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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1 - Page 4 - Forum

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OK I need your help organizing all the legit ideas for 4.1
FireHartDate: Tuesday, 11-Dec-2012, 1:55 PM | Message # 46
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U took that idea from wolves in legi cou. This will unfortunately make all mauling too good so not a good idea on the enchanted strength

The ultimate don't get but I propose the charge spell again mirror img animation thing again

ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 11-Dec-2012, 4:47 PM | Message # 47
Robotic Ninja
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mass tp on invulnerable hero, remove that.
if possible, make it to where u cant use ward of the gods in the corner base area(in front of shops)

all i can think of at the moment that hasnt been said before
mN-Date: Friday, 14-Dec-2012, 12:49 PM | Message # 48
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Remove WW from FTD entirerly(including shop) then it's actually ftd and not ww+cumfall game like 95% of the pubgames are. And when bond wave comes make bond drop ring of gods so when you kill the entire wave you get 3 ring of gods.

I am biwinning
ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 14-Dec-2012, 7:49 PM | Message # 49
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (mN-)
Remove WW from FTD entirerly(including shop) then it's actually ftd and not ww+cumfall game like 95% of the pubgames are.

i agree with this

as mentioned before, nerf donation to where summons dont count, just did a game where i saw some1 doing inbase summon donation so i also went that route, 2 tots, 4 nukes, jeebus ring and altar was 10 mins away
CouDate: Friday, 14-Dec-2012, 10:11 PM | Message # 50
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I disagree. You need ww in ftd games and it's what makes ftd fun. You just need to create a counter for them, like my sniper tower idea. I mean there's already a vote to remove ww entirely lol =P

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
mN-Date: Saturday, 15-Dec-2012, 2:45 AM | Message # 51
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Imo. you are not supposed to be able to kill 4waves meant for 12bases, for 12 players. with 3 spells. ex. Treants + starfall + ww.
And redo it after buying focus potion.

Your sniper idea wont help any pubgames, it will still be the same starfall ww. I dont think ww is fun at all, if you dont take it you lose. Tbh if ww, lasso, frostnova, coil would be removed from the entire game I think it would be much more fun to play.

I am biwinning
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 15-Dec-2012, 12:31 PM | Message # 52
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (mN-)
Imo. you are not supposed to be able to kill 4waves meant for 12bases, for 12 players. with 3 spells. ex. Treants + starfall + ww.
And redo it after buying focus potion.

Your sniper idea wont help any pubgames, it will still be the same starfall ww. I dont think ww is fun at all, if you dont take it you lose. Tbh if ww, lasso, frostnova, coil would be removed from the entire game I think it would be much more fun to play.

correct, a lot of the ideas on here are for the experienced player. these will not benefit new players at all. if u are against making the game "easier"(actually fair) for new players, consider the fact that alot of you whined about not being able to buy beast scroll at beginning of mass. instead of completely removing it to balance game out, bond just had an auto scroll, which didn't work out due to pooling and buying jammy between experienced players. he finally decreased the amount of gold that codes rewarded you with.

cou, ww eq strat completely rapes new players. they have no fucking idea what is going on and cannot counter it or have enough time(their bases are probably tier 0). i think mn is also referring to buying it from shop(yes its short duration but it is still effective)
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 15-Dec-2012, 5:01 PM | Message # 53
Robotic Ninja
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The problem with ww and ftd is the fact that they only have to target the weak players its not about pros/people with a brain being able to counter its about the fact that even if they can counter someone can still go steal the kills of the nearby teams full of noobs

Message edited by a_chinese_kid - Saturday, 15-Dec-2012, 5:01 PM
mN-Date: Sunday, 16-Dec-2012, 3:48 AM | Message # 54
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Dont get me wrong, I highly enjoy the game, but here are some suggestions to make it better!

1. aoe spells way too powerful.

Vs Hero: If you have low max hp hero, banish + aoe(frostnova) +coil will kill you from full hp at lvl 20
Vs units: Either lower damage(imo should) and/or increase the magic resistance from defence.

/* 2. lower damage of summoned units on fortified armor
Personally, i think it would be more fun to have armies attacking and not just mass summon. But tier 1-3 is pretty much useless regardless of defence against aoe spells so it's better to have mass summon as attacking. */

3. I dont like how xp works, almost like it's punishment to eliminate a player. I understand it was made so that it's fair if it's 2v3 or whatever.
But to be totally honest, I dont think you are supposed to have a chance 2 good players vs 3 good players.

Here's an xp suggestion:

Every team member gets xp 1/3 of total xp. This 1/3 total xp is divided to the player so if he has 1 hero that one hero will get all of the 1/3 xp, if he has 2 heros then the two heros get 1/6 and 1/6 of total xp. But if other hero is lvl 20 then the 2nd hero gets 1/3 of total xp. Regardless if teammates heros are lvl 20.

This would fix:

1. imbalance of 2heros vs 3 heros.
2. Teamxp fuckup when teammate buys hero right after mass(you can still level normally while your teammate has to decide what to do).
3. Getting 3x lvl 20 donation heros within 20min of game. Or later in game leveling up a hero to 20 in 1min.
4. prevent nerds from killing pub teammates during mass, so they get more xp themselves.
5. prevents overall TK and TBK(teambasekill) since it will not be better to play with 2 heros.

I am biwinning
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Wednesday, 19-Dec-2012, 1:08 PM | Message # 55
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Add more time for put the mode "-no ww". Because actually you have only 15 seconds.


Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 19-Dec-2012, 6:39 PM | Message # 56
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (F00ty_R3b0rn)
Add more time for put the mode "-no ww". Because actually you have only 15 seconds.

Thats because if someone gets ww and other spells before they remove ww they will still have it and red shouldnt be able to glitch.

Bond just add longer fog time over the taverns for red to load the modes..
FireHartDate: Thursday, 20-Dec-2012, 10:00 AM | Message # 57
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Yes good idea cause it Can give more foots for mass and allow more harras

2DaYuDiEDate: Thursday, 20-Dec-2012, 11:14 AM | Message # 58
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Quote (Cou)
I disagree. You need ww in ftd games and it's what makes ftd fun. You just need to create a counter for them, like my sniper tower idea. I mean there's already a vote to remove ww entirely lol =P

its not only YOU that needs a counter to them, but also the enemy waves... if they have no way at all to see u, they cant kill u
my suggestions for this was to add one special creep to every wave, as a sort of support unit/commander that has true sight

Quote (F00ty_R3b0rn)
Add more time for put the mode "-no ww". Because actually you have only 15 seconds.


are u fkin kidding me
time for putting modes is far too long, u can change mode until right before mass starts, leaving u with no time to repick... and alot of people with load codes rather keep their first hero... about 20 seconds at start for red to put modes in is more than enough

CouDate: Friday, 21-Dec-2012, 2:43 AM | Message # 59
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
ts not only YOU that needs a counter to them, but also the enemy waves... if they have no way at all to see u, they cant kill u
my suggestions for this was to add one special creep to every wave, as a sort of support unit/commander that has true sight

I think thats the best idea for it. The con side of it is, that a good team will co-ordinate and go for the commander scout with xmute or spam it to kill with spells, then their ally will just star fall within the range of their own and other wave feeds lol.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 21-Dec-2012, 12:04 PM | Message # 60
Robotic Ninja
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my suggestions for this was to add one special creep to every wave, as a sort of support unit/commander that has true sight

+they should add more commanders/officers with auras in every wave that would be sick tits!
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