pro" people, I'm willing to start playing again. Though I'll need to catch up on my late, I lost lot of mechanichs, the last chf games I played for fun under alts I mostly picked ww builds, so I didnt really train my skill

ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 5:39 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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ic3dt3a pro god king
MrDark_DevilDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 6:02 PM | Message # 14
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That gay roger so pro cx

Added (29-Sep-2014, 6:02 PM)
That gay roger so pro cx

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
i-connectDate: Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 10:16 PM | Message # 15
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Quote BajsHoran ()
un game lol... Rogerlucas vs rank 1 zebasij.... i have corner mass and black arrow on both me sides in mass and get killed by scrolled stone hero in mass... still rank 1 rage quit in 17 min.... like a champ...

he is good player sure... but there is at least 30 whos better. just another point how fake elo is... Only make games cheap gay and boring cause no one want vs hard game....

this sounds liek what adam would say. you becoming like him?
yeah winning and losing doesn't mean anything towards skills, but multiple games and analyzing each game thoroughly can determine skillz.

being pro is like the equation  (.8x times .2y = skillz) where x is the deliberate practice and y is actuall skill. if you have no practice at all but skills .8(0) x .2(100) = 0 skill,  therefore you suck. the best player in chf has the highest (y) in the equation, because anyone can be good with just practice (x) in the equation. The best chf now can be a plain noob just need deliberate practice.  Skillz of pronesss is mostly 80% of how much you play and practice to the point you know the whole game and 20 is just your natural born skills that really determines proness because the difference between proness isnt that much significant once your near the zenith(the peek) of your chf proness. everyone starts off noob but those with higher based skillz will learn faster and will soon be legendary pro. if rogerlucas has so much games he have a high (x) but if he blow so bad and have a near 0 (y) he therefore has no skills, anything times near 0 = very low.  IDK WHO the best players are, but just in conclusion proness its just really determine on a little about of skills, but mostly just practice. If roystom had no practice with one game he would be noob. hope i taught yall a lesson. hope yall know the basic stuff of algebra.

Message edited by i-connect - Monday, 29-Sep-2014, 10:19 PM
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